Common Praise (1998)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!NICAEAText
2When morning gilds the skiesLAUDES DOMINITextPage Scan
3Morning has brokenBUNESSAN
4O God, creation's secret forceO HEILAND, REISS
5Christ whose glory fills the skiesRATISBONText
6This day at thy creating wordRUSHFORDText
7New every morning is the loveMELCOMBETextPage Scan
8Awake, my soul, and with the sunMORNING HYMNTextPage Scan
9Today I awake and God is before meSLITHERS OF GOLD
10We, the Lord's people, heart and voice unitingCHRISTE SANCTORUM
11Blessed be the God of IsraelSONG OF ZACHARIASText
12We bless you, God of IsraelST. VENANTIUS
13O gladsome Light, O graceNUNC DIMITTISText
14O gracious Light, Lord Jesus ChristTALLIS'S CANON
15Light of the world, in grace and beautyRENDEZ À DIEU
16O Light, whose splendour thrills and gladdensLES COMMANDEMENSText
17Christ, Mighty Saviour, Light of all creationISTE CONFESSOR
18O laughing Light, O First-born of creationPHOS HILARON
19The duteous day now closesINNSBRUCKText
20Day is done, but love unfailingAR HYD Y NOS
21Now the day is doneAYE WAUKIN O
22Now from the altar of my heartUNIVERSITYText
23Now, God, be with us, for the night is closingCHRISTE FONS JUGISText
24Abide with me: fast falls the eventideEVENTIDETextPage Scan
25Glory to thee, my God, this nightTALLIS'S CANONTextPage Scan
26To you before the close of dayTE LUCIS
27Most Holy God, the Lord of heavenDUNEDIN
28Jesus, Redeemer of the worldREX GLORIOSE
29The day thou gavest, Lord, is endedST. CLEMENTText
30God, that madest earth and heavenAR HYD Y NOSTextPage Scan
31Saviour, again to thy dear name we raiseELLERSTextPage Scan
32Be our light in the darknessLAWSON
33We praise you, Father, for your giftJACOB
34All who believe and are baptizedLOBT GOTT DEN HERRENTextPage Scan
35Wash, O God, our sons and daughtersBEACH SPRING
36Now there is no male or femaleOMNI DIE
37We'll sing in the morning a song of crationTHE BELLS OF ST. MARY'S
38This child of ours, this miracleJACOB
39You have been enlightened by the LordYOU ARE GOD'S WORK OF ART
40O Spirit of the living GodWAREHAMTextPage Scan
41Spirit of God, unleashed on earthLLEDROD (LLANGOLLEN)
42Crashing waters at creationMARCHING
43From all the wind's wide quartersES FLOG EIN KLEINS WALDVÖGELEINText
44I believe in God almightyARFON MAJOR
45Down Galilee's slow roadwaysWIE LIEBLICH IST DER MAIEN
46I believe in God the almighty, NinasadikiNASADIKI
47We praise you, Lord, for Jesus ChristDETROIT
48Let all mortal flesh keep silencePICARDYTextPage Scan
49Draw near and take the body of the LordSONG 46TextPage Scan
50Now, my tongue, the mystery tellingPANGE LINGUAText
51Now, my tongue, the mystery tellingGRAFTONTextPage Scan
52O God, unseen yet ever nearST. FLAVIANTextPage Scan
53Now the silenceNOWTextPage Scan
54Bread of the world, in mercy broken (Pain vivant donné pour nos âmes)RENDEZ À DIEUText
55When Jesus died to save usTUCKER
56I am the bread, the bread of lifePICKET WOODTextPage Scan
57Thou, who at thy first eucharist praySONG 1TextPage ScanAudio
58O Christ was a good guest to have at the feastBISHOPTHORPE
59Jesus calls us here to meet himJESUS CALLS US
60I come with joy a child of GodLAND OF RESTText
61As we gather at your tableECCE, DEUSText
62Come, let us eat, for now the feast is spreadA VA DE
63I am the bread of lifeEAT THIS BREAD
64Author of life divineRHOSYMEDRETextPage Scan
65Here, Lord, we take the broken breadST. COLUMBA
66And now, O Father, mindful of the loveUNDE ET MEMORESTextPage Scan
67God of all time, all seasons of our livingHIGHWOODText
68Once we were people afraidNOW WE REMAIN
69We who live by sound and symbolCHARTRES
70Jesus, the joy of loving heartsMARYTONTextPage Scan
71Jesus, the joy of loving heartsCHRISTE REDEMPTOR OMNIUMText
72Bread of heaven, on thee we feedJESU, MEINE ZUVERSICHTTextAudio
73Gentile or JewONE BREAD, ONE BODY
74For the bread which you have brokenOMNI DIE DIC MARIATextAudio
75With the body that was brokenPANIS VITAEText
76Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, theeADORO TE DEVOTEText
77The Son of God proclaimSUNDERLAND
78Deck yourself, my soul, with gladnessSCHMÜCKE DICHText
79To you, O kindly Jesus ChristEISENACH
80We hail thee now, O JesusST. CHRISTOPHERTextPage Scan
81Father, we thank thee who hast plantedLES COMMANDEMENS
82Christ the Lord to us saidHALLELUJAH! WE SING YOUR PRAISES
83O saving Victim, opening wideVERBUM SUPERNUMText
84Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendourST. OSMUNDText
85Shepherd of souls, refresh and blessST. AGNESTextAudio
86More than we can ask or imagineWINEPRESS
87Strengthen for service, Lord, the handsACH GOTT UND HERR
88Come, thou long-expected JesusSTUTTGARTTextPage Scan
89O come, O come, EmmanuelVENI EMMMANUELText
90How the world longs for your birthNUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND
91People, look east! The time is nearBESANÇON
92O day of God, draw nighBELLWOODS
93You servants of the LordNARENZAText
94Wait for the Lord, whose day is nearWAIT FOR THE LORD
95O come, divine Messiah (Venez, divin Messie)VENEZ, DIVIN MESSIEText
96Creator of the stars of nightCONDITOR ALMEText
97Jesus came, the heavens adoringTANTUM ERGO (ST. THOMAS)TextPage ScanAudio
98Hark the glad sound! The Saviour comesBRISTOLTextPage Scan
99Break, day of God, O break!CHRISTCHURCHTextPage Scan
100Comfort, comfort ye my peoplePSALM 42 Text

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