The New Canadian Hymnal: a collection of hymns and music for Sunday schools, young people's societies, prayer & praise meetings, family circles

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
199Leaning on thee, my Guide and FriendALMSGIVINGPage Scan
200Sav'd to the uttermost: I am the Lord's[Sav'd to the uttermost: I am the Lord's]Page Scan
201Saviour, teach me day by dayFERRIERPage Scan
202How sweet the name of Jesus soundsBELMONTPage Scan
203Jesus, Lover of my soulHOLLINGSIDEPage Scan
204Dear to the heart of the Shepherd[Dear to the heart of the Shepherd]Page Scan
205There is no name so sweet on earth[There is no name so sweet on earth]Page Scan
206Who is he in yonder stallADORATIONPage Scan
207Forever here my rest shall beEVANPage Scan
208I love to sing of that great PowerEVANPage Scan
209Holy Ghost, my ComforterST. PHILIPPage Scan
210Praise to the Holiest in the height[Praise to the Holiest in the height]Page Scan
211Sing to the great Jehovah's praise!EVANPage Scan
212O happy band of pilgrimsKOCKER (BARTON)Page Scan
213Oh, what shall I do my Saviour to praiseHANOVERPage Scan
214Encamped along the hills of lightFAITH IS THE VICTORYPage Scan
215I could not do without theeRUTHERFORDPage Scan
216Oh, for a faith that will not shrinkBEATITUDOPage Scan
217Shine on our souls, eternal GodSAWLEYPage Scan
218Fear not! God is thy shield[Fear not! God is thy shield]Page Scan
219On the mountain's top appearingZIONPage Scan
220Out of my bondage, sorrow and night[Out of my bondage, sorrow and night]Page Scan
222Though lowly here our lot may beST. AGNES, DURHAMPage Scan
223Take the name of Jesus with youPRECIOUS NAMEPage Scan
224All for Jesus! all for Jesus![All for Jesus! All for Jesus!]Page Scan
225Take my life and let it bePRAYERPage Scan
226What a fellowship, what a joy divineLEANING ON THE EVERLASTING ARMSPage Scan
227Look ye saints, the sight is glorious[Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious]Page Scan
228I hear a voice, 'tis soft and sweetVOX SALVATORPage Scan
229Weary pilgrim on life's pathway[Weary pilgrim on life's pathway]Page Scan
230"There shall be showers of blessing"[There shall be showers of blessing]Page Scan
231More love to thee, O ChristMORE LOVE TO THEEPage Scan
232Try us, O God, and search the groundST. ANNEPage Scan
233O happy day that fixed my choiceHAPPY DAYPage Scan
234Come, ye that love the LordNEARER HOMEPage Scan
235O Jesus, I have promisedANGEL'S STORYPage Scan
236When Jesus comes to reward his servants[When Jesus comes to reward his servants]Page Scan
237THATCHERPage Scan
238Brightly gleams our bannerST. THERESAPage Scan
239He leadeth me! Oh, blessed thought[He leadeth me! Oh, blessed thought]Page Scan
240O God, our help in ages pastST. ANNEPage Scan
241All my doubts I give to Jesus[All my doubts I give to Jesus]Page Scan
242I am trusting thee, Lord JesusSTEPHANOSPage Scan
243Thou my everlasting portion[Thou my everlasting portion]Page Scan
244The world looks very beautifulCLIFTONVILLEPage Scan
245The great Physician now is near[The great Physician now is near]Page Scan
246I must needs go home by the way of the crossTHE WAY OF THE CROSS LEADS HOMEPage Scan
247Abiding, oh, so wondrous sweet![Abiding, oh, so wondrous sweet]Page Scan
248I am a stranger here, within a foreign landTHE KING'S BUSINESSPage Scan
250All things which live below the skyRODMELLPage Scan
251O Holy Saviour! Friend unseen[O Holy Saviour! Friend unseen]Page Scan
252Talk with us, Lord, thyself revealST. AGNES, DURHAMPage Scan
253Be it my only wisdom hereMERIBAHPage Scan
254I hear thy welcome voice[I hear thy welcome voice]Page Scan
255Jesus, keep me near the cross[Jesus, keep me near the cross]Page Scan
256Singing for Jesus! praising his name!CLIFFE WOODPage Scan
257O Master, when thou callestDIES DOMINICAPage Scan
258aI heard the voice of Jesus sayPage Scan
258bI heard the voice of Jesus sayADORATIOPage Scan
259My Father is rich in houses and lands[My Father is rich in houses and lands]Page Scan
260God kindly keepeth those he loves[God kindly keepeth those he loves]Page Scan
261My Jesus, I love thee, my Saviour and FriendSAVIOUR AND FRIENDPage Scan
262Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloomSANDONPage Scan
263God moves in a mysterious wayST. FLAVIANPage Scan
264Thou Shepherd of Israel, and mineDE FLEURYPage Scan
265Never further than thy crossHOLLEYPage Scan
266O it is hard to work for GodST. AGNESPage Scan
267Sweet the moments, rich in blessingCORNELLPage Scan
268Living for Jesus here[Living for Jesus here]Page Scan
269I lay my sins on JesusRUTHERFORDPage Scan
270Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness[Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness]Page Scan
271Gracious Spirit, Love divineINNOCENTSPage Scan
272When peace, like a river, attendeth my way[When peace like a river attendeth my way]Page Scan
273HURSLEYPage Scan
274Jesus, and shall it ever beST. CRISPINPage Scan
275Jesus, I my cross have takenAUSTRIAPage Scan
276True-hearted, whole-hearted, faithful and loyal[True-hearted, whole-hearted, faithful and loyalPage Scan
277I bring no palm branch greenBURWOODPage Scan
278I can hear my Saviour calling[I can hear my Saviour calling]Page Scan
279Just as I am, thine own to beBENWYNPage Scan
281Where he leads me I will follow[Where he leads me I will follow]Page Scan
282When immortal souls are dying[When immortal souls are dying]Page Scan
283When our hearts are glad and light[When our hearts are glad and light]Page Scan
284I am thine, O Lord, I have heard thy voice[I am thine, O Lord, I have heard thy voice]Page Scan
285You may have the joy-bells ringing in your heart[You may have the joy-bells ringing in your heart]Page Scan
286Gird your loins about with truthBARDENPage Scan
287I know not why God's wondrous grace[I know not why God's wondrous grace]Page Scan
288Savior! Thy dying love[Saviour! Thy dying love]Page Scan
289"Follow me," the Master saidBEACHLEYPage Scan
290God be with you till we meet again[God be with you till we meet again]Page Scan
291Upward, ever upward to the promised landNEATH HIS BANNER GLORIOUSPage Scan
292O that mine eyes might closed beCARTMELPage Scan
293O God of Bethel, by whose handST. FLAVIANPage Scan
294O God, my powers are thine[O God, my powers are thine]Page Scan
295While shepherds watched their flocks by nightBETHLEHEMPage Scan
296Brother, make a friend of Jesus![Brother, make a friend of Jesus]Page Scan
297Lord, for to-morrow and its needsVINCENTPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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