1 Ruler of the dread immense!
Maker of this mighty frame!
Whose eternal providence
Governs and upholds the same!
2 Low before Thy face we bend;
Hear our supplicating cries;
And Thy light eternal send,
With the freshly dawning skies.
3 King of kings! and Lord most high !
This of Thy dear love we pray—
May Thy guardian angel nigh
Keep us from all sin this day.
4 May he crush the deadly wiles
Of the envious Serpent’s art,
Ever spreading cunning toils
Round about the thoughtless heart.
5 May he scatter ruthless war,
Ere to this our shore it come;
Plague and famine drive afar;
Fix securely peace at home.
6 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Everlasting Trinity!
Guard, by Thy angelic host,
Us, who put our trust in Thee.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #12602