Ira B. Wilson › Tunes

Ira B. Wilson
Short Name: Ira B. Wilson
Full Name: Wilson, Ira B., 1880-1950
Birth Year: 1880
Death Year: 1950

Ira Bishop Wilson, 1880-1950

Born: Sep­tem­ber 6, 1880, Bed­ford, Io­wa.
Died: Ap­ril 3, 1950, Los An­ge­les, Cal­i­for­nia.
Buried: For­est Lawn Me­mor­i­al Park, Glen­dale, Cal­i­for­nia.

Pseudonym: Fred B. Hol­ton.

Wilson’s sis­ter taught him to play the vi­o­lin and or­gan while still at home. Around 1902, Ira be­gan stu­dies at the Moo­dy Bi­ble In­sti­tute in Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois. In 1905, he went to work for the Lorenz Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny in Day­ton, Ohio. His com­po­si­tions ap­peared in The Choir Lead­er and The Choir Her­ald; he al­so served as ed­it­or in chief of The Vol­un­teer Choir.

His works in­clude:
The King’s Mes­sage, with Ed­mund Lo­renz (New York: Lo­renz Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1910)
The Be­gin­ners’ Choir, with Ed­mund Lor­enz (Day­ton, Ohio: Lor­enz Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1911)
Praise Ye, a Col­lect­ion of Sac­red Songs, with Ed­mund Lor­enz (New York: Lor­enz Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1913)
His Worthy Praise, with Ed­mund Lor­enz (Day­ton, Ohio: Lor­enz Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1915)

Hall, pp. 413-5

Go For­ward to Con­quer
Look Above
Make Me a Bless­ing © 1924
My Sav­ior’s Voice
This Won­der­ful Christ Is Mine
Trustingly Fol­low

Across the Temp­led Hills
Angels’ Chor­us, The
Christ Is Born
Christ the Lord Is Born
Christmas Lull­a­by
Exalt the King
Give Praise
God Is Good­ness, God Is Love
God Is So Good
He Arose To­day
His Love Is Al­ways True
Jesus Wants Us to Help
Joy to the World
Loving Je­sus Christ
Marching For­ward
May God De­pend on You?
Night of Nights
O Star of Match­less Splen­dor
On Cal­va­ry’s Cross One Day
Out in the High­ways and By­ways of Life
Rejoice! Re­joice!
Ring, Sweet Bells
Song of the Morn­ing, The
Stars of De­cem­ber
Walking with Je­sus
Was There Ev­er a Friend So True?
We Come To­day
What Do the Flow­ers Say?
Who Will Our Pi­lot Be?
Win One

