Sarah Poulton Kalley

Short Name: Sarah Poulton Kalley
Full Name: Kalley, Sarah Poulton, 1825-1907
Birth Year: 1825
Death Year: 1907

Born in Nottingaham, England in 1825. Married Scottish physician and missionary Robert Reid Kalley. Together they went to Brazil. She wrote many hymns and was instrumental in organizing Salmos e Hinos the first Brazilian evangelical hymnal in the Portuguese language, first used at Igreja Evangélica Fluminense in 1861.

Texts by Sarah Poulton Kalley (16)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A Deus, o Pai e BenfeitorSarah Poulton Kalley (Translator)Portuguese2
Altamente os céus proclamamSarah Poulton Kalley (Author)Portuguese2
As tuas mãos dirigem meu destinoSarah Poulton Kalley (Author)Portuguese2
Beloved Jesus, shepherdSarah Poulton Kalley (Author)English2
Deus nos deu mensagem santaSarah Poulton Kalley (Author)Portuguese2
Filhos da luz, que tendes salvaçãoSarah Poulton Kalley (Author)Portuguese2
Findou-se a luta de JesusSarah Poulton Kalley (Translator)Portuguese3
Jesus, Pastor amado, contempla-nos aquiSarah Poulton Kalley (Author)Portuguese2
Ó bondoso Salvador, sê tu meu amparadorSarah Poulton Kalley (Translator)Portuguese2
Ó moços crentes em JesusSarah Poulton Kalley (Translator)Portuguese2
Ouve, a voz divina clamaSarah Poulton Kalley (Translator)1
Ouve-nos, Pastor divinoSarah Poulton Kalley (Translator)Portuguese2
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow (Ken)Sarah Poulton Kalley (Adapter (Portugese))English2
Qual o adorno desta vida?Sarah Poulton Kalley (Author)Portuguese3
Teu santo livro, ó grande DeusSarah Poulton Kalley (Author)Portuguese2
"Triste estás, candado e aflito, pobre e sem vigor?"Sarah Poulton Kalley (Translator)Portuguese2
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