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Tune Identifier:"^rendez_a_dieu_bourgeois$"

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Singt, singt dem Herren neue Lieder

Author: Matthias Jorissen Hymnal: Evangelisches Gesangbuch #286 (2014) Topics: Biblische Gesänge Psalmen und Lobgesänge Scripture: Psalm 98 Languages: German Tune Title: [Singt, singt dem herren neue Lieder]
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Nun saget Dank und lobt den Herren

Author: Ambrosius Lobwasser; Fritz Enderlin Hymnal: Evangelisches Gesangbuch #294 (2014) Topics: Biblische Gesänge Psalmen und Lobgesänge Scripture: Psalm 118 Languages: German Tune Title: [Nun saget Dank und lobt den Herren]

Chwal, dziękuj Bogu

Author: Petrus Herbert; Tadeusz Sikora Hymnal: Śpiewnik Ewangelicki #526 (2002) Topics: Nabożeństwo Poslanie do służby Languages: Polish Tune Title: JAUCHZT, ALLE LANDE, GOTT ZU EHREN

Niech śpiew narodów brzmi na ziemi

Author: ks. Matthias Jorissen; Tadeusz Sikora Hymnal: Śpiewnik Ewangelicki #606 (2002) Topics: Wiara, milość, nadzieja Chwała, dziękczynienie i modlitwa Languages: Polish Tune Title: JAUCHZT, ALLE LANDE, GOTT ZU EHREN
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From distant Times thou hast remained

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #XC (1767) Lyrics: 1 From distant Times thou hast remained, O LORD, our sure abiding Place; And by thy mighty Arm sustained, From Age to Age, thy chosen Race. Before the lofty Hills appeared, Or e'er thy Pow'r the Earth did frame, Thou wert as LORD supreme revered; And thou art evermore the same. 2 Frail Man, at thy fierce Indignation, Is turn'd to Dust, of which he's made; And when thou wouldst renew his Station, Thy Will is instantly obey'd. A Thousand Years to thee not seeming, Longer than as a fleeting Day, Or Midnight Watch, to Men when dreaming, Whose Hours in Silence waste away. 3 Thou sweep'st us off by thy great Power, We vanish hence like airy Dreams; At first we grow like some fair Flower That feels the Sun's refreshing Beams: But howsoever fresh and blooming, Its Beauty in the Morning shows, 'Tis soon cut down, and Flames consuming, Destroy it e'er the Ev'ning close. 4 We by thine Anger are distressed, And at thy Wrath we are dismay'd; Our Crimes, whene'er we have transgressed, Are all before thy Presence laid. Thy dreadful Indignation lasting, Our drooping Days in Grief we spend; Our Years in pining Sorrow wasting, Break off like Tales that quickly end. 5 Our Term in Sev'nty Years is ended, An Age which very few survive; But if that Term should be extended, And we at Eighty should arrive; Yet then our boasted Vigour failing, We waste away in Grief and Pain, The Hand of Death is soon prevailing, And we no longer may remain. Part II 6 But who, O LORD, thy sore Displeasure Does with a due Regard revere? And yet thou dost thine Anger measure, As more or less we learn to fear. LORD! let us be by thee respected, And teach us our short Date to mind; That, by true Wisdom still directed, Our Hearts may be to GOD inclin'd. 7 Turn thee, O GOD, to us distressed, And to thy Servants gracious be; Let us with Mercy soon be blessed, And make us still rejoice in thee. Since thou hast us with Sorrows vexed, LORD, wipe away our former Tears; And let us be no more perplexed, But comfort us with happier Years. 8 Let this thy wond'rous Work displayed, To all thy Servants, LORD< be shown; And, down to distant Times conveyed, O let thy glorious Pow'r be known! Be thy bright Rays to us inclined, And kindly give our Work Success; The glorious Work we have designed, Do thou, O LORD, vouchsafe to bless. Topics: Description of Misery and Vanity of human Life Scripture: Psalm 90 Languages: English Tune Title: [From distant Times thou hast remained]
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Let all the Lands, JEHOVAH blessing

