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Tune Identifier:"^vater_unser_55345$"

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Showing 31 - 40 of 88Results Per Page: 102050
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Oh GOD, my gracious GOD, to thee

Appears in 50 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Oh GOD, my gracious GOD, to thee My Morning Pray'rs shall offer'd be; For thee my thirsty Soul doth pant; My parched Flesh implores thy Grace, Within this dry and barren Place, Where I refreshing Waters want. 2 Oh! to my longing Eyes, once more, That View of glorious Pow'r restore, Which thy majestic House displays: Because to me, thy wond'rous Love, Than Life itself does dearer prove, My Lips shall always speak thy Praise. 3 My Life, while I that Life enjoy, In blessing GOD I will employ, With lifted Hands adore his Name: My soul's Content shall be as great, As theirs, who choicest Dainties eat, While I with Joy his Praise proclaim. 4 When down I lie, sweet Sleep to find, Thou, LORD, art present to my Mind; And when I wake in Dead of Night: Because thou still dost Succour bring, Beneath the Shadow of thy Wing I rest with Safety and Delight. 5 My Soul, when Foes would me devour, Cleaves fast to thee, whose matchless Pow'r, In her Support is daily shown: But those the righteous LORD shall slay, That my Destruction wish, and they That seek my Life, shall lose their own. 6 They by untimely Ends shall die, Their Flesh a Prey to Foxes lie, But GOD shall fill the King with Joy: Who swears by thee, shall still rejoice; Whilst the false Tongue, and lying Voice, Thou, LORD, shalt silence and destroy. Topics: Prayers When percecuted; Prophecies Predictions of God's Judgment upon the Ungodly and Wicked Scripture: Psalm 63 Used With Tune: [Oh, God, my gracious God, to thee]

Our Father, Who from Heaven Above

Author: Martin Luther, 1483-1546; F. Samuel Janzow, 1913-2001 Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: Our Father, who from heav'n above Lyrics: 1 Our Father, who from heav'n above Bids all of us to live in love As members of one family And pray to You in unity, Teach us no thoughtless words to say But from our inmost hearts to pray. 2 - 5 [protected by copyright] 6 Forgive our sins, Lord, we implore, that they may trouble us no more; We, too, will gladly those forgive Who hurt us by the way they live. Help us in our community to serve each other willingly. 7 [protected by copyright] 8 From evil, Lord, deliver us; The times and days are perilous. Redeem us from eternal death, And, when we yield our dying breath, Console us, grant us calm release, And take our souls to You in peace. 9 Amen, that is, so shall it be. Make strong our faith in You, that we May doubt not but with trust believe That what we ask we shall receive. Thus in Your name and at Your Word We say, "Amen, O hear us, Lord!" Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13 Used With Tune: VATER UNSER Text Sources: The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941 (Tr. sts. 1, 6, 8-9) alt.

If God build not the house, and lay

Author: Phineas Fletcher Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: VATER UNSER

O Fader vor i Himmerig

Author: Luther; Ukj.; Landstad Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Fader vor i Himmerig, Som bad os leve broderlig, Og dig md Flid at kalde paa, Vor Bøn du gjerne høre saa; Giv, at ei beder blot vor Mund, Hjælp, at det gaar af Hjertens Grund! 2 Helliget vorde, Gud, dit Navn, Dit Ord lab komme os til Gavn, At vi maa leve kristelig, Dit Navn til Pris evindelig, Giv Lærdom reen, vær Ordets Tolk, Vend om, vend om dit arme Folk! 3 Dit Rige komme til os hid, Og glæde os til evig Tid; Din Helligaand lad hos os bo Med sine Gaver, Trøst og Tro; Slaa ned al Djævlens Magt og Vold, Din Kirke staa i godt Behold! 4 Din Vilje ske paa Jorderig, Alt som den er i Himmerig; Og skjænkes os en modgangs Skaal, Giv Lydighed og Trøst og Taal; Tving Kjødets Lust og ond Begjær Med alt, som mod din Vilje er! 5 Giv os idag vort daglig Brød, Med al vor Tarv til Livsens Nød; Fri os fra Ufred, Tvist og Strid, Fra Sygdom og den dyre Tid, Lad Fred og gode Dage staa, Al Gjerrighedens Sorg forgaa! 6 Og al vor Skyld forlad os her, At den os ei bedrøver meer, Som vore Skyldnere vi vil Af Hjertet gjerne give til; Gjør os til Venskab vel bered I broderlig Samdrægtighed! 7 Naar vi og fristes, lad os staa, At Satan os ei sange maa, Til hvilken Kant han komme kan; Hælp os, at vi faa Overhaand Med grundfast Tro imod hans List, Dertil hjælp os, o Herre Krist! 8 Fra Ondt bevar os sammelund, Thi Ondt er her hver Dag og Stund; Fri os og fra den evig Død, Og trøst os i vor sidste Nød, Gjør Enden god, annam vor Aand, O, Herre Jesu, i din Haand! 9 Amen, det er: ja, sandt og vist! Dertil styrk Troen, Herre Krist! At ingen Tvil vi derom bær, Vi faa de Ting, vi bede her Alt paa dit Ord, i Navnet dit, Thi sige vi nu Amen fridt. Topics: Sædvanlige Salmer til Høimesse; Common Hymns for High Mass; Omvendelsen; Repentance; Helliggjørelse og Fornyelse; Helliggjørelse og