Tunes by Ira B. Wilson (415)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[A happy song we raise, far and near]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[A merciful Savior is Jesus my Lord]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[A raindrop fell on a blossom gay]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)3
[A smile went winging its cheery way]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)253332 11775 44432
[Afar in the desert I wandered away]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)155565 32112 33223
[After earthly trials all are done]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)133334 44445 55635
[All along our pathway bright]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[All hail the blessed morning] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)153143 32111 14433
[All hail the power of Jesus' name] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255671 17752 12233
[All together we can do]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[All unaware, with none to care]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Along life's rugged, thorny way]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)335565 35123 11213
[Always face the sunshine]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Angels chant the heavenly song]Ira Bishop Wilson (Composer)355635 17667 65136
[Another hour with Jesus] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Are you fond of pretty flowers]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Are you loyal to God and country?]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255111 12177 12234
[Are you spent with toil through the long, long night?]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255135 55351 11432
[Are you standing by the cross, the rugged cross?]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255332 31761 55511
[As birds to the mountains]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255322 11321 23563
[As I onward go]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)212351 71262 23463
[As the Lord once called to the ones he loved]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)212334 33322 55223
[As through earth's sorrow and sadness you speed]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)133331 23565 44423
[As you go along life's pathway, many weary ones you meet]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255111 23334 54565
[At eventide, when day is done]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)232115 43332 34613
[Away in a manger] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Before me rolls life’s restless sea]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Blessed are the words of the Savior]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Brave men are needed for Christ today]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)856717 67777 12676
[By faith I see thy happy shore]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[By quiet waters calm and still]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Calm on the listening ear of night] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)256713 54321 76567
[Can I forget the love that stooped to earth]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255667 71567 76521
[Can you count the shining stars in the far-off sky]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Choose the upward road]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Choose today, O brother, standing]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)131234 33171 21223
[Christ leads the way]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Christ the Savior is here]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)3
[Christ the Savior, king of glory]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Christian soldier, is the battle long?]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)355633 22344 47671
[Christian soldier, rise]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)211351 44323 61516
[Church of Jesus forward pressing]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)254567 13111 71215
[Cleanse thou my heart from secret sin]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Close to the cross of my Savior]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Come before Jehovah with a joyful song]Ira Bishop Wilson (Composer)355153 45653 11721
[Come to the front!]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)353451 23121 72234
[Come unto me, when shadows darkly gather] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)356713 32671 35412
[Come with a song, hasten along]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Come with us adown the pleasant pastures]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Comrade with comrade united]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
CHAUTAUQUA (Sherwin)I. B. W. (Arranger)111165 45111 65457
[Do what you can for Jesus] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255465 31122 34356
[Do you know the story old and sweet]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Do you long to journey onward, where the skies are always blue]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Does God need me when all things are his own?]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Earnest prayer will upward rise]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Earth's victors with garlands of flowers are crowned]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)253234 32176 55111
[Every hour seems bright, full of glad delight]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Every little bird that sings]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)353215 61754 32676
[Fade, fade, each earthly joy] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)354435 11765 23721
[Father divine, we come to thee]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)1
[Fill me, Savior, with the sunlight of Thy love divine]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Fling the snowy banner high]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[For all His tender love to me]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[For His dear sake who carried]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)233343 26531 1223
[Forth to the harvest the Master is calling]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)1
[Forward, forward, Banners bright surround us]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Forward marching, wave your banners high]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)3
[From golden hearts of sweetness, the Easter lilies rare]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Get right with God, O brother]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)233343 31171 25433
[Give the best that you have to the Savior divine]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Go forward, Christian soldier] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)251345 67123 2323
[Go forward to conquer]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Go, tell the world about Jesus]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)232351 23321 25243
[Go through the gates, O Church of Christ]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[God is our refuge, our refuge and strength]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)213515 34313 26136
[God is so good; his love we see]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[God is the light! In Him no darkness dwelleth]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)213455 17133 22456
[Golden day of sunshine]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Good morning, Brother sunshine] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)1
[Happy voices ringing, happy children singing]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)132343 15456 53234
[Hark! a mighty host is singing]Ira Wilson (Composer)334532 11771 23213
[Hark, hark, my soul, angelic songs are swelling] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)251355 67635 44246
