The Cyber Hymnal

The Cyber Hymnal™ ( is a website established in 1996 by Dick Adams. It has over 10,000 Christian hymns from many denominations and languages. It provides lyrics, sheet music, audio, pictures, biographies, history and more. The worship and educational resource is provided as a public service and gets an average of 24,000 visitors per month. Mr. Adams has graciously allowed to add his resources to our site. (Note: the site that calls itself NetHymnal at is not affiliated with The Cyber Hymnal™ in any way.)
Editor: Dick Adams
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
11526It draweth near! That day – of days the dayCOLONEL HILLTextScoreAudio
11527When Christ came down on earth of oldFRANKTextScoreAudio
11528I’m over in Canaan where riches abound[I’m over in Canaan where riches abound]TextScoreAudio
11529Hallelujah! hark! from above[Hallelujah! hark! from above]TextScoreAudio
11530Go proclaim the wondrous storyKITCHENERTextScoreAudio
11531To a place of celebrationEBENEZERScoreAudio
11532Hail! blessed Christmas day[Hail! blessed Christmas day]TextScoreAudio
11533O lovely star that shone so brightWRIGHT CITYTextScoreAudio
11534Shepherds keeping watch by nightLOUVRETextScoreAudio
11535Merry, merry Christmas everywhere![Merry, merry Christmas everywhere!]TextScoreAudio
11536The Savior of this sinful world[The Savior of this sinful world]TextScoreAudio
11537To the cross I long was clingingTUSCANYTextScoreAudio
11538Oh, wondrous story of the Lord!CURAÇAOTextScoreAudio
11539Christmas bells are gaily ringingWACOTextScoreAudio
11540Children, sing a Christmas carolSEGOVIATextScoreAudio
11541O list to the notes of the song as it floatsSTOKE-ON-TRENTTextScoreAudio
11542Where the youthful son of Jesse[Where the youthful son of Jesse]TextScoreAudio
11543Young people all, attention giveJULIANTextScoreAudio
11544Blessed are they that for His sakeSAVOIETextScoreAudio
11545O teach me more of Thy blest ways!SAWLEYTextScoreAudio
11546Who shall roll the stone away?[Who shall roll the stone away]TextScoreAudio
11547I was a sinner, but now I’m free[I was a sinner, but now I’m free]TextScoreAudio
11548God’s way is the best way[God’s way is the best way]TextScoreAudio
11549My path was always rough and drear[My path was always rough and drear]TextScoreAudio
11550O what a change! From the darkness of night[O what a change! From the darkness of night]TextScoreAudio
11551I fled from Egypt’s bondage[I fled from Egypt’s bondage]TextScoreAudio
11552Tell what the Lord has done for you[Tell what the Lord has done for you]TextScoreAudio
11553One special night, one holy night[One special night, one holy night]TextScoreAudio
11554Messiah! at Thy glad approachEXETERTextScoreAudio
11555Methinks, when in the judgmentWILLIBRORDTextScoreAudio
11556Harvest fields are waiting, white the waving grainGDYNIATextScoreAudio
11557The world looks very beautiful[The world looks very beautiful]TextScoreAudio
11558Jesus found me wandering[Jesus found me wandering]TextScoreAudio
11559Jesus is our shepherd, wiping every tearGOSHENTextScoreAudio
11560I once heard a sweet story of wonderful love[I once heard a sweet story of wonderful love]TextScoreAudio
11561There’s a sweet old story which I love to hear[There’s a sweet old story which I love to hear]TextScoreAudio
11562What shall I bring to the Savior?LISKEARDTextScoreAudio
11563How oft I prayed for power[How oft I prayed for power]TextScoreAudio
11564Before a cross uplifted high[Before a cross uplifted high]Text
11565Happy the church, thou sacred placeERNANTextScoreAudio
11566Jesus all my grief is sharing[Jesus all my grief is sharing]TextScoreAudio
11567I’ve a home fair and bright in yonder city[I’ve a home fair and bright in yonder city]TextScoreAudio
11568When I shall reach my home in glory[When I shall reach my home in glory]TextScoreAudio
11569The works and ways of God on highBODØTextScoreAudio
11570In the heart of London city[In the heart of London city]TextScoreAudio
11571My Father will not let me fall![My Father will not let me fall]TextScoreAudio
