Myron W. Morse

Short Name: Myron W. Morse
Full Name: Morse, Myron W. does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by Myron W. Morse (16)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Ah well I remember in youth's sunny hourMyron W. Morse (Author)English3
Blessed Savior, at thy altarMyron W. Morse (Author)2
Do the cares of life press heavily upon thee?Myron W. Morse (Author)English2
If ye love me, saith the SaviorMyron W. Morse (Author)English4
I'm a little star for JesusMyron W. Morse (Author)3
In the path that you are treading there is danger, there is deathMyron W. Morse (Author)English2
I've read of a country, a land O so fairMyron W. Morse (Author)English3
Listen to the voice of Jesus, as He calls you by your nameM. W. Morse (Author)English4
Living like Jesus my Savior each dayMyron W. Morse (Author)English2
Look not at the things that are passing awayMyron W. Morse (Author)English2
Our blessed Redeemer is passing this wayMyron W. Morse (Author)English6
Sow kind deeds in youth's fair morningMyron W. Morse (Author)English3
There comes to my heart, in a still, quiet wayMyron W. Morse (Author)English3
There's a blessing in the sunshineMyron W. Morse (Author)3
There's a hand held out in pityM. W. Morse (Author)English32
Whenever I think of JesusM. W. Morse (Author)English4
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