Simon Lindley

Short Name: Simon Lindley
Full Name: Lindley, Simon does not have biographical information about this person.

Tunes by Simon Lindley (14)AsInstancesIncipitsort descending
[The praise of the Lord endures for ever]Simon Lindley (Composer)112123 21
[On your right stands the Queen in garments of gold]Simon Lindley (Composer)133656 76
[The just will live in the presence of the Lord] (Lindley)Simon Lindley (Composer)136717 5
[Some seed fell in rich soil]Simon Lindley (Composer (Antiphon))144534 5
[I will exalt you, O Lord, because you have raised me up]Simon Lindley (Composer)153561 76
[The morning and the evening sing your praise]Simon Lindley (Composer (Antiphon))155532 1
[All nations shall fall before you]Simon Lindley (Composer (Antiphon))155554 341
[Alelluya! Alleluya! We will praise the name of the Lord]Simon Lindley (Composer (Antiphon))155111 217
[My help comes from the Lord]Simon Lindley (Composer)156543 2
[With joy you will draw water] (Lindley)Simon Lindley (Composer (Antiphon))256556 11
[Exalt the Lord our God, for he is holy]Simon Lindley (Composer)151177 6
[The Lord is king, with majesty enrobed] (Lindley)Simon Lindley (Composer)151761
[My trust is in you, O Lord: you are my God] Simon Lindley (Composer)166671 76
[His angels keep you in all your ways]Simon Lindley (Composer)171232

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