38. He Changeth Not

1 Have you heard the wondrous story ringing down along the years
Like a ray of golden sunlight, chasing doubt, dispelling fears;
Of the Saviour who redeemed us, with his blood our pardon bought,
How his mercy still endures, from age to age he changeth not.

He changeth not, he changeth not;
Yesterday, today and evermore the same;
He changeth not, He changeth not,
Just the same kind, loving Jesus, praise his name!

2 He who was the “Friend of Sinners,” seeks the lost and erring still;
Every promise he hath given, he is faithful to fulfill;
“Tho’ your sins be red like crimson,” he will cleanse the darkest spot,
For his precious blood availeth evermore, he changeth not. [Refrain]

3 You may lean upon his bosom, finding there a perfect rest,
As the well-beloved disciple was once folded to his breast;
In his ear you still may whisper every anxious care or thought,
Knowing that he careth for you, precious Christ, he changeth not. [Refrain]

4 You may find a full salvation, perfect cleansing, perfect peace;
From the carnal mind deliv’rance; from your bondage sweet release;
He will break the bands that bind you, set the tempter’s pow’r at naught,
If you’ll only fully trust him, praise his name, he changeth not. [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: Have you heard the wondrous story ringing down along the years
Title: He Changeth Not
Author: Mrs. C. H. M.
Refrain First Line: He changeth not, he changeth not
Publication Date: 1908


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