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Tune Identifier:"^theres_a_land_beyond_the_riv_demarbelle$"

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R. H. Cornelius

1872 - 1933 Arranger of "[There's a land beyond the river]" in Soul Inspiring Songs R.H. Cornelius, known as Rufus Cornelius by his friends, was born in Blount Co., AL., January 24, 1872. He was educated in the public schools of Oneonta, the county seat. He began teaching in the public schools at an early age and at one time was associate Principle of the Oneonta High School. It was while teaching in the high school that he became interested in church music and began to study with some of the best teachers of the time. His first major teacher was the late A J showalter in one of his normals at Eden, AL. He continued his study with this wellknown teacher until he had finished the courses a second time. He soon felt that the study of harmony was his first love in his study and soon became one of the best harmon teachers of his time. Near the close of the century, he moved to Texas and settled in Midlothian, Ellis Co., where he established a publishing house and published many fine gospel song books that sold by the thousands. However, before coming to Texas, he was associated with The Showalter-Patton Co. who published his first compositions. Soon after coming to Texas, he devoted much time to teaching singing schools (Cornelius Normal Musical Institute) and soon became one of the best known teachers of that great state, often having many more calls for schools than he could have time for. In many cases his schools were dated years ahead. he had possessed a beautiful tenor voice and was of a very pleasant personality. This caused his to be loved by all who knew him. About 1914 he was called to Southwestern Baptist Seminary as head of the music department. After several years here in the Baptist School in Ft Worth, Texas, he felt he was more needed back in the field of teaching and songbook publishing. Soon after coming to Texas, he married Maycon Temperance Burleson, who was a fine singer and musician and wrote many songs.During the first 32 years of the 20th Century, this couple of musicians blessed the State of Texas with their singing and teaching. Of all the fine song written by Mr. Cornelius, "Oh, I want to See Him" will carry his memory for years to come. The Cornelius' were members of the Baptist Church and were devoted Christians. Mr. Cornelius passed away in 1932. Mrs. Cornelius lived only about two years, passing away in 1934. In the passing of these fine gospel singer and teachers, church music suffered a great loss. By C C Stafford (excerpts)

George P. Simmonds

1890 - 1991 Person Name: G. P. Simmonds Translator of "De Aquel Río" in Himnos de la Vida Cristiana Used pseudonyms G Paul S., J. Paul Simon, and J. Pablo Símon

Dion De Marbelle

1818 - 1903 Person Name: D. M. Author of "When They Ring the Golden Bells" in Timeless Truths

Honorato T. Reza

1912 - 2000 Person Name: H. Reza Translator of "Cuando Suenen Las Campanas" in Lluvias de Bendicion Born: Oc­to­ber 27, 1912, Alahuixtlan, Guer­re­ro, Mex­i­co. Died: 2000, Kansas City. Reza’s ed­u­ca­tion be­gan at age six in the home of a Pro­test­ant pas­tor, and con­tin­ued in a board­ing school in Tel­o­lo­a­pan, and lat­er in Mex­i­co City. Re­za be­came a Chris­tian at age 11 af­ter hear­ing a sermon by Ruth Del­ga­do. He turned away from the faith as a teen, but was re­con­ciled in 1930. He grad­u­at­ed from the Bi­ble In­sti­tute in Mex­i­co Ci­ty in 1935, and took his first pas­tor­ate in Ma­tí­as Ro­me­ro, Oa­xa­ca. Reza en­rolled at the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Pas­a­de­na, California, in 1937, re­ceived his ba­che­lor’s de­gree in 1939, and re­turned to Mex­i­co Ci­ty in 1935 to open a new church. A few months lat­er, he mar­ried Ernes­ti­na Ten­to­ri. Continuing post gra­du­ate stu­dies in paral­lel with his pas­tor­al du­ties, Re­za earned a de­gree from the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Mex­i­co in 1941. H. Or­ton Wi­ley in­vit­ed him to Pas­a­de­na Un­i­ver­si­ty the fol­low­ing year to teach Span­ish and lit­er­a­ture. In ad­di­tion to his re­spon­si­bil­i­ties in Pa­sa­de­na, Re­za was dean and pro­fes­sor at a Bi­ble col­lege in Los An­geles for His­pan­ic pas­tors of the Church of the Nazarene in South­ern Cal­i­for­nia. In 1944, the Gene­ral As­sem­bly of the Church of the Na­za­rene cre­ate­d a Span­ish ra­dio prog­ram, with Re­za as its di­rec­tor. He moved with his fam­i­ly to Kan­sas Ci­ty in 1946 to sup­port that ef­fort. For 23 years, he host­ed the ra­dio pro­gram La Ho­ra Na­za­re­na, which was even­tu­al­ly broad­cast on 700 sta­tions. In 1980, Re­za be­came found­ing pre­si­dent of the Na­za­rene Sem­in­a­ry in Mex­i­co Ci­ty, guid­ing it in its ear­ly years of de­vel­op­ment. Reza’s works in­clude: Brazil’s Open Door (Na­za­rene Pub­lish­ing House, 1958) Our Task for To­day (Na­za­rene Pub­lish­ing House, 1963) Nuestra Ta­rea pa­ra Hoy (Ca­sa Na­za­rene de Pub­lic­ci­o­nes) Ambassadors to La­tin Lands, 1965 Prescription for Per­ma­nence: The Sto­ry of Our Schools for Train­ing Min­is­ters in La­tin Amer­i­ca, 1968 Missions: Both Sides of the Coin (Na­za­rene Pub­lish­ing House, 1973) Through a Long Tun­nel: A Sto­ry of Sur­viv­al in Cu­ba (Na­za­rene Pub­lish­ing House, 1976) After the Storm, the Rain­bow: The Church of the Na­za­rene in Cu­ba Tras la Tor­men­ta, el Arco Iris (Ca­sa Na­za­rene de Pub­lic­ci­o­nes, 1993) --hymntime/tch/bio/r/e/z/reza_ht.htm Himnario Bautista gives his year of birth as 1913.

D. Bazan

Author of "Al Sonar De La Trompeta" in Himnos de Gloria

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