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Hymnal, Number:elh91895

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Of Zion's honor angels sing!

Hymnal: ELH91895 #a333 (1895) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Of Zion's honor angels sing! In Zion Christ alone is King; In grace He rules with gentle sway, And leads her heavenward, day by day. 2 And Zion knows no other Lord, But cleaves alone to His pure Word: To her suffices: "Jesus saith!"-- This is her source and rule of faith. 3 To her He gave the Power of Keys, To bind and loose as He decree; Through her He wishes sins forgiven, And sinner made fit heirs of heaven. 4 Hence He apostles, prophets, sent To her, with Word and Sacrament-- And He gives servants of the Word, To serve the Church and Christ her Lord. 5 God Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Adored by all the heavenly host, We bow in Zion at Thy throne,-- No other God and Lord we own. Topics: The Catechism The Ministry Languages: English
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Father! be Thy blessing shed

Hymnal: ELH91895 #a334 (1895) Lyrics: 1 Father! be Thy blessing shed On Thy chosen servant's head; Savior! needed grace impart To sustain and keep his heart; Holy Spirit! with Thy fire Touch his lips, his soul inspire, That Thy Truth through him be told Fearlessly to young and old. 2 Seal this day the vows that hold Flock and shepherd in one fold. May he Jesus' mandates keep, "Feed My lambs," and "Feed My sheep!" By Thee to Thy people sent With Thy Word and Sacrament, May he so proclaim the Word That who hear him, hear Thee, Lord. 3 In Thy vineyard called to toil, Wisely may he search the soil; Sinners may he love and win, While he hates and brands the sin. Give him boldness for the right, Give him meekness in the fight, Teach him zeal and care to blend, Give him patience to the end. 4 Grant him, in his charge, to find List'ning ear and fervent mind, Helpful counsels, deep'ning peace, Earnest life, and glad increase; May they, by each other led, Grow to one in Christ their head, And at last, together be Ripe for heaven and meet for Thee! Topics: The Catechism The Ministry Languages: English
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How beauteous are their feet

Hymnal: ELH91895 #a335 (1895) Meter: Lyrics: 1 How beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zion's hill! Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal. 2 How charming is their voice! How sweet their tidings are! "Zion, behold Thy Savior--King, He reigns and triumphs here." 3 How happy are our ears That hear this joyful sound, That kings and prophets waited for, And sought, but never found! 4 How blessed are our eyes That see this heavenly light; Prophets and kings desired it long, But died without the sight! 5 The watchmen join their voice, And tuneful notes employ; Jerusalem breaks forth in songs, And deserts learn the joy. 6 The Lord makes bare His arm Through all the earth abroad: Let every nation now behold Their Savior and their God. Topics: The Catechism The Ministry Languages: English
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Ye Christian heralds, go proclaim

Hymnal: ELH91895 #a336 (1895) Meter: Lyrics: 1 "Ye Christian heralds, go proclaim Salvation in Immanuel's name; To distant climes the tidings bear, And plant the rose of Sharon there." 2 Go with His Word and Sacrament, And in His name spend and be spent; You bring Immanuel's saving grace Unto a lost and dying race. 3 From out the depths of open grave Their need cries loudly: Help, O save! Go then, and toil while yet 'tis day; He, who you serve, attends your way. Topics: The Catechism The Ministry Languages: English
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O pour Thy Spirit from on high!

Hymnal: ELH91895 #a337 (1895) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O pour Thy Spirit from on high! Lord, Thine appointed servants bless; Thy promised power to each supply, And clothe Thy priests with righteousness. 2 Wisdom, and zeal, and faith impart, Firmness with meekness, from above, To bear Thy people in their heart, And love the souls whom Thou dost love; 3 To watch, and pray, and never faint; By day and night their guard to keep; To warn the sinner, cheer the saint, Protect Thy lambs, and feed Thy sheep. 4 And when their work is finished here, Let them in hope their charge resign; Before the throne with joy appear, And there with endless glory shine. Topics: The Catechism The Ministry Languages: English
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Lord, cause Thy face on us to shine

Hymnal: ELH91895 #a338 (1895) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lord, cause Thy face on us to shine, Give us Thy peace, and seal us Thine; Teach us to prize the means of grace, And love Thine earthly dwelling-place. 2 On is our faith, and one our Lord; One body, Spirit, hope, reward: May we in one communion be One with each other, one with Thee. 3 Bless all whose voice salvation brings, Who minister in holy things; Our pastors, elders deacons, bless; Cloth them with zeal and righteousness: 4 Let many in the judgment-day, Turned from the error of their way, Their hope, their joy, their crown appear:-- Save those who preach, and those who hear. Topics: The Catechism The Ministry Languages: English
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O Jesus Christ, how bright and fair

