Harriet Winslow Sewall

Short Name: Harriet Winslow Sewall
Full Name: Sewall, Harriet Winslow, 1819-1889
Birth Year: 1819
Death Year: 1889

Sewell, Harriet Winslow; born June 30, 1819 in Portland, Mane; daughter of Nathan Winslow and Comfort Hussey; married Charles List in 1848; married Samuel Sewall in 1856; became interested in abolitionism and transcendentalism in the 1840s; active in philanthropic work, women’s suffrage movement, and educational work; a founder of the New England Women’s Club; edited letters of her friend, Lydia Maria Child in 1833; wrote poetry which was collected and published by Ednah D. Cheyney in 1889; died April 19, 1889 in Wellesley, Massachusetts.

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