Browsing topics in Tabernacle Hymns: Number Four: a choice collection of hymns and songs for every religious use

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Activity#79When you count the ones who love the Lord
Activity#104There's a royal banner given for display
Activity#110Mighty army of the young
Activity#125The mercy of God is an ocean divine
Activity#198Onward, Christian soldiers
Activity#216From over hill and plain
Activity#222Bugle calls are ringing out
Activity#257Thro' the land a call is sounding
Adoration#5Wonderful birth, to a manger He came
Adoration#16Why should I charge my soul with care?
Adoration#21He leadeth me O blessed tho't!
Adoration#22Love divine, all loves excelling
Adoration#25Jesus, my Lord and my Savior
Adoration#42Christ Jesus hath the pow'r
Adoration#53Jesus my Savior, I love and adore Thee
Adoration#54Once my way was dark and dreary
Adoration#95Take the name of Jesus with you
Adoration#98I will sing the wondrous story
Adoration#113O safe to the Rock that is higher than I
Adoration#145The great Physician now is near