Hymnal: ELH91895 #a339 (1895) Lyrics: 1 O Jesus Christ, how bright and fair The state of holy marriage, where Thy blessing rich is given! What gracious gifts Thou dost bestow, What streams of bounty ever flow Down from Thy holy heaven, When they Obey Thee, Lord, ever Leave Thee never, Whose troth-plighted, In one life have been united! 2 When man and wife are mated well, In harmony together dwell In chaste and faithful union, Then grows their fortune with their love, And angel visitants above Rejoice at such communion; No storm, No worm Can destroy that, Can e'er gnaw that, What God giveth To the pair that in Him liveth. 3 Be of good cheer, it was not we Who first this order did decree; It was a higher Father, Who loved and liveth us for aye, And from whose lips, when grieved, each day We friendly counsel gather; Good end He'll send To our doing and pursuing, Wisely guiding All our planning and providing. 4 A time will come, it cannot fail, When we 'neath trials sore shall quail, And tears be freely flowing; To him who bears it patiently, By God's grace shall His sorrow be Turned into joy o'erflowing. Waive care, Wait, bear; He is near thee, Who can cheer thee, For thy sadness He will give thee oil of gladness. 5 Come hither then, my King so bless'd! In trials guide, in pain give rest, In anxious times relieving! To Thee we shall ascribe the praise, Our hearts and voices we shall raise In one loud song, thanks giving, Till we With Thee Shall be dwelling And there telling Thy praise ever, Nevermore from Thee to sever. Topics: The Catechism The Christian Household Languages: English
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The happy Christmas comes once more

Hymnal: ELH91895 #a34 (1895) Meter: Lyrics: 1 The happy Christmas comes once more, The heavenly Guest is at the door, The blessed words the shepherds thrill-- The joyous tidings: Peace, Good-will! 2 To David's city let us fly, Where angels sing beneath the sky; Through plainand village pressing near, And news from God with shepherds hear. 3 O let us go with quiet mind, The gentle Babe with shepherds find, To gaze on Him who gladdens them, The loveliest flower of Jesse's stem. 4 The lowly Savior meekly lies, Laid off the splendor of the skies; No crown bedecks His forehead fair, No pearl, nor gem, nor silk is there. 5 No human glory, might, and gold, The lovely Infant's form enfold; The manger and the swaddlings poor Are His, whom angels' songs adore. 6 O wake our hearts, in gladness sing, And keep our Christmas with our King, Till living song, from loving souls, Like sound of mighty water rolls. 7 O holy Child, Thy manger gleams Till earth and heaven glow with its beams, Till midnight hath noon's brightness won, And Jacob's Star outshines the sun. 8 Thou Patriarch's joy, Thou Prophets' song, Thou heav'nly Day-Spring looked for long, Thou Son of Man, Incarnate Word, Great David's Son, great David's Lord! 9 Come Jesus, glorious heav'nly Guest, Keep Thine own Christmas in our breast; Then David's harp-strings, hushed so long, Shall swell our jubilee of song. Topics: The Church Year Christmas Languages: English
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O Triune God, thy blessing great

Hymnal: ELH91895 #a340 (1895) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O Triune God, Thy blessing great Rest on our households, Church and State, And all the godly work and worth, That flows from the to bless the earth. 2 Bless Thou our household praise and prayer, And sanctify domestic care; To hearths and homes grant Thou Thy grace, That home become a hallowed place. 3 Bless us with schools wherein are led Thy lambs on pastures green, and fed With bread of life, so freely given, That they be reared as heirs of heaven. 4 Bless Thou the Word to young and old; Bless, Lord, the Church, Thy chosen fold, And him who cares in heavenly things, To us and ours Thy blessing brings. Topics: The Catechism The Christian Household Languages: English
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At Cana, Lord, Thou didst appear

Hymnal: ELH91895 #a341 (1895) Meter: Lyrics: 1 At Cana, Lord, Thou didst appear To grace a marriage feast; We ask Thee likewise to be here, And be a wedding guest. 2 Upon the wedded pair look down, Who now have plighted hands; Their union with Thy favor crown, And bless their nuptial bands. 3 With gifts of grace their hearts endow, Of all rich dowries best! Their substance bless, and peace bestow, To sweeten all the rest. 4 In purest love their souls unite, That they, with Christian care, May make domestic burdens light, By taking mutual share. 5 True helpers may they prove indeed, In prayer and faith and hope; And see with joy a godly seed To build their household up. 6 On ev'ry soul assembled here, O make Thy face to shine; Thy goodness more our hearts can cheer Than richest food or wine. Topics: The Catechism The Christian Household Languages: English


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