Hymns for the Church of Christ (3rd thousand)

Editor: Rev. Frederic H. Hedge, Rev. Frederic D. Huntington
Publisher: Crosby, Nichols & Company, Boston, 1853
Denomination: American Unitarian Association
Language: English
Notes: This hymnal contains only text (no tunes).
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
501How good and pleasant is the sightPage Scan
502As the sun's enlivening eyePage Scan
503Let us join, as God commandsPage Scan
504Thy bounteous hand with food can blessPage Scan
505Thou, Saviour, who thyself didst givePage Scan
506O thou who hearest prayerPage Scan
507Thou biddest, Lord, thy sons be boldPage Scan
508Our Heavenly Father callsPage Scan
509Abba, Father, hear thy childPage Scan
510Come, let us who in Christ believePage Scan
511Father, united by thy gracePage Scan
512Let us for each other carePage Scan
513Join us, in one spirit joinPage Scan
514Center of our hopes thou artPage Scan
515Through thee we now together camePage Scan
516Try us, O God, and search the groundPage Scan
517On the first Christian Sabbath evePage Scan
518We bow before thy gracioius thronePage Scan
519Come, kingdom of our GodPage Scan
520O, where are the kings and empires nowPage Scan
521God comes, with succor speedyPage Scan
522Gone is the hollow, murky nightPage Scan
523Hear what God the Lord hath spokenPage Scan
524Rise, crowned with light, imperial Salem, rise!Page Scan
525Onward speed thy conquering flightPage Scan
526Watchman! tell us of the nightPage Scan
527O Spirit of the living GodPage Scan
528When shall the voice of singingPage Scan
529Pour, blessed Gospel, glorious news for man!Page Scan
530Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
531O'er the gloomy hills of darknessPage Scan
532On the mountain's top appearingPage Scan
533On thy Church, O Power DivinePage Scan
534But who shall see the glorious dayPage Scan
535Daughter of Zion, awake from thy sadness!Page Scan
536Restore, O Father! to our times restorePage Scan
537Pity the nations, O our God!Page Scan
538From Greenland's icy mountainsPage Scan
539Sovereign of worlds! display thy powerPage Scan
540A little child, in bulrush arkPage Scan
541O, when the tide of graces setPage Scan
542Were not the sinful Mary's tearsPage Scan
543This freezing heart, O Lord! this willPage Scan
544Return, O wanderer, now returnPage Scan
545Hast thou wasted all the powersPage Scan
546Long have I seemed to serve thee, LordPage Scan
547Come, now, ye wanderers, to your GodPage Scan
548Loosed from my God, and far removedPage Scan
549Back to the world we've faithless turnedPage Scan
550O Father, full of truth and gracePage Scan
551My Father bids me comePage Scan
552Weak and irresolute is manPage Scan
553Unworthy to be called thy sonPage Scan
554Sinners, turn! why will ye die?Page Scan
555How long shall dreams of earthly blissPage Scan
556Come, ye sinners, poor and needyPage Scan
557Deepen the wound thy hands have madePage Scan
558O for that tenderness of heartPage Scan
559Lord, have mercy when we prayPage Scan
560The wandering star and fleeting windPage Scan
561Times without number have I prayedPage Scan
562My soul before thee prostrate liesPage Scan
563How blest is man, O God!Page Scan
564Give us ourselves and thee to knowPage Scan
565Thou must be born again!Page Scan
566How glorious is the hourPage Scan
567A thousand years have fleetedPage Scan
568One thing first and only knowingPage Scan
569Our heavenly Father, hearPage Scan
570Far from the world, O Lord! I fleePage Scan
571Prayer is the soul's sincere desirePage Scan
572Prayer is to God the soul's sure wayPage Scan
573Meek hearts are by sweet manna fedPage Scan
574To prayer! for the day that God hath blestPage Scan
575Had I, dear Lord! no pleasure foundPage Scan
576Prayer is the spirit of our GodPage Scan
577Lord, teach us how to pray arightPage Scan
578Prayer makes the darkened cloud withdrawPage Scan
579O God, thou sovereign Lord of allPage Scan
580The praying spirit breathePage Scan
581Come to the morning prayerPage Scan
582Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsPage Scan
583The bird let loose in Eastern skiesPage Scan
584Spring up, my soul, with ardent flightPage Scan
585The fountain in its sourcePage Scan
586What is this? and whither, whencePage Scan
587I feel within a wantPage Scan
588Hath the immortal spirit freedomPage Scan
589Dear, beauteous Death; thy jewel of the just!Page Scan
590O Love, of pure and heavenly birth!Page Scan
591King of mercy, King of lovePage Scan
592Unseen, yet not unfelt!--if any thoughtPage Scan
593Lord! we sit and cry to theePage Scan
594Lord, thou wouldst have us like to theePage Scan
595Father divine! this deadening power controlPage Scan
596As the hart, with eager looksPage Scan
597O, draw me, Father, after theePage Scan
598O that my heart was right with theePage Scan
599Be thou, O God, by night, by dayPage Scan
600Nearer, my God, to theePage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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