[Hark! Hark! The Bugle calls!]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Hark, the bugle call is sounding] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Have I done my task for the Lord today?]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Have you read the blessed letter]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)3
[He left a royal throne]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[He sought and found me lost in sin]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[He whom I have believed is my wonderful Friend]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)233323 43216 55444
[Hear the call for your help in the noble fight]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)312333 43321 61651
[Hear the message found in the book divine]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)251331 23216 16512
[Hear the voice of God as He calls today]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)234545 66513 43325
[Here is my heart, Lord]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255665 51332 43253
[Hold up His standard, loyal and true]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Holy Bible, book divine] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[I am dwelling, safely dwelling in my Lord's secret place]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)112335 43355 65435
[I am walking at the side]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)256511 23212 11617
[I belong to Jesus] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[I belong to Jesus, I will walk by His side]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)112333 51231 21351
[I do not know, I cannot understand]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)1132312 31354 44444
[I have a dear Savior who loves me, I know]Ira Bishop Wilson (Composer)1155123 56716 75544
[I have a Friend in Jesus] (I. B. Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)233323 11231 71233
[I have a precious Savior] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[I have joy to overflowing]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[I have joy, yes, blessed joy]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)253343 22527 12355
[I have light in the darkness]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)155654 53112 23234
[I have peace within my heart]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)254333 21556 17653
[I have read of a beautiful city] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)233323 54543 32123
[I know no brighter sunshine than my Savior's smiling face]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[I know the Savior died upon the cross]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[I know what they sing in the glory]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[I sleep, but love still waketh]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)232346 32111 54322
[I think, when I read that sweet story of old] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255676 34567 65545
[I wandered away on the mountain of sin]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)233231 23412 33212
[I was lost in the darkness and sorrow of sin]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)251333 32117 65171
[I was lost in the valley of darkness]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)212333 12346 76512
[Idly standing in the market when there's work to do]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)234553 45561 74423
[If all in this city whose souls are astray]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)351111 11332 12333
[If Jesus leads the way for me]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[If you but knew the love so true]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[If you cannot be a great light shining]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[If you want the world to love]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[I'll tell it out where'er I go]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)235457 21133 36343
[I'm in the grand army of Jesus my King]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255332 16546 55611
[In Christ! In Christ! O, wondrous words]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)4
[In His lowly, straw-filled manger bed]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)153213 57655 56443
[In love and service true and glad]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)234551 12621 74767
[In paths of light my Lord may lead me]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)253233 43325 21275
[In shame over my guilt and my sin stains]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[In sunshine or shadow]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)5
[In that glorious heavenly city]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)334567 13176 56356
[In the glow of some glad morning]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)233312 34333 32123
[In the golden summertime of youthful days]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[In the happy days of childhood, on life's threshold fair]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[In the hollow of His hand my Father holdeth me]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)434554 51176 53512
[In the love of Christ, my Savior]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)334554 51543 32126
[In the sunlight of His glory]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)3
[In the valley so fair by the side of the hill]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[In the warfare that is raging]Ira Bishop Wilson (Composer)1934551 77661 76543
[In the world of toil and strife]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)233533 22252 43335
[In the work of life below]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[It brought him from his home so bright]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[It is enough! my blessed Lord]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)253324 31517 12315
[It is more blessed to give than receive]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[It was long ago on Judea's hills]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)234517 67653 56525
[I've a guest most precious in my life]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[I've got a robe, you've got a robe]Ira B. Wilson (Arranger)111131 11333 33211
[Jesus calls for soldiers brave and true and strong]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Jesus is calling] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)251176 56355 71251
[Jesus is calling for workers today]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Jesus is knocking again at your door]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255517 65143 21232
[Jesus is my joy today]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Jesus, keep me close to Thee] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)253372 11165 33225
[Jesus needs some one to sing of His love]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Jesus offers me life's bright diadem]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)212333 45176 66653
[Jesus shall conquer]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Joy in Jesus I possess]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)353316 11765 13253
[Joy is the song of the morning]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)313576 35421 23275
[Just when Thou wilt, O Master, call] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)232156 65555 67444
[Let others sing of heroes]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Let us cheer and help each other] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)251332 35312 31512
[Let us not worry when trouble-clouds form]Ida B. Wilson (Composer)233312 32161 776
[Let us rejoice! sing happy songs!]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Life will be full of joy complete]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)132343 63271 26765
