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Topics:christ -atonement

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"The Lord is my Helper"

Author: W. Gadsby Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Offices and Characters of Christ First Line: The Lord's my Helper and Support Lyrics: 1 The Lord’s my Helper and Support, My Saviour and my Friend; He bears my sinking spirits up, And will my soul defend. 2 Though earth, and hell, and sin agree, My comfort to destroy, The Lord of glory fights for me, Nor will he let me die.

The Breaker

Author: W. Gadsby Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Offices and Characters of Christ First Line: The Breaker is gone forth in love Lyrics: 1 The Breaker is gone forth in love, With power and skill divine; Descending from the realms above, To quell his foes and mine. 2 In love to Zion, he has broke The powers of death and hell; And her from Sinai’s dreadful yoke Has broken off as well. 3 Though death, and law, and sin agree This Breaker to arrest, He breaks their bonds, himself sets free, With Zion on his breast. 4 He breaks his children’s hearts in twain, And brings proud nature down; The hearts he breaks he heals again, And on them puts a crown. 5 [He breaks through every darksome cloud, And shows his lovely face; Which makes the sinner sing aloud, “Salvation is of grace.”] 6 [He breaks the traps and gins that lie To catch poor pilgrims’ feet; And, when they stumble, makes them fly To him, their safe retreat.] 7 He’ll break the strings of nature soon, And bid the prisoner fly Beyond the reach of sin and gloom, His glory to enjoy.

Though we walk through this wilderness

Author: W. Gadsby Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Offices and Characters of Christ Lyrics: 1 Though we walk through this wilderness God’s promise is our stay; His goodness he will make to pass Before us in the way. 2 Goodness, immortal and divine, The bliss of endless day, The Lord our God will make to pass Before us in the way. 3 The boundless treasures of his grace, He surely will display, And all his goodness make to pass Before us in the way. 4 [Though hosts of enemies rise up, To fill us with dismay, The Lord will make his goodness pass Before us in the way. 5 To keep our eyes on Jesus fixed, And there our hope to stay, The Lord will make his goodness pass Before us in the way.] 6 To make his saints his glory view, And sing their cares away, The Lord will make his goodness pass Before them in the way. Scripture: Exodus 33:19

"And I will proclaim my name"

Author: W. Gadsby Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Offices and Characters of Christ First Line: When God proclaims his name Lyrics: 1 When God proclaims his name, Then Zion hears with joy; His grace, from age to age the same, Shall all her needs supply. 2 When he descends to show The wonders of his heart, His presence lays proud nature low, And guilty fears depart. 3 Rich mercy he proclaims To sinners in distress; And, by the most endearing names, Reveals to them his grace.

"Great is the Lord"

Author: W. Gadsby Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Sufferings, Death, and Cross of Christ First Line: The works of God proclaim Lyrics: 1 The works of God proclaim The greatness of his power; Jehovah is his name; The saints his name adore; All creatures are at his control; He rules and reigns from pole to pole. 2 Such his omnipotence, And such his justice too, A world he drowns at once, Except a very few; He sends his millions down to hell, And yet is just and holy still. 3 But, O my soul! admire; He looks with smiling face; Though awful is his ire, Yet boundless is his grace; Mercy and justice here agree, To save a guilty wretch like me. 4 That Zion might be free, The angry powers of hell As settled by decree, Upon the Saviour fell; ’Twas in this way the Lord did show What his almighty love could do. 5 [Justice unsheathed its sword, “Awake,” the Father cries, “And smite the Son of God, My Fellow, from the skies; Fall on him with thy wrathful power Nor spare him in the trying hour.” 6 Justice obeyed the word; The Lord a victim fell; Shed all his vital blood; Then spoiled the powers of hell; He rose and triumphed o’er the grave, And ever lives the church to save.] 7 Here I with wonder see The Lord is great indeed; Great is his love to me, And all his chosen seed; He’s great, and Zion shall record The greatness of the mighty Lord.

