Glory to God: the Presbyterian Hymnal

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
300We are one in the SpiritTHEY’LL KNOW WE ARE CHRISTIANSText InfoAudio
301Let us build a house where love can dwellTWO OAKSText InfoAudio
302When hands reach out and fingers traceO WALY WALYText InfoAudio
303God the Spirit, guide and guardianCHURCH UNITEDText InfoTextAudio
304O sing a new song to the LordGONFALON ROYALText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
305Come sing, O church, in joy!DARWALL’S 148THText InfoAudio
306Blest be the tie that bindsDENNISText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
307God of grace and God of gloryCWM RHONDDAText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
308O God in whom all life beginsNOELText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
309Come, great God of all the agesABBOT’S LEIGHText InfoPage ScanAudio
310I love thy kingdom, LordST. THOMASText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
311Here, O Lord, your servants gatherTOKYOText InfoAudio
312Take us as we are, O GodENDLESS FEASTText InfoTextAudio
313Lord, make us more holyLORD, MAKE US MORE HOLYText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
314Longing for light, we wait in darknessCHRIST, BE OUR LIGHTText InfoAudio
315In the midst of new dimensionsNEW DIMENSIONSText InfoAudio
316Where charity and love prevailTWENTY-FOURTHText InfoAudio
317In Christ there is no east or westMC KEEText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
318In Christ there is now east or westST. PETERText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
319Men of faith, rise up and singSMITHText InfoAudio
320The church of Christ in every ageWAREHAMText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
321The church's one foundationAURELIAText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
322We are one in Christ Jesus (Somos uno en Cristo)SOMOS UNOText InfoAudio
323Sound a mystic bamboo songMYSTIC BAMBOO SONGText InfoAudio
324For all the faithful womenNYLANDText InfoAudio
325By all your saints still strivingKING’S LYNNText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
326For all the saints who from their labors restSINE NOMINEText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
327From all that dwell below the skiesLASST UNS ERFREUENText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
328Praise God, all you nations (Da n'ase! Da n'ase!)DA N’ASEText InfoTextAudio
329God is our refuge and our strengthWINCHESTER OLDText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
330Our help is in the name of God the LordOLD 124THText InfoAudio
331God of the ages, whose almighty handNATIONAL HYMNText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
332The right hand of GodLE MANO DE DIOSText InfoAudio
333How our hearts with joy aboundGOTT SEI DANK DURCH ALLE WELTText InfoAudio
334With grateful heart my thanks I bringST. PETERSBURGText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
335The foolish in their hearts denyMAPLE AVENUEText InfoAudio
336We gather together to ask the Lord's blessingKREMSERText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
337My country 'tis of theeAMERICAText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
338O beautiful for spacious skiesMATERNAText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
339Lift every voice and singLIFT EVERY VOICEText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
340This is my song, O God of all the nationsFINLANDIAText InfoAudio
341O God, show mercy to us, and bless us with your graceTHAXTEDText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
342Judge Eternal, throned in splendorRHUDDLANText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
343Where cross the crowded ways of lifeGERMANYText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
344Where armies scourge the countrysidePACE MIO DIOText InfoAudio
345In an age of twisted valuesCHURCH UNITEDText InfoAudio
346For the healing of the nationsST. THOMAS (Wade)Text InfoTextPage ScanAudio
347Let all mortal flesh keep silencePICARDYText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
348Lo, he comes with clouds descendingHELMSLEYText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
349"Sleepers, wake!" A voice astounds usWACHET AUFText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
350Keep your lamps trimmed and burningKEEP YOUR LAMPSText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
351All who love and serve your cityCHARLESTOWNText InfoTextAudio
352You will hear the trumpet soundMY LORD, WHAT A MORNINGText InfoTextAudio
353My hope is built on nothing lessSOLID ROCKText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
354Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the LordBATTLE HYMNText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
355O hear our cry, O LordVINEYARD HAVENText InfoAudio
356Sing praise to God, whose mighty actsSALVATIONText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
357The days are surely comingLLANGLOFFANText InfoAudio
358My Lord, he calls meSTEAL AWAYText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
359Freedom is comingFREEDOM IS COMINGText InfoAudio
360Christ is coming! Let creationUNSER HERRSCHERText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
361O Christ, the great foundationAURELIAText InfoAudio
362Rejoice! Rejoice, believersLLANGLOFFANText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
363Rejoice, the Lord is King!DARWALL’S 148THText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
364See, all the earth is God's, its people and nationsGILU HAGALILIMText InfoAudio
365God reigns! Let earth rejoice!MARIONText InfoAudio
366Love divine, all loves excellingHYFRYDOLText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
367Come, ye thankful people comeST. GEORGE’S WINDSORText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
368We fall down; we lay our crowns at the feetWE FALL DOWNText InfoAudio
369Blessing and honor and glory and powerO QUANTA QUALIAText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
370This is my Father's worldTERRA BEATAText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
371New songs of celebration renderRENDEZ À DIEUText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
372O for a world where everyoneAZMONText InfoAudio
373O day of peace that dimly shinesJERUSALEMText InfoTextAudio
374O holy city, seen of JohnMORNING SONGText InfoTextAudio
375Shall we gather at the riverHANSON PLACEText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
376When all is ended, time and troubles pastYOGANANDAText InfoTextAudio
377I want to walk as a child of the lightHOUSTONText InfoAudio
378We wait the peaceful kingdomMERLE’S TUNEText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
379We shall overcomeWE SHALL OVERCOMEText InfoTextAudio
380God is our help, refuge, and strength (만군의 주 하나님이)GOD IS OUR HELPText InfoTextAudio
381Arise, O Lord our God ariseBOURBONText InfoTextAudio
382Heaven is singing for joy (El cielo canta alegría)ALEGRÍAText InfoAudio
383Dream on, dream on, children of peaceDREAM ONText InfoAudio
384Soon and very soon we are going to see the KingSOON AND VERY SOONText InfoAudio
385All people that on earth do dwellOLD HUNDREDTHText InfoTextAudio
386Come, worship God, who is worthy of honorO QUANTA QUALIAText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
387Let us come to worship God (咱 著 敬 拜 主 上 帝)HIAO HOIANText InfoAudio
388Come all you people (Uyai mose)UYAI MOSEText InfoPage ScanAudio
389Come and sing the praise of the Lord (Hal'luhu, hal'luhu)HAL’LUHUText InfoTextAudio
390Praise, praise, praise the Lord! (Louez le Seigneur!)LOUEZ LE SEIGNEURText InfoAudio
391Open, now, open the doorways of justice!ESTE ES EL DÍAText InfoAudio
392Jesus, we are here (Jesu, tawa pano)JESUS, TAWA PANOText InfoAudio
393O day of rest and gladnessES FLOG EIN KLEINS WALDVÖGELEINText InfoAudio
394Christ is made the sure foundationWESTMINSTER ABBEYText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
395Blessed Jesus, at your wordLIEBSTER JESUText InfoTextPage ScanAudio
396Brethren, we have met to worshipHOLY MANNAText InfoTextAudio
397How good it is when brothers (Miren qué bueno es cuando)MIREN QUÉ BUENOText InfoPage ScanAudio
398How very good and pleasantHOW VERY GOODText InfoAudio
399God welcomes allTHEMBA AMENText InfoAudio

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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