Text Is Public Domain |
| | Lift High the Cross | Come, Christians, follow where our Captain trod | Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim | | | English | G. W. Kitchin; M. R. Newbolt | | 10.10 with refrain | | | | | Year B, Easter season, Day of Pentecost; Year A, Lent, Palm Sunday; Year A, Lent, Third Sunday; Year A, Lent, Fifth Sunday; Year B, Lent, Second Sunday; Year A, Advent, Second Sunday; Year C, Ordinary Time, Proper 29 (34); Year C, Ordinary Time, Proper 18 (23); Year A, Holy Week season, Good Friday | | | | | 1 | | | 96 | 0 | 25844 | 90 |
| | Lift High the Cross | As Moses lifted up the brazen sign | Lift high the cross | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 1157963 | 1 |
| | Lift high the cross | Led on their way by this triumphant sign | Lift high the cross | | | English | George William Kitchin, 1827-1912; Michael Robert Newbolt, 1874-1956 | Lift high the cross, the love of Christ ... | 10.10 with refrain | | | | Jesus Christ our Lord | | CRUCIFER | | | | | 1 | | 5 | 0 | 29300 | 5 |
| | Lift high the cross | O Lord, once lifted on the tree of pain | Lift high the cross | | | English | George W. Kitchin; Michael R. Newbolt | | | | Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1916, alt. | | | | CRUCIFER | | | | | 1 | | 1 | 0 | 1418423 | 1 |
| | Lift High the Cross | Come, Christian people, sing your praises, shout! | Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim | | | English | George William Kitchin, 1827-1912; Shirley Erena Murray, 1931- | | 10.10 with refrain | Numbers 21:4-9 | | | Discipleship; Lent (season); Mission; Ordination; Pilgrimage | | CRUCIFER | | | | | 1 | | 2 | 0 | 1151439 | 2 |
| | Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus | Stand up, stand up for Jesus! | | | | English | George Duffield, Jr. | of the cross; Lift high His royal ... of the cross; Lift high His royal banner, ... Ye soldiers of the cross; Lift high His ... | D | | | | The Call to Service | | WEBB | | | | 1 | 1 | | 1815 | 1 | 1772103 | 113 |
| | Lift Him Up | Lift Him up, 'tis He that bids you, Let the dying look and live | Lift Him up, the risen Savior, High amid the waiting throng; | | | | May E. Warren | Lift Him up, ’tis He ... the risen Savior, High amid the waiting ... They shall bear the cross of Jesus, And ... | D with refrain | John 12:32 | | | Christian Church Mission of the Church | | [Lift Him up, 'tis He that bids you] | | | | | 1 | | 11 | 0 | 1164156 | 3 |
| | See, the Conqueror Mounts in Triumph | See, the conq'ror mounts in triumph | | | | English | Christopher Wordsworth | portals high and lifted To receive their ... And the portals high and lifted To ... He who on the cross did suffer, He who ... | D | Acts 1:3-9 | | | Resurrection Ascension | | REX GLORIAE | | | | | 1 | | 201 | 0 | 2013107 | 38 |
| | Rise Up, O Men of God! | Rise up, O men of God! | | | | | William Pierson Merrill | her great! 4 Lift high the cross of Christ! Tread ... | | 2 Samuel 10:12 | | | Brotherhood; Courage; Loyalty; Perseverance; Processionals; Service; Life in Christ Loyalty and Courage | | FESTAL SONG | | | | 1 | 1 | | 263 | 0 | 1090565 | 34 |
| | Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven | Alleluia, alleluia! | | | | English | Christopher Wordsworth | Glory be to God on high; alleluia! to the ... He who on the cross a victim for the ... | D | 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 | | | Church Year Easter/Season of Easter; Powers of Darkness; Doxologies; Jesus Christ Resurrection; Joy; Music and Singing; Praise of Christ; Responses To Prayer; Trinity | | EBENEZER | | 157981 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 220 | 1 | 1149172 | 1 |