[Lift up your voice with strength and gladness]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Lift your hearts in praise to God]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Light is the burden I bear for the King]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)1
[Like as a father pitieth his children]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)252117 51433 22234
[List to the voice of the Savior]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Little ray of golden sunshine]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255334 33255 22321
[Lo the night storm breaks, and the Shepherd calls]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)3
[Long no more for earthly riches, wealth can never give you peace]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)256511 12353 32116
[Look in faith beyond the shadows]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Look on the fields where the harvest is waiting]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)3
[Lord, into some dreary spot]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Love is needed, love is needed, just a little more of love]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)3
[Make me a witness]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[March along rejoicing, loyal soldiers of the King]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Merry birds are singing]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)134565 43451 51217
[Mighty foes, dear Lord, assail me]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)213553 53112 23135
[Mountain and valley, forest and meadow]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[My mamma says that Santa Claus]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[My path is pleasant, the sky is bright] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[My soul shall be joyful in the Lord]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[My soul was tossed by angry waves]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Night of nights! when the bells of heaven]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)354651 43325 63265
[No longer doth fair Galilee]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Now our hymns are ended]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)3
[Now sweeps a song of solemn joy]Ira Bishop Wilson (Composer)454532 17651 72676
[O Christ is the Shepherd so tender]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)355453 45651 77126
[O dear little bird in your dainty nest]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255353 21176 53347
[O gift divine, God's boundless love revealing]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)7
[O give thanks unto the Lord] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)234555 65123 33332
[O heart, be glad and gay, a blessed hope we know]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)3
[O star of matchless splendor] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255143 26677 27556
[O tell me the story of Jesus] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255635 13261 76574
[O, this Holy Ghost gospel]I. Wilson (Composer)234545 32176 16152
[O weary one, thirsty and fainting]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255456 44317 66717
[O what happiness does it bring to me]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)112333 34555 11715
[Over the earth the chorus rings]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)353212 17754 32321
[Of the Savior and His love, to those you meet]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)5
[Often times the way I tread is dark and lonely]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)1
[Down at the cross, on Calvary's mountain]I. B. W. (Arranger)132132 11615 31232
[O patiently wait, sow the seeds of God's truth]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255453 51323 11123
[O sing of the One who is always the same]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[O tell again the story of the Man of Calvary]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[O the beautiful flag of our land]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[O the lark sings in the meadow]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)234545 45312 32323
[O the wonder that will fill me]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)251332 13517 62165
[O who are the faithful ones serving the Lord]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255456 53176 74434
[O why should Jesus die for me]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)253323 43112 17671
[O work and pray while it is day]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)253333 34111 11332
[On and on with our Redeemer]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Once again the Christmas bells]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)3
[Once again the world rejoices]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)213553 51555 65454
[Once I sought for worldly pleasures, heeding not the Savior's plea]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Only to trust thee, Jesus my Savior]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)4
[Onward, brothers, shout the watchword]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)234517 21517 61765
[Onward, Christian soldiers] (Wilson 56711)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)356711 75724 33333
[Onward, Christian soldiers] (Wilson 56713)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)356713 33721 65554
[Onward, in majesty, forward]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Onward, upward, ever]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)235456 53512 33221
[Our heavenly Father does not wish]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)253343 63267 26765
[Our little hearts are happy]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Out in the darkness of sin there are souls]Ira Bishop Wilson (Composer)233334 56665 66667
[Out of the gateway sparkling with light]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Over the earth a happy song is ringing]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)334517 71231 11441
[Over the gleaming desert sand]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[patiently bearing our trouble and sorrow]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Plant the seeds of sunshine where the shadows lie]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255456 53175 44434
[Praise the Lord in song today]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Praise the Lord of heaven] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)213535 11171 26153
[Praises we render to Christ our king]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Precious, precious blood of Jesus] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)212313 45333 43212
[Ring, glad Sabbath bells, how your music swells]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Savior, Thy children are frail and weak]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Savior, Thy voice to my soul doth say]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)455545 65132 23434
[Savior, now the day is ending] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Scatter love’s sunbeams as onward you go]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)3
[Scatter the sunshine wherever you go]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Scattering deeds of love like flowers]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255456 35423 45765
[Si se nubla tu horizonte] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)251333 33351 33333
[Sing a joyous welcome]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Sing a song of birthday banners]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Sing, ev’ry heart, glad praise to God]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Sing his praise, sing his praise] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Sing merriest songs when the shadows are dense]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)234555 65351 76565