11572We shall be like Him, O wonderful thought![We shall be like Him, O wonderful thought]TextScoreAudio
11573At the end of life’s road[At the end of life’s road]TextScoreAudio
11574Who is this that’s waiting, waiting[Who is this that’s waiting, waiting]TextScoreAudio
11575So strange it seemed and wondrousMARINA DEL REYTextScoreAudio
11576Weary and wandering and sunken in sin[Weary and wandering and sunken in sin]TextScoreAudio
11577Seek ye first, not earthly pleasurePITCAIRNTextScoreAudio
11578The door of God’s mercy is open[The door of God’s mercy is open]TextScoreAudio
11579Above this earthly home of oursDESTINTextScoreAudio
11580This is the winter morn[This is the winter morn]TextScoreAudio
11581On the ocean of life we are sailing[On the ocean of life we are sailing]TextScoreAudio
11582O to be like Him, tender and kindNAGOYATextScoreAudio
11583Where I shall I flee for refugeSHELTEREDText
11584It pleased the Lord to bruise His only Son[It pleased the Lord to bruise His only Son]TextScoreAudio
11585Far away my steps have wandered[Far away my steps have wandered]TextScoreAudio
11586O, condescension wonderful!HUMBOLDTTextScoreAudio
11587I know that afar in God’s boundless realm[I know that afar in God’s boundless realm]TextScoreAudio
11588Beyond the sea that rolls between[Beyond the sea that rolls between]TextScoreAudio
11589Thou my ransom price hast paid[Thou my ransom price hast paid]TextScoreAudio
11590I praise the Lord that one like meVADODARATextScoreAudio
11591He who hath led, will leadAYDINTextScoreAudio
11592Let me but hear my Savior sayDWIGHTTextScoreAudio
11593Today we celebrate Jesus’ birthday[Today we celebrate Jesus’ birthday]TextScoreAudio
11594When your spirit bows in sorrowEPIMELTextScoreAudio
11595Angels speak, let man give earKIRK ELLATextScoreAudio
11596Astonishing grace: A race so defiledLYONSTextScoreAudio
11597’Mid the billows of temptation on the restless seas of life[’Mid the billows of temptation on the restless seas of life]TextScoreAudio
11598Millions in heathen lands, over the seaHAPPY LANDTextScoreAudio
11599"More and better work for Jesus"MENDOCINOTextScoreAudio
11600More and more I need Thee[More and more I need Thee]TextScoreAudio
11601Ere you left the homestead in[Ere you left the homestead in]TextScoreAudio
11602Dear Lord, I’ve wandered far from Thee[Dear Lord, I’ve wandered far from Thee]TextScoreAudio
11603More like Thee, O Savior, let me be[More like Thee, O Savior, let me be]TextScoreAudio
11604Mother’s gone far, far away[Mother’s gone far, far away]TextScoreAudio
11605My blessed Savior prepares a placeBLACKWATER FALLSTextScoreAudio
11606I read that whosoever[I read that whosoever]TextScoreAudio
11607My brother, awake, and sing the sweet story[My brother, awake, and sing the sweet story]TextScoreAudio
11608My business lies at wisdom’s gateCLEANSING FOUNTAINTextScoreAudio
11609My Father knows my need[My Father knows my need]TextScoreAudio
11610My God, my strength, my hopeDIADEMATATextScoreAudio
11611The sun will never set in Summer-landSUMMER LANDTextScoreAudio
11612My gracious Redeemer I loveELEZTextScoreAudio
11613My gracious, loving LordOLIVETTextScoreAudio
11614My harp untuned, and laid asideST. CROSSTextScoreAudio
11615My heart a blissful theme inditesPRESBYTERTextScoreAudio
11616If the name of the Savior is precious to you[If the name of the Savior is precious to you]TextScoreAudio
11617When the world and sin opposeFOLLOW JESUSTextScoreAudio
11618Oh, I can’t tell it all, of the wonderful loveMONTECITOTextScoreAudio
11619Sov’reign God, to You alone[Sov’reign God, to You alone]TextScoreAudio
11620What hinders your coming to JesusKONYATextScoreAudio
11621The God of Israel is realVENI EMMANUELTextScoreAudio
11622Jesus is coming[Jesus is coming]TextAudio
11623My heart goes out to Galilee[My heart goes out to Galilee]TextScoreAudio
11624My helper, God! I bless His nameLOUVANTextScoreAudio
11625My life was once so very drearCROIX BOISSIÉRETextScoreAudio

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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