| | Rejoice, O Pure in Heart | Rejoice, O pure in heart! | Rejoice, rejoice | | | English | Edward H. Plumpre | banner wave on high, the cross of ... wave on high, the cross of Christ your ... | | Psalm 40:3 | | | Biblical Names and Places Jerusalem; Communion of the Saints; Doxologies; Jesus Christ Confidence in; Joy; Occasional Services New Year; Perseverance; Walk with God | | MARION | | 155123 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 431 | 1 | 1160363 | 44 |
| | Soldiers of the cross, arise | Soldiers of the cross, arise | | | | English | W. W. How (1823-1897) | bear it onward, lift it high. 3 Where ... it onward, lift it high. 3 Where the ... Soldiers of the cross, arise clothed in ... | | Ephesians 6:11 | | | God's Church Conflict and Endurance; Lent 2, The King and the Kingdom Conflict; Pentecost 11 The Serving Community; Pentecost 13 The Suffering Community; Pentecost 20 Endurance; Pentecost 5 The Church's Mission to All; Pentecost 9 The Whole Armour of God | | ORIENTIS PARTIBUS(i) | | | | | 1 | | 90 | 0 | 1180167 | 10 |
| | Lift Aloft the Cross of Jesus | Lift aloft the cross of Jesus | Lift aloft the cross of Jesus | | | English | H. D. K. | Lift aloft the cross of ... of Jesus, Hold it high and strong; Shout ... Lift aloft the cross of Jesus, Hold it ... | | | | | | | [Lift aloft the cross of Jesus] | | | | | 1 | | 2 | 0 | 1176557 | 1 |
| | O brothers, lift your voices | O brothers, lift your voices | | | | English | Edward H. Bickersteth | brothers, lift your voices, ... Till heaven on high rejoices, And ... close: The cross hath been ... | D | | | | Brotherhood and Service | | TOURS | | | | | 1 | | 69 | 0 | 11442 | 7 |
| | Lift up the Cross | Here stands the cross of the crucified one | Lift up the cross! lift up the cross | | | | C. C. Hunt | Refrain: Lift up the cross! lift ... lift up the cross! High over sin with its ... Here stands the cross of the crucified ... | | | | | | | [Here stands the cross of the crucified one] | | | | | 1 | | 3 | 0 | 1298885 | 1 |
| | Jesus, the Conqueror, Reigns | Jesus, the Conqueror, reigns | | | | English | Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 | mighty love; Lift up your heart, lift ... to die no more, High on His Father’s ... The victory of His cross. ... | | | | | Christ's Ascension and Reign | | FERGUSON | | | | | 1 | | 111 | 1 | 1764480 | 1 |
| | The Two Advents | He came not with His heav’nly crown, | | | | English | George W. Doane | in wrath Shall lift Thy holy hand? The ... appear, Uplifting high our joyful heads, ... upon the painful cross The sins of human ... | D | | Songs by the Way (New York: D. Appleton, 1860) | | | | BETHLEHEM | | | | | 1 | | 6 | 1 | 1965049 | 1 |
| | Hark to the voices of the earth | Hark to the voices of the earth | | | | English | W. Fullerton | Thine intercessors lift their hands, Thy ... is now uplifted high, The centre of ... the World. 6 Thy Cross is now uplifted ... | | | | | The Lord Jesus Christ His Life and Ministry | | | | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 1906019 | 1 |
| | Lord, I lift your name on high | Lord, I lift your name on high | | | | English | Rick Founds | the sky: Lord, I lift your name on ... I life your name on high, Lord, I love to ... the earth to the cross my debt to pay, ... | | John 16:27 | | | Adoration Of Jesus; Salvation and Redemption | | [Lord, I lift your name on high | | | | | 1 | | 32 | 0 | 1003872 | 18 |
| | Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise) | Christ the Lord is ris'n today, Alleluia! (Hail the day that sees him rise Alleluia!) | | | | English | Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 | 3 See, he lifts his hands above. ... joys and triumphs high, Alleluia! Sing, O ... Alleluia! Ours the cross, the grave, the ... | with alleluia | | | | Easter | | LLANFAIR | | | | 1 | 1 | | 1192 | 0 | 1290408 | 1 |
| | Saviour, when in dust to Thee | Saviour, when in dust to Thee | | | | English | Sir R. Grant, 1785-1838 | skies, Scarce we lift our weeping eyes, ... from Thy throne on high, Hear our solemn ... of prayer, By the cross, the nail, the ... | | | | | Litany, the ; Litany, the ; Christ Temptation of; The Godhead The Son; Penitence; Sun, the ; Temptation of Christ; Humility Personal | | TICHFIELD | | | | | 1 | | 445 | 0 | 719128 | 44 |
| | Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle | Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle | | | | English | Venantius Fortunatus, c. 530-609; John Mason Neale, 1818-1866 | cross the Lamb is lifted, there the ... trophy, sound the high triumphal lay; ... affray; o'er the Cross, the victor's ... | | John 19:34 | | | Advent; Joy, Praise and Thanksgiving; Passiontide; Year A Palm Sunday: Liturgy of the Passion; Year A Proper 21; Year B Palm Sunday: Liturgy of the Passion; Year C Palm Sunday: Liturgy of the Passion; Years A, B, and C Good Friday | | ST THOMAS (WEBBE) | | | | | 1 | | 61 | 0 | 1409525 | 2 |
| | From Ashes to the Living Font | From ashes to the living font | CM | | | English | Alan J. Hommerding, b. 1956 | 3 The Son of Man is lifted up, The cross ... up, like you, on high. YEAR C-- ... still, Through cross and tomb to Easter ... | | | | | Lent | | ST. FLAVIAN | | | | | 1 | | 12 | 0 | 1380052 | 3 |
| | Across the Sky the Shades of Night | Across the sky the shades of night | | | | English | James Hamilton | while we pray, we lift our eyes To dear ... night when seas ran high, Thy gracious ... Across the sky the shades ... | | Psalm 121:1 | | | The Church Year New Year's Eve | | ALLEIN GOTT IN DER HÖH' | | | | | 1 | | 29 | 0 | 931070 | 5 |
| | Worthy Is the Lamb | Thank You for the cross, Lord | Worthy is the Lamb seated on the throne | | | English | Darlene Zschech | High and lifted up, Jesus, Son of ... reign victorious. High and lifted up, ... Thank You for the cross, Lord. Thank you ... | Irregular | | | | Jesus, His Love, Mercy, Grace | | ZSCHECH | | | | | | | 2 | 0 | 20536 | 1 |
| | So Did the Hebrew Prophet Raise | So did the Hebrew prophet raise | | | | English | Isaac Watts | cure, When Faith lifts up her eyes. ... The brazen serpent high, The wounded felt ... 3. High on the cross the Savior hung, ... | | | Hymns and Sacred Songs, Book I, 1707, number 112 | | | | DOWNS | | | | | 1 | | 49 | 1 | 1139197 | 5 |
| | Come, Let Us Lift Our Voices High | Come, let us lift our voices high | | | | English | Isaac Watts | Come, let us lift our voices high, ... us lift our voices high, High as our joys ... throne; High on My cross I hung, and spied ... | | | Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1709, Book III | | | | ST. ANNE | | | | | 1 | | 53 | 1 | 1339147 | 6 |
| | Christ our Sacrifice | The wonders, Lord, thy love has wrought | | | | English | | on my cross I'm lifted high, "Or to my ... my cross I'm lifted high, "Or to my crown ... draw, "When on my cross I'm lifted high, ... | | Psalm 40:5-10 | | | Christ his incarnation and sacrifice; Deliverance from deep distress; Deliverance by prayer; Sacrifice; Sacrifice incarnation of Christ; Vanity of life and riches; Christ his incarnation and sacrifice; Deliverance from deep distress; Deliverance by prayer; Sacrifice; Sacrifice incarnation of Christ; Vanity of life and riches | | | | | | | | | 34 | 0 | 1356979 | 13 |
| | Mighty Army of the Young | Mighty army of the young | Wait not till the shadows lengthen, till you older grow | | | English | John R. Colgan | army of the young, Lift your voice in ... your joyful voices high, Ringing clear ... of lords! Lift the cross and sheathe the ... | | | | | | | [Mighty army of the young] | | | | | 1 | | 90 | 1 | 1136941 | 3 |
| | O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High | O love, how deep, how broad, how high | | | | English | Benjamin Webb | how broad, how high, beyond all ... bore the shameful cross and death; for us ... | | 2 Corinthians 8:9 | Latin, 15th c. | | Church Year Baptism of Our Lord; Church Year Easter Vigil; Church Year Easter/Season of Easter; Powers of Darkness; Doxologies; Jesus Christ Confidence in; Jesus Christ Incarnation; Jesus Christ Love; Jesus Christ Son of God; Jesus Christ Teachings of; Trinity | | DEO GRACIAS | | 152033 | | 1 | 1 | | 142 | 1 | 1156196 | 1 |
| | [Give to the winds thy fears] | [Give to the winds thy fears] | | | | English | Paul Gerhardt; John Wesley; William P. Merrill | care. B: 4 Lift high the cross of Christ! Tread ... | | | | | | | FESTAL SONG | | | | 1 | 1 | | 519 | 0 | 1248056 | 1 |
| | All Glory Be to God on High | All glory be to God on high | | Gloria in excelsis Deo | German | English | Nikolaus Decius; F. Bland Tucker | glory be to God on high, and peace on ... upon the cross to save us, at ... | | Luke 2:14 | Latin, 4th c. | | God as King; Jesus Christ Lamb; Jesus Christ Lord; Jesus Christ Son of God; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration | | ALLEIN GOTT IN DER HÖH’ SEI EHR | | 152699 | | | 1 | | 7 | 0 | 1148998 | 1 |
| | How Great the Cross | How great the cross of Christ, the crucified | | | | English | Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 | glorified; There, lifted up for all the ... blood— Sin’s highest peaks are ... How great the cross of Christ, the ... | | | | | Justification | | SURSUM CORDA | | | | | 1 | | 1 | 0 | 1891154 | 1 |
| | Uplift the Banner! Let it Float | Up lift the banner! Let it float | | | | English | Rev. G. W. Doane, D.D. | Uplift the banner! Let it ... and seaward, high and wide; The sun ... shining folds, The cross on which the ... | | | | | Missions | | CALKIN | | | | | 1 | | 74 | 0 | 1229743 | 1 |
| | O Blessed Cross | On the cross of Calvary lifted high | O blessed cross of Calvary | | | English | A. A. Payn | cross of Calvary lifted high, Hangs the ... of Calvary lifted high, Hangs the Son of ... On the cross of Calvary lifted ... | | | | | | | [On the cross of Calvary lifted high] | | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 1573174 | 1 |
| | Come, Ye, Lift Your Joyous Voices | Come, ye, lift your joyous voices | | | | English | Anonymous | Come, ye, lift your joyous ... Easter anthem high; Now once more the ... Once for us He crossed the river, Now ... | D | | Carols New and Carols Old by Charles L. Hutchins (Boston: Parish Choir, 1916) | | | | RONDÔNIA | | | | | 1 | | 2 | 1 | 1956549 | 1 |
| | Lift High the Savior's Cross | Lift high the Savior's cross | 'Tis ringing through the land | | | English | Fanny J. Crosby | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2 | 1 | 115751 | 2 |
| | 'Tis patience must support you | 'Tis patience must support you | | Geduld ist euch vonnoeten | German | English | Paul Gerhardt; J. Kelly | Too high I’m lifted o’er thee, ... ’Tis her high tow’r and ... Back from the cross it shrinketh; When ... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 948266 | 1 |
| | Christ's death, resurrection, and ascension | Why did the Jews proclaim their rage? | | | | English | | fall beneath his lifted rod; His arm ... 3 But God, who high in glory reigns, ... the monarch to the cross. 3 But God, who ... | | Psalm 2 | | | | | | | | | | | | 20 | 0 | 1499827 | 6 |
| | Forward March | Lift the blessed cross on high, on to victory | Onward, then, ye hosts of God | | | English | Mrs. Lizzie DeArmond | | | | | | | | [Lift the blessed cross on high, on to victory] | | | | | | | 2 | 0 | 1936316 | 2 |
| | Behold th' amazing sight | Behold th' amazing sight | | | | English | | sight, The Saviour lifted high! Behold the ... The Saviour lifted high! Behold the Son of ... But from his cross pursue their flight ... | | | | | Sufferings and Death of Christ | | | | | | | | | 114 | 0 | 1243276 | 4 |
| | Glory to God | "Glory to God! Peace on the earth! | | | | English | C. S. R. | Praise ye the Lord! Lift to his name High ... Lift to his name High hallelujahs from ... shameful thy cross, Sharing our ... | | | | | | | ["Glory to God! Peace on the earth!] | | | | | 1 | | 13 | 0 | 369998 | 1 |
| | The charge of the faithful | Now, with ev’ry heart aflame | Tramp, tramp, a mighty army | | | English | Julia U. C. Donnahan | His word! We will lift the cross on high, ... lift the cross on high, With our shout ... We will lift the cross on high, With our ... | | | | | | | [Now, with ev’ry heart aflame] | | | | | 1 | | 2 | 0 | 615774 | 1 |
| | Fierce was the storm of wind | Fierce was the storm of wind | | | | English | H. W. Beadon | tempest see, Lift up our heads and ... surging waves ran high, Failed the ... death's dark sea we cross, Be with us in Thy ... | | | | | Epiphany | | MORAVIA | | | | | 1 | | 19 | 0 | 987244 | 3 |
| | I waited patient for the Lord | I waited patient for the Lord | | | | English | | on my cross I'm lifted high, "Or to my ... my cross I'm lifted high, "Or to my crown ... draw, "When on my cross I'm lifted high, ... | | Psalm 40 | | | | | | | | | | | | 108 | 0 | 1067080 | 1 |
| | Press Onward With Rejoicing | Press onward with rejoicing | Press onward, onward, with the cross on high | | | English | Lizzie DeArmond | 3 His cross is lifted o’er us, His ... may be long, Raise high the royal standard! ... onward, with the cross on high, Press ... | | | | | | | [Press onward with rejoicing] | | | | | 1 | | 2 | 0 | 1176535 | 1 |
| | Behold the holy Lamb of God | Behold the holy Lamb of God | | | | English | Charles Chinula, 1885-1970; Helen Taylor; Tom Colvin | Yesu, the one who lifts for us a heavy ... Lamb of God, raised high on the cross to ... raised high on the cross to bear for us the ... | | | Tumbuka hymn | | Solidarity in Suffering | | MWANA MWERERE | | | | | | | 3 | 0 | 1285003 | 1 |
| | Lift your heart and raise your voice | Lift your heart and raise your voice | | | | English | Michael Perry (1942-1996) | Lift your heart and ... hearts and voices high: then shall glory ... come down — cross for throne and ... | | Luke 2:6-20 | | | Angels; Christmas; Church Year Christmas; Future hope; Jesus coming again; The First Sunday of Christmas Year A; Wisdom | | MARSTON ST LAWRENCE | | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 1349023 | 1 |
| | We Shall Conquer in His Name | Soldiers of the cross, in triumph sing | Lift high His banner o'er us | | | English | Thomas Sullivan | | | | | | | | [Soldiers of the cross, in triumph sing] | | | | | | | 3 | 0 | 1402130 | 3 |
| | March Of The Three Kings | This highway beheld at break of day | | Le Marche des Rois Mages | French | English | | a cross You will be lifted high." All we ... This highway beheld at break ... will lie, For on a cross You will be lifted ... | | | Old Provençal carol; Translator unknown, before 1915 | | | | [This highway beheld at break of day] | | | | | 1 | | 1 | 1 | 1423870 | 1 |