William Jones

William Jones
Short Name: William Jones
Full Name: Jones, William, 1726-1800
Birth Year: 1726
Death Year: 1800

Born: Ju­ly 30, 1726, Lo­wick, North­amp­ton­shire, Eng­land.
Died: Jan­u­ary 6, 1800, Hol­ling­bourne, Kent, Eng­land.
Pseudonym: Jones of Nay­land.

Jones was ed­u­cat­ed at Char­ter­house and Un­i­ver­si­ty Coll­ege, Ox­ford. He be­came Vi­car of Beth­ers­den, Kent (1764); Pluck­ley, Kent; and Pas­ton, North­amp­ton­shire; per­pe­tu­al Cur­ate of Nay­land, Suf­folk (1777); and Rec­tor of Hol­ling­bourne, Kent (1798). He be­came a Fel­low of the Roy­al So­ci­e­ty in 1775. His works in­clude:

The Ca­tho­lic Doc­trine of the Trin­i­ty, 1756
Fairchild Dis­cours­es, 1775
Physiological Dis­qui­si­tions, 1781
A Treatise on the Art of Mu­sic, 1784
Church Piec­es for the Or­gan with Four An­thems in Score, 1789

Jones was a de­scend­ant of the Col. J. Jones, who was one of the sig­na­tor­ies to the death war­rant of King Charles I of Eng­land. He used to reg­u­lar­ly ob­serve Jan­u­a­ry 30 as a day of fast­ing and hu­mil­i­a­tion for his an­ces­tor’s sin.



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