The Sacred Harp: the best collection of sacred songs, hymns, odes, and anthems ever offered the singing public for general use (1991 rev.)

Committee Chair: Hugh McGraw
Publisher: Sacred Harp Publishing Company, Inc., 1991
Language: English
Notes: Four-shape notation. Hymn numbers refer to page numbers; when two hymns begin on the same page, they are distinguished with letters a and b. Page scans & robotic sound files are at
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
404Youth, like the spring, will soon be goneYOUTH WILL SOON BE GONE
405Children of the heav'nly KingTHE MARCELLAS
406I want to live a Christian hereNEW HARMONY
407My span of life will soon be goneCHARLTON
408They crucified the SaviorWEEPING MARY
409How long, dear Savior, O how longPROMISED DAY
410aLay up nearer, brother, nearerTHE DYING CALIFORNIAN
410bO when shall I see JesusMUTUAL LOVE
411Come, let us raise our voices highMORNING PRAYER
412Wake, O my soul, and hail the mornNEW HOSANNA
413Be kind to thy father, for when thou wert youngTHE LOVED ONES
414The time must come when we must partPARTING FRIENDText
415Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Halle, hallejuah!EASTER MORNText
416I'll sing my Savior's graceTHE CHRISTIAN'S NIGHTLY SONG
417You may tell them, father, when you see themWEEPING PILGRIMText
418There is a house not made with handsREESE
419Death, 'tis a melancholy dayMELANCHOLY DAY
420Our Father's gone to that bright landBISHOP
421The happy day will soon appearSWEET MORNING
422Oh, for a heart to praise my GodBURDETTE
423Should earth against my soul engageGRANTVILLE
424Awake, my soul, in joyful laysSWEET UNIONText
425I am on my journey homeGOLDEN STREETSText
426aMy Christian friends, to whom I speakKELLEYText
426bGreat God, let all Thy tuneful pow'rJASPERText
428And am I born to dieWORLD UNKNOWN
429Peace, troubled soul, thou need not fearCHRISTIAN'S DELIGHT
430Behold the love, the gen'rous loveARBACOOCHEE
431Ere mountains reared their forms sublimeNEW BETHANY
432Grace, 'tis a most delightful themeCHEVES
433O the transporting, rapturous sceneMCKAYText
434Great God, let all my tuneful pow'rsFILLMORE
435Sweet is the day of sacred restSACRED REST
436Youth, like the spring, will soon be goneMORNING SUN
437My Shepherd will supply my needSIDNEY
438O ring the bells of heaven highTHE MARRIAGE IN THE SKIESText
439On Jordan's stormy banks I standJORDAN
440My soul, come meditate the dayNORTH SALEM
441Hark, the glad sound! the Savior comesRAYMOND
442On Jordan's stormy banks I standNEW JORDAN
444Oh, if my Lord would come and meetALL SAINTS NEW
445And must I be to judgment broughtPASSING AWAY
446There is a land of pure delightINFINITE DAY
447When I survey the wondrous crossWONDROUS CROSS
448aThere then to Thee Thine own I leaveCONSECRATIONText
448bCome, my soul and let us tryTHE GRIEVED SOUL
449There is a place where my hopes are stayedFATHERLAND
450Gently glides the stream of lifeELDER
451Mary to her Savior's tombMARY'S GRIEF AND JOYText
452Jesus, Lover of my soulMARTIN
453There is a house not made with handsHOLLY SPRINGS
454The road to glory seems so longTHE BETTER LAND
455I want a sober mindSOAR AWAYText
456Sing, O ye ransomed of the LordSACRED MOUNT
457I am a poor, wayfaring strangerWAYFARING STRANGER
458"Mercy, O Thou Son of David"FRIENDSHIP
459Shed not a tear o'er your friend's early bierTOLLING BELL
460Come on, my fellow pilgrims, comeSARDIS
461While shepherds watched their flocks by nightSHINING STAR
462What shall I do, shall I lie downFAITH AND HOPE
463Lord, how divine Thy comforts areOUR HUMBLE FAITH
464How beauteous are their feetSHEPPARD
465I have my troubles here belowWHERE THERE'S NO TROUBLE AND SORROW
466A throne of grace, then let us goHAYNES CREEK
467Welcome sweet day of restLISBON
468The spacious firmament on highBRISTOL
470From ev'ry stormy wind that blowsTHE MERCY SEAT
471There is a name I love to hearTHE SAVIOR'S NAME
472Within Thy circling pow'r I standAKIN
473Rejoice! the Lord is KingCARMARTHEN
474Unshaken as the sacred hillMOUNT DESERT
475Give me a calm, a thankful heartA THANKFUL HEART
476Oh, that I knew the secret placeTHE THRONE OF GRACE
477Holy Lord, we worship TheeLORD, WE ADORE THEE
478God moves in a mysterious wayMY RISING SUN
479Let the high heav'ns your songs inviteCHESTER
480There upon the cross of CalvaryREDEMPTION
481Come, we that love the LordNOVAKOSKI
482My sands of life are running fastMULBERRY GROVEText
483I'm not ashamed to own my LordETERNAL LIGHT
484Come, saints and sinners, hear me tellHEAVENLY UNION
485All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!NEW AGATITE
486That man is blessed who stands in aweBENEFICENCE
487While in the army I remainSOLDIER'S DELIGHTText
488Now, let our works and virtue showAS WE GO ON
489Come, wand'ring sheep, oh come!THE SAVIOR'S CALL
490The Lord my precious Shepherd isMY SHEPHERD GUIDES
491Jesus left His home on highOH, WHAT LOVE
492Arise, my soul, my joyful pow'rsINVOCATION
493I know I love Thee better, LordAMANDA RAY
494Weary soldiers of the cross, seek restBIG CREEK
495When the midnight cry beganTHE MIDNIGHT CRY
496Convinced as a sinner, to Jesus I comeTHE ROCK THAT IS HIGHER THAN I
497Bleeding hearts defiled by sinNATICKText
498Oh, Resurrection Day!THE RESURRECTION DAY
499The world can never givenAT REST
500Blest be the everlasting GodLIVING HOPE
501And will the Judge descendO'LEARY
502A charge to keep I haveA CHARGE TO KEEP
503My Savior and my KingLLOYD

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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