[Sing praise, sing praise] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Sing, sing with rejoicing]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Sing the Creator’s glory]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Sing to the Lord a joyful song] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)253451 21765 17125
[Smiling, bravely smiling]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Soft the light of sunset glory]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)253333 24211 32123
[Some have their learning to offer]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Somebody told the sweet story to you]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Sometimes the day seems long and drear]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Songbirds in the woodlands sing it]Ira Bishop Wilson (Composer)635446 53323 47123
SONGS IN THE NIGHTIra B. Wilson (Composer)235133 43221 231
[Speak a word for Jesus]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)233511 72522 32342
[Speak to those about you]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255345 51234 32557
[Stand up, stand up for Jesus] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Stars of December, shining so bright]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)3
STILL LEAD MEIra B. Wilson (Composer)231233 35433 24672
[Struggling alone 'neath the chains that bound me]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)251231 12176 51234
[Sunbeams, sunbeams shining all the day]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Sunday school comrades, to the war away]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Sunset and evening star] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)211111 22443 22337
[Sweet assurance have I in the blood]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)233312 33456 66653
[Sweet communion is mine with Jesus]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Sweet hour of devotion, when earth-clouds depart]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)233235 43444 35444
[Sweetly singing, offerings bringing]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)353322 11767 12354
[Tempests wild may sweep about you]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[The Anti-saloon League is marching today]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255653 51176 76565
[The blood, the blood hath cleansed]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
THE CROWN ABOVE THE CROSSIra B. Wilson (Composer)234517 65312 35123
[The gift of God’s mercy is lavished on me]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[The glory of conquest! be valiant, my brothers]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)234556 51233 32165
[The gospel call is sounding]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)251534 65313 56543
[The heavenly Shepherd knows his own]I. B. W. (Arranger)156576 52156 52174
[The Hero of the Cross]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[The Holy Savior waiting stands]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[The hosts of God to conflict go]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[The kingdom of our mighty Lord]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[The Lord has kept a book in which to write with crimson pen]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)1
[The Lord is calling for men to serve Him]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)256721 32354 45617
[The loving Christ is searching for the lost one]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255456 53216 55117
[The Master needs helpers with hearts sincere]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[The men whom we need in our country today]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255653 51321 76572
[The merry little brooklets]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[The night is dark, I cannot see my way]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)233333 22334 43251
[The peace of God is in my soul today]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)355433 22334 44254
[The power of death is broken]Ira Bishop Wilson (Composer)355456 14317 65616
[The risen, living Christ let every heart adore] (Wilson)Ira Bishop Wilson (Composer)251531 66217 67711
[The risen living Christ let every heart adore] (Holton)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)1
[The Savior came to seek and save His own ones]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)6
[The shadows of night must soon be gone]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[There are days when we are lonely]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)251324 33222 22343
[There are lonely hearts near us to cherish]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[There are times when a word, just a friendly word]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)3
[There is a green hill far away] (I. Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)256353 21765 67433
[There is a hope that guides us on]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)253333 21443 25112
[There is a light that shines afar]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[There is a safe and secret place] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)433355 12332 2321
[There is no song like the old, old song]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[There is peace, sweet peace in Jesus’ love]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[There was light in the gilded parlor]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)212333 33444 44432
[There's a beautiful home for the children of God]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255323 43566 62117
[There's a call comes ringing from the courts above]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)534533 43216 55117
[There’s a call of triumph ringing]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[There's a church in the valley by the wildwood]I. B. W. (Arranger)155655 12322 5712
[There's a cross for me, a cross for every one]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)234536 53432 13343
[There's a harbor bright and fair]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[There's a home over Jordan, where wayfarers rest]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[There’s a joy for every sorrow] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)3
[There's a lesson for the children in the sunbeams warm and bright]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[There's a light in the window just now for thee]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)254351 32116 55117
[There’s a love that can not fade]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)332354 65323 54656
[There's a song, when morn is breaking]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)234514 33222 24321
[There's a sweet old story which I long to hear]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)1032155 51762 16512
[There's joy in the homeland]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)655172 17675 65567
[There's light a little farther on]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)353451 76532 34654
[There's sunshine in my Savior's love]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[They hear His voice]Ira. B. Wilson (Composer)231651 23441 23153
[This song within my heart abides]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)253343 21616 51353
[This world is not a place for gloom]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)1051721 76565 17576
[Though burdens may bend me, though troubles oppress]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)413332 32136 53523
[Though in pleasure I abide]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Though the days are dark and dreary]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Thou, the Lord, hast chosen Zion]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Thou who dost hear the cry of even the humblest]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)234451 66766 55556
