Voices Together

General Editor: Bradley Kauffman
Music Editor: Benjamin Bergey
Intercultural Worship Editor: Katie Graber
Worship Resources Editor: Sarah Kathleen Johnson
Text Editor: Adam M. L. Tice
Publisher: MennoMedia, Harrisonburg, Virginia, 2020
Denomination: Mennonite Church Canada, Mennonite Church USA
Language: English; German; Cheyenne; Latin; Spanish; Xhosa
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
702Halle, hallelujahSYRIAN HALLELUJAHText
703Faithful and true is the word of our GodFAITHFUL AND TRUE
704Demos gracias al Señor (Let us give thanks)DEMOS GRACIAS / LET US GIVE THANKS
705For the healing of the nationsREGENT SQUARETextPage Scan
706O healing riverHEALING RIVER
707Dona nobis pacem (Asalaam aleikum) (Sim shalom tova uvracha)DONA NOBIS PACEMTextPage Scan
708As the waters rise around usBRYN CALFARIA
709Agios o Theos (Holy, holy, holy God)AGIOS, O THEOSText
710This is my song, O God of all the nationsFINLANDIA
711Ya Rab as-salami (God of peace and justice)YA RAB AS-SALAMI
712Beauty for brokennessGOD OF THE POOR
713Make me an instrument of your peaceBERGOGLIOText
714Let there be light, O God of hosts!MISSIONARY CHANTTextPage Scan
715Longing for light, we wait in darknessCHRIST, BE OUR LIGHT
716God of grace and God of gloryCWM RHONDDATextPage Scan
717Renew your church, its ministries restoreALL IS WELLPage Scan
718Gentle Shepherd, come and lead usGENTLE SHEPHERD
719Many times we don’t agreeUNITY
720O God in heavenHALAD
721Christ be in your sensesAPPALACHIAN FALL
722Help us to help each other, LordMARTYRDOM (AVON)Page Scan
723[Nine Patch #8]
724O Lord, you have searched me
725The Lord is my shepherd
726Rejoice in the Lord always!
727Are any of you suffering hardships?
728How long, O Lord?
729The Spirit helps us in our weakness
730Be still
731Open my heart (Abre mi corazón)OPEN MY HEART
732Open my eyes, Lord (Abre mis ojos)ABRE MIS OJOS
733O everlasting LoveO EVERLASTING LIGHTTextPage Scan
734For those with whom our lives are boundALL WHO LABORText
735When we must bear persistent painPROSPECT
736Hold us in your mercyHOLD US IN YOUR MERCY (Daigle)
737Breathe on me, breath of GodTRENTHAMText
738Open my eyes that I may seeOPEN MY EYESTextPage Scan
739Herr, füll mich neu (Fill me anew)HERR, FÜLL MICH NEU
740Spirit of the living GodIVERSON
741You dwell in the songs that we are singingRESTLESS
742Way way way way wayWAY WAY WAYText
743Just a closer walk with theeCLOSER WALKTextPage Scan
744God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I wantSHEPHERD ME
745God, whose giving knows no endingHYFRYDOL
746Grant us, God, the grace of givingSTUTTGARTText
747We plow the fields and scatterWIR PFLÜGENTextPage Scan
748Take, O take me as I amGIVING
749Jesus Christ is love divineJESUS CHRIST IS LOVE DIVINE
750God of the fertile fieldsITALIAN HYMNPage Scan
751There is in ev’ry personREGINALDA
752Halle, halle, hallelujah!HALLE HALLEText
753तन मन धन पभूतव चरणी Tana mana dhana prabhū tava caraṇī (Heart and mind, possessions, God, I offer unto you)TANA MANA DHANA
754In my life, Lord, be glorifiedLORD BE GLORIFIED
755나를 위해 험한 산 길 (Jesus, who for my sake walked the road to Calvary)TO MY PRECIOUS LORD
756God, we pause this momentWEM IN LEIDENSTAGEN
757There’s enough for allENOUGH FOR ALL
758Who will speak a word of warningCHURCH UNITED
759Take my life, and let it beHENDONTextPage Scan
760Take my hands, and let them move (Que mi vida entera esté)TOMA MI VOLUNTADText
761I love to tell the storyHANKEYTextPage Scan
762This little light of mineTHIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE (civil rights song)TextPage Scan
763O my Savior, I give you gloryWATERFALL
764Oh, for a thousand tongues to singAZMONTextPage Scan
765Jesus tells his people:NENO LAKE MUNGU
766Go in grace and make disciplesIN BABILONE
767Nzambi wakatamba kuswa (God loves all his many people)COME, RECEIVE HIS JOY
768We ask you for your powerPASE LO QUE PASE VEN
769Ey lou nis (Now I know)EY LOU NIS
770God is working this purpose outPURPOSEText
771Enviados somos de Dios (We have been sent by God)ENVIADO
772God of justice, Savior to allGOD OF JUSTICE
773Ubi caritas et amorTAIZÉ UBI CARITASText
774Lord, you give the great commission:RAQUELText
775All your ways are goodWHERE YOU GO I’LL GO
776Teach me thy truth, O mighty OneGOSHENText
777These seeds you have sown in our hearts and in our bonesSEEDS
778Will you let me be your servantTHE SERVANT SONG
779Many members in this body that we knowONE BODY
780[At the Impulse of God’s Love]
781How beautiful on the mountains
782Thus says the Lord
783Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel
784The Lord told you what is good
785Anyone who is joined to Christ
786Now, thanks to Christ Jesus
787O day of peace that dimly shinesJERUSALEMTextPage Scan
788The garden needs our tending nowUNE JEUNE PUCELLE
789Be a sower, plant a seedBE A SOWER
790How can we be silent when we know our God is nearHOW CAN WE BE SILENT
791Flow to the mouths of the hungryLET JUSTICE FLOW
792How can our anger give lifeMARY HAMMOND
793Siyahamb’ ekukhanyen’ kwenkhos’ (We are marching in the light of God)SIYAHAMBA
794If the war goes onTHE ROAD TO BASRAH
795Kyrie eleisonKYRIE (Reindorf)Text
796As we come before you with the needs of our worldHAVE MERCY
797We are people of God’s peaceAVE VIRGO VIRGINUM (GAUDEAMUS PARITER)
798We share the holy image of GodSWORD INTO A PLOUGHSHARE
799The kingdom of God is justice and peace (El reino de Dios es reino de paz)THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS JUSTICE AND PEACE
800혼자소리로는 (With my voice alone)HONJA SORIRONEUN

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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