The Good Templar Songster for Temperance Meetings and the Home Circle. 2nd ed

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d1A glorious day is dawning, And o'er the waking
d2A voice is heard which hell alarms
d3Alcohol, the foe of free men
d4Am I my brother's keeper, Yes, bound by the social ties
d5At the polls take your position
d6Baptist, Baptist is my name
d7Be with us, Lord, as from this place we go
d8Bring the good old bugle, boys, We'll sing another song
d9Brothers, sisters, welcome here
d10Camp meeting down the wilderness
d11Come and join us in our pleasures
d12Come, friends and brethren, all unite
d13Come to the rescue, my brother
d14Courage, brother, do not stumble
d15Dear brother, come home
d16Don't cross the line, boys
d17Far out upon life's ocean
d18Father in heaven thy kingdom come
d19Fling aloft the temperance banner
d20Friends of freedom, lift your banners
d21Friends of temperance, quick to arms
d22Friends of temperance, welcome here
d23From New England's granite hills to Dixie
d24From the mountain top and valley
d25Gently chide the weak and sinful
d26Go sound the trumpet's martial strain
d27God be with you till we meet again
d28God bless our noble state
d29God bless our temperance band
d30God bless the home, though humble
d31Gracious Father, thou art taking
d32Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
d33Hail, the temperance reformation
d34Hark, the bells are ringing, Let us laugh with joy
d35Hark, ye voters, hear the bugle
d36Heavenly Father, give thy blessing
d37Here and there throughout the land
d38Ho, my brethren, true and faithful
d39Ho, my comrades, see our banner
d40Ho ye friends of prohibition
d41I hear the angels cry
d42I was a brandy blossom
d43I would not enter whiskey shop
d44I'm a thorough going temperance man
d45I'm mama's little darling
d46In the wretched haunts of vice
d47I've no need to be a Templar
d48Keep the temperance banner waving
d49Let the still air rejoice
d50Life's morn soon flies away
d51Mine eyes have seen the glory
d52My country, broad and fine
d53My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
d54My country, 'tis to thee,
d55Now bound by honor's sacred laws
d56Now, friends, come gather in a ring
d57Now to heaven our prayer [prayers] [cry] ascending
d58O God, to thee we all
d59O help us Lord each hour of need
d60O Lord, in mercy bless
d61O rouse ye, Christian women
d62O the old folks would be happy
d63O the sadness of our homes
d64O think of the homes round us
d65O what a good time there will be
d66Of the loving household band
d67On brothers on to meet the foe
d68Onward, still to duty pressing
d69Our father's God, of thee
d70Out to [the] sea mid [midst] stormy gales
d71Pass the word along the column
d72Pleasant are the ties now binding
d73Pledged to honor, truth and duty
d74Rest, weary heart, From all thy silent grief(s)
d75Round the temperance standard rally
d76See, O see, the mighty wave
d77See the sparkling water, flowing now so free
d78Shout the joyous tidings
d79Stand for the right, brother, stand for the right
d80Storm the fort, ye gallant soldiers
d81Sweet home is a treasure
d82The goblet is sparkling and tempting to view
d83The landlord lives for gold alone
d84The Lord is our Refuge and Strength
d85The morning light is breaking; the darkness disappears
d86The politicians now believe
d87The prohibition army is gathering
d88The prohibition banner, we'll unfurl it to the breeze
d89The temperance ball is rolling
d90The temperance folks are waking up
d91The temperance men are on their way
d92There's a great shining day drawing near
d93There's a time that is coming at last
d94There's an evil in the land
d95They tell us that the woods are full
d96Through the infant days I watched him
d97Thy mercy, Lord, we humbly seek
d98Tramp, tramp, tramp, in the drunkard's way
d99Up, brothers, up to work and pray
d100Watchman, tell us of the night

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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