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #LXVI (1767) Lyrics: 1 Let all the Lands, JEHOVAH blessing, To him with chearful Voices raise; To his great Name their Psalms addressing, Spread far abroad his glorious Praise: And let them say, LORD, how excelling, In all thy wond'rous Works, art thou! Thy Foes against thy Pow'r rebelling, Shall conquer'd be, and forc'd to bow. 2 The Nations round, thy Pow'r confessing, Shall thee, their GOD, supreme, adore; Their Dread of thy great Name expressing, In Hymns and Songs for ever more: O come, and view with Admiration, The Works of God! and then you'll own, That he to ev'ry Age and Nation, Hath great and wond'rous Judgments shown. 3 The Sea, thro' which our Fathers walked, By him was turn'd to solid Land; Of this they to their Offspring talked, And prais'd the Wonders of his Hand. He by his Pow'r is ever reigning, His Eye doth all the World survey; Let Man, presumptuous Thoughts restraining, Yield humble to his Sovereign Sway. 4 Thro' all the Earth let GOD be blessed; Ye Nations spread abroad his Praise; To him be all your Pray'rs addressed, To him in Songs your Voices raise. 'Tis GOD that gives us safe Protection, 'Tis he that does our Lives secure; Our Footsteps form'd by his Direction, Are made to tread the Path that's sure. Part II 5 As Gold by Fire becomes refined, And Ore is in the Furnace try'd; So, LORD, to know how we're inclined, Thou has thy searching Pow'r apply'd. Thou plac'd us in a low Condition, Where we oppressive Burthens bore; Our Hearts were touch'd with deep Contrition, We daily did thy Help implore. 6 Our Foes did us, their Slaves distressed, At once thro' Fire and Water chase; But thou hast all our Wrongs redressed, And brought us in a wealthy Place. Burnt-Off'rings, therefore, I am bringing, To thee, the GOD, whom I adore; My Voice shall be employ'd in singing, Thy Praises, LORD! for ever more. 7 The Vows my Soul, when much distressed, Hath made to GOD, I will repay; Whate'er my Lips have then expressed, Shall be perform'd without Delay. Then shall the riches Incense burning, Perfume the Air, fat Rams shall fall; The choicest Goats from Fields returning, Shall bleed, with Bullocks from the Stall. 8 All ye that fear the LORD, attend me, O hear my Voice with heedful Care! I'll tell how GOD his Help did send me, His Love with Joy I will declare. As I before his Aid implored, So now I'll spread abroad his Fame; He hath my Soul to Life restored, And I will bless his holy Name. 9 But if my Heart had Evil framed, Or if my Breast had harbour'd Sin; My Vows would soon have been disclaimed, My Pray'rs had not accepted been. But GOD to me, whene'er I cried, His gracious Ear did quickly bend; Nor hath my humble Wish denied, But does with constant Love attend. 10 Be thou, O GOD, for ever blessed, Who never, when to thee I pray, With hold thy Love from me distressed, Or turn thy glorious Face away. nor turns his Face away! Topics: Soul's Desire Of Believers; Thanksgivings For Delerances and Wonders, General Scripture: Psalm 66 Languages: English Tune Title: [Let all the Lands, Jehovah blessing]
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To GOD be endless Praise addressed

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #CXVIII (1767) Lyrics: 1 To GOD be endless Praise addressed, Because his Mercies ne'er decay; That he hath us with Favour blessed, Let thankful Isr'el ever say: And for the Love he's still extedning, Let Aaron's House their Joy express; His Truth and Goodness never ending. Let all who fear the LORD confess. 2 My Soul to GOD her Pray'r addressed, Who graciously vouchsaf'd to hear; Since he relieves me, when oppressed, Why should I any Mortal fear? My Foes, no doubt, shall be disgraced, Since GOD declares himself my Friend; Our Hopes should all in him be placed, And not on human Pow'r depend. 3 Though many Nations, close combined, Did oftentimes beset me round; Yet I my Cause to him resigned, Who did their boasted Strength confound. They swarm'd like Bees, and me defied, Their Rage was like a short-liv'd Blaze; For, whilst on GOD I still relied, I overcame them all with Ease. 4 When they their utmost Force exerted, In hopes to see my sudden Fall; The LORD, who never me deserted, In Mercy sav'd me from them all. That I've escap'd from Tribulation, To him alone the Praise belongs; He is my Strength, and my Salvation; He is the Theme of all my Songs. 5 The Just, with Joy, are ever praising The LORD, who saves their souls from Harm; For wond'rous Things and Works amazing, Are done by his Almighty Arm. His strong Right Hand he hath extended, And never-fading Honours won; His strong Right Hand hath us defended, And most surprizing Wonders done. 6 Though Death draws nigh, my Soul dismaying, Yet GOD shall still prolong my Days; That I his mighty Works displaying, May thus advance his glorious Praise. When GOD, with heavy Hand correcting, My Soul of all her Joy bereaves; Ev'n then, his Mercy me protecting, From Death my fainting Life retrieves. 7 Then let the Gates be wide extended, The Gates, to which the Just repair, That I, whom GOD hath thus defended, May praise my great Deliv'rer there. With Footsteps to those Gates directed, To which in Crouds the Righteous press, Since thou hast heard, and me protected, Thy holy Name, O LORD, I'll bless. 8 That which the Builders once despised, Is now become the Corner-Stone; This Wonder, LORD, thou hast devised, This wond'rous Work is thine alone! This Day is GOD's, let Songs ascending To Heav'n, be sent from ev'ry Voice: LORD, be thy Arm our Cause defending, And make us still in thee rejoice. 9 Who trusts in GOD, to be supported, Ev'n him let all th' Assembly bless; We, who have to his House resorted, Do freely wish you good Success. GOD is the LORD, in whose Salvation, We all both Light and Comfort find; Fast to the Horns, with Adoration, The Altar's Horns, the Victim bind. 10 Thou art my GOD, and I with Pleasure, Will ever praise thy holy Name; Thou art my GOD, my soul's great Treasure, Therefore I'll celebrate thy Fame! Oh, to the LORD be Praise addressed, Who doth so kind and gracious prove; For us, his People, he hath blessed, And crown'd with never ending Love. Topics: Description of Confidence of Believers in Dangers; Prophecies Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Coming and Government; Songs of Praise to God the coming of the Savior; Thanksgivings For Deliverances and Wonders, particular Scripture: Psalm 118 Languages: English Tune Title: [To God be endless Praise addressed]
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With new made Songs, let GOD be praised

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #XCVIII (1767) Lyrics: 1 With new-made Songs, let GOD be praised, Who wondrous Things for us hath done With his Right Hand and Arm upraised,, A glorious Conquest he has won. The LORD, hat to the World, dismayed, Declar'd his Strength and saving Might, He hath his righteous Acts displayed, Before th' astonish'd Heathens Sight. 2 The LORD, in Love and Truth excelling, Of Israel's House hath mindful been; And Nations in Earth's Corners dwelling, The saving Pow'r of GOD have seen. Let Earth's Inhabitants, combining, To him their joyful Voices raise; Let all in Songs of Triumph joining, Loudly resound their Maker's Praise. 3 With many tuneful Harps surrounding, Let them into the Concert bring, Trumpets and Cornets, shrilly sounding, And hymn glad Praises to their King: Let the loud Ocean roar, transported, With all that spacious Seas contain, Be Earth's Inhabitants exhorted, To join in Praise the noisy Main. 4 Let Streams, thro' fertile Meadows bounding, In larger Torrents dance and play; Let Hills and Vales their Joy resounding, Far off redoubled Shouts convey: To welcome down the King renowned, Who does in awful Triumph come, With never fading Glory crowned, With Justice to reward or doom. Topics: Prophecies Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Coming and Government; Songs of Praise to God the coming of the Savior Scripture: Psalm 98 Languages: English Tune Title: [With new made songs, let God be praised]
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Before the day draws near its ending

Author: John Ellerton Hymnal: Hymnal for Colleges and Schools #14 (1956) Languages: English Tune Title: GENEVA
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Bread of the world in mercy broken

Author: Reg. Heber Hymnal: Hymns #19 (1899) Languages: English Tune Title: [Bread of the world in mercy broken]


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