174. "Unto you he is precious"

1 Jesus is precious, saith the word;
What comfort does this truth afford!
And those who in his name believe,
With joy this precious truth receive.

2 To them he is more precious far
Than life and all its comforts are;
More precious than their daily food;
More precious than their vital blood.

3 [Not health, nor wealth, nor sounding fame,
Nor earth’s deceitful, empty name,
With all its pomp and all its glare,
Can with a precious Christ compare.]

4 He’s precious in his precious blood,
That pardoning and soul-cleansing flood;
He’s precious in his righteousness,
That everlasting, heavenly dress.

5 [In every office he sustains,
In every victory he gains,
In every counsel of his will,
He’s precious to his people still.]

6 As they draw near their journey’s end,
How precious is their heavenly Friend!
And when in death they bow their head,
He’s precious on a dying bed.

7 In glory, Lord, may I be found,
And, with thy precious mercy crowned,
Join the glad song, and there adore
A precious Christ for evermore.

Text Information
First Line: Jesus is precious, saith the word
Title: "Unto you he is precious"
Author: Medley
Meter: L. M.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1844
Topic: Christ All in All
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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