Great Joy, A Book of Gospel Songs

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d101There'll be no night in heaven's land
d102There's a message clearly ringing
d103There's a time in our life we should think
d104There's an old country church that I love
d105'Tis a wondrous salvation that's keeping me
d106'Tis midnight, and on Olive's brow
d107To the promised home in glory
d108We are on our way to that home of rest
d109We are traveling daily toward a city
d110We're a joyful children band
d111What a day of great rejoicing
d112What a fellowship, what a joy divine
d113What a happy morning when the saints in Christ
d114What can wash away my sin [sins] [stain]
d115When from this world we're called away
d116When heavy burdens oppress me
d117When I was a child some things I could tell
d118When I was lost in the darkness of sin
d119When my life is over I will meet
d120When raging storms o'er me come sweeping
d121When shall end my earthly journey
d122When we ask the Lord to bless us
d123While going down life's weary road
d124While I am traveling here
d125While leafing through the book of life
d126While wandering in darkness
d127Wonderful joy, great joy
d128Won't we have a good time up in heaven
d129Yes, Jesus is not far away

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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