Frederick J. Gillman › Texts

Short Name: Frederick J. Gillman
Full Name: Gillman, Frederick John
Birth Year: 1866
Death Year: 1949

Born: February 25, 1866, Devizes, Wiltshire, England.
Died: February 18, 1949, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England.

Raised in the Congregationalist denomination, Gilman helped edit the 1909 & 1933 Fellowship Hymn-Book from the National Adult School Union and the Brotherhood Movement. His other works include:

Songs and Singers of Christendom, 1911
The Story of Our Hymns, 1921
The Evolution of the English Hymn (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1927)

Texts by Frederick J. Gillman (5)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Come, let us sing a cheerful songF. J. Gillman (Author)English3
Envía hombres ¡oh Señor!Frederick J. Gillman (Author)Spanish2
God send us men of steadfast willFrederick J. Gillman (Author)English2
God send us men whose aim 'twill beF. J. Gillman (Author)English83
O Dios, iccannacam comaFrederick J. Gillman (Author)Tagalog2
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