O thou mighty God and Saviour

Author: W. Gadsby Meter: 8.7.4 Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Sufferings, Death, and Cross of Christ Lyrics: 1 O thou mighty God and Saviour Give us faith thy works to trace; Heavenly Warrior, may we never From thee turn away our face; May we view thee, Standing in our wretched place. 2 Armed with wrath and righteous vengeance, Justice once unsheathed its sword; Death and hell were its attendants, And Jehovah gave the word: “Smite the Shepherd; Let my wrath on him be poured.” 3 All obeyed with fixed attention, And in dreadful troops drew near; Horrors we can never mention Seized our Lord and Saviour there; Armed with vengeance, Free from either dread or fear. 4 Gaze, ye Christians, gaze and wonder; See the mighty Hero fight; He has burst their bands asunder, And completely spoiled their might, Yes, this Warrior, Put the hosts of hell to flight. 5 Now the battle’s fought and gainèd; Jesus, our victorious Lord, Rushed into the hosts, and stainèd All his garments in their blood; But he conquered, And redeemed the church to God. Scripture: Zechariah 13:7

Jesus our heavenly Warrior is

Author: W. Gadsby Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Sufferings, Death, and Cross of Christ Lyrics: 1 Jesus our heavenly Warrior is, He fights our battles well; His wisdom, love, and power displays, And conquers death and hell. 2 When this almighty Warrior stood The church’s woes to bear, Sin, Satan, and the curse of God, In blazing wrath drew near. 3 He bore their every poisonous dart, Nor from God’s vengeance fled; Hell seized his agonisèd heart, And, lo! he bowed his head. 4 He stained his garments in their blood, And, O victorious King! In triumph rose the conquering God, Sweet victory to sing. 5 He satisfied the claims of law, In that tremendous day; Let saints from hence their comfort draw, And sing their cares away. 6 O for a living faith to view The victories of the Lamb; And sweetly lean upon him too, Nor fear to trust his name. Scripture: Isaiah 9:5

"Behold my Servant whom I upheld"

Author: W. Gadsby Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Christ All and In All First Line: Behold, with wondering eyes Lyrics: 1 Behold, with wondering eyes, The Servant of the Lord; On wings of love he flies, His counsels to unfold! He comes, he comes with truth and grace! And Zion shall behold his face. 2 Behold him as your Head; Your Husband, and your Friend; Your Saviour, and your God, Your Way, your Life, your End. Behold him as your Shepherd dear, And on him rest when danger’s near. 3 Behold him as your King, Whose laws are peace and love; Mercy and judgment sing, And set your minds above. Behold him as your great High Priest, With Zion’s name upon his breast. 4 Your Counsellor to plead, Your Prophet he to teach; A Daysman he is made, To make up every breach. On him depend; before him fall; Behold him as your All in All.

Before the earth or seas were made

Author: W. Gadsby Meter: 8.8.6 Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Christ All and In All Lyrics: 1 Before the earth or seas were made, Jesus was chosen as our Head, The Father’s first Elect; In him the church was chosen too, And he engaged to bring them through; Nor will he them neglect. 2 He undertook the care and charge, And promised they should walk at large, And all his glory view. Anon the Father’s set time came, Nor did the Saviour then disdain The Father’s will to do. 3 “Behold him now,” the Father cries; “Ye mourning souls, lift up your eyes And view your Saviour dear. In him my soul delighteth well; My great commands he shall fulfil, And banish all your fear. 4 “Ye tried, ye tempted sinners, look To my Elect, who undertook To ransom you with blood. In him I’m ever, ever pleased, And you shall of your pain be eased, And see a smiling God. 5 “Whatever be your frame of mind, You never will perfection find, But in the Lord alone. No spot nor wrinkle can I see In them that unto Jesus flee; For they and he are one.” Scripture: Isaiah 42:1

The One Thing Needful

Author: W. Gadsby Meter: 8.7.4 Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Christ All and In All First Line: Jesus is the one thing needful Lyrics: 1 Jesus is the one thing needful; I without him perish must. Gracious Spirit, make me heedful; Help me in his name to trust; And with pleasure, In him, as my portion, boast. 2 In the councils of Jehovah, He was needed much indeed; There to stand (a mighty Lover!) In the church’s room and stead, As her Surety, And her everlasting Head. 3 He is needful in all stations, While in Meshech I reside; All my springs and consolations In him, as my Head, abide; And in glory, I shall sing to him that died.


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