1 Gentle Jesus is a Shepherd
And His children ev’rywhere
Are the lambs within His pasture
That receive His tender care.
Yes, ‘tis Jesus, gentle Jesus,
Who is Shepherd to us all
And afar He knows and sees us;
May we heed His loving call!
2 Gentle Jesus, loving Shepherd
Shields His flock from wild alarms.
Heals the bruis’d ones, finds the lost ones
Bears the helpless in His arms. [Chorus]
3 Yes, ‘tis Jesus, who as Shepherd
Bread of heaven feeds each one,
Gives to drink from living fountains
Rests the soul, when day is done. [Chorus]
4 Then to Jesus, precious Shepherd
May we ever grateful be!
And as lambs their owner follow
Lord may we so follow Thee. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #167