Browsing topics in The Church Hymnal: containing hymns approved and set forth by the general conventions of 1892 and 1916; together with hymns for the use of guilds and brotherhoods, and for special occasions (Rev. ed)

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
The ChurchMarriage#251The voice that breath'd o'er Eden
The ChurchMissions#263O Sion, haste, thy mission high fulfilling
The ChurchMissions#265The morning light is breaking
The ChurchMissions#266From Greenland's icy mountains
The ChurchMissions#267Hasten the time appointed
The ChurchMissions#268Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
The ChurchMissions#269Saviour, sprinkle many nations
The ChurchMissions#270Lord, her watch Thy Church is keeping
The ChurchMissions#271Fling out the banner! let it float
The ChurchMissions#272Look from Thy sphere of endless day
The ChurchMissions#273Arm of the Lord, awake! awake!
The ChurchMissions#274Soon may the last glad song arise
The ChurchMissions#275God is working His purpose out
The ChurchMissions#276What these sounds from ev'ry quarter
The ChurchOrdinations#284O Spirit of the living God
The ChurchOrdinations#285Ye Christian heralds, go, proclaim
The ChurchOrdinations#286Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
The ChurchTravelers#258Eternal Father! strong to save
The ChurchTravelers#259O Maker of the sea and sky
The ChurchTravelers#260Safe upon the billowy deep
