178b. On the Millenium

1 Hark! my soul, the trumpet sounding,
Christ the awful Judge is come;
Now arise, shake off thy slumber,
Angels wait to make him room.
Thou art welcome,
To thy everlasting home.

2 See the ransom'd throng ascending,
Swift towards their Zion move;
Thro' the skies their courses bending,
Till they take their seats above;
There to worship,
And adore the God of love.

3 On thy great white throne of glory,
O thou everlasting King,
There the angels fall before thee
And the saints due praises sing,
Thou art worthy
O thou Lamb for sinners slain.

4 By thy groaning and thy bleeding,
Thou didst thy apparel stain;
Groaning, dying, interceding,
For the helpless race of man;
Now triumphant,
King of kings for ever reign.

5 With thy sword and bloody vesture,
Now thine enemies subdue;
Now the stubborn nations conquer,
Oh, thou righteous, just and true,
King eternal,
conquer now thine every foe.

6 In the skies the awful token
Of thy coming does appear;
Nature's all confus'd and broken,
rocks and mountains hurled are,
In whose ruins,
Now these rebels quake and fear.

7 In thy robe of vengeance flaming,
With the armies of the skies;
Turning in the ruins burning,
Lightning from thy presence flies;
In thy fury,
Conq'ring thy last enemies.

8 Shock'd by thy tremendous thunders,
Lo we trouble and behold;
Rocks and hills are cleav'd asunder,
Elements in flames are roll'd;
Like a vesture,
Thou dost all the heavens fold.

9 Now the tribes of earth with mourning
Stand to hear their final doom;
down from whence there's no returning
down to that infernal gloom,
They are banish'd,
Never more from thence to come,,

10 Then with joy and admiration,
Shall the followers of the Lamb
Shout all honour and salvation,
To the Dear Redeemer's name;
They shall praise him
Who through tribulation came.

Text Information
First Line: Hark! my soul, the trumpet sounding
Title: On the Millenium
Language: English
Publication Date: 1803
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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