[Though oft he leads me onward]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Though oft tempest-tossed, when all seems to be lost]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Though the path seems dreary]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Through fields of love where sweetest pastures grow]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Thro’ trials, thro’ mighty temptations]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Time cannot weaken the chain I wear]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)155567 65133 32253
[‘Tis sweet to read His blessed word]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
['Tis the promise of God that he will not forget]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[To the world my love for Christ confessing]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Traveling homeward, nearer and nearer]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)256351 71762 17673
[Up in the old maple there rocks and swings]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255321 76655 55321
[Wait and trust, O storm tossed soul]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Walking with Jesus, O fellowship sweet] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)354535 13231 16141
[Wandering one, hear the Savior say]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Watch with Jesus every hour]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)233215 65722 13333
[We are happy children] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[We are marching forward at the Lord's command]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[We are marching on with Jesus to the land of light]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)434545 65451 32117
[We are reapers in the field]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)655345 65132 67215
[We are very tiny]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)151721 56644 32123
[We can all be sunbeams just right here]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[We can have heaven here]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[We greet again our teachers dear]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[We have come again to join our happy voices]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)1
[We must all be careful]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)1
[We sail along toward the harbor light]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)1956532 14442 34765
[Weary heart, do not bear all your burdens alone]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Weary wanderer, will you listen?]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)354344 53111 21765
[We're a band of children serving Jesus Christ alone]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255111 76717 12334
WERE YOU THEREIra B. Wilson (Arranger)251333 21321 13555
[We've a Friend who watches over us]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[What a change within our hearts]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)1
[What can make it joy to live?]Ira Bishop Wilson (Composer)333321 36531 32133
[What do the dear little flowers say]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)354517 67222 12342
[What if here my path is shadowed] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)253217 15467 327
[What if skies are cloudy and the radiant sun]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)356543 51234 35671
[What kind of seed are you sowing] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)233332 15213 57654
[What say the bells in their chimes so clear?]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)253364 43533 21232
[What shall be the tribute that today we bring]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[What shall we sing for Sabbath songs?]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)253215 43232 75655
[When beyond this land of sadness]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)234545 65112 32343
[When blessings are crowning my days]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)255456 76555 67161
[When heavy grows my load of care]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)256533 23156 61653
[When I am weary, when I am sad]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)156117 67651 23621
[When I think of how the Savior died for me]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[When I think of the love of my Savior so dear]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[When I was lost in the darkness of sin] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)233322 21117 67151
[When my soul is full of gladness]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)113554 56512 33321
[When my soul is tempest tossed]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)212334 43345 56653
[When soft winds are blowing]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[When the blessed Savior]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)433345 51112 32223
[When the clouds of grief and sorrow]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)1
[When the dark clouds of trouble pass over]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)412333 43132 23544
[When the days are dark and dreary] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)234565 11772 67653
[When the glaring signs of rum throughout our land]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)254351 23217 21165
[When the storms of life are raging] (Wilson)Ira B. Wilson (Composer)412333 35321 35176
[When the waves of life are beating]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)1
[When the world is in trouble and anguish and doubt]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[When your heart is filled with gladness]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Where beams the light of heaven's day]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)234451 21247 65645
[Where brothers are burdened]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Where the multitudes are waiting]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)151332 14432 31765
[While Christmas lights are shining]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)333321 55671 72115
[While walking with my Savior]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Who will enlist to serve in the kingdom]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Who will heed the Master's call for workers]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Who will serve today, when our Captain leads the way]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Why does my heart in rapture sing]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)351232 16511 72676
[Wildly the tempest rages]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Will you labor for Jesus in life's wide field]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)312333 51217 72344
[With a heart brave and ready]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[With our banners waving, at the front we'll firmly stand]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[With self surrender cometh rest]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Within the Father's house tonight]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Wonderful Word of our Father in heaven]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)233344 43543 44444
[Work, time is passing]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Worship Him today, the Savior glorious]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)134565 17215 66561
[Worship the glorious Redeemer]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)133341 23554 44655
[Would you win a heavenly blessing]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)254565 11321 61576
[Ye souls, bowed with sorrow]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
[Ye who are thirsting for water of life]Ira B. Wilson (Composer)2
YOU MUST DECIDE FOR JESUSIra B. Wilson (Composer)334533 21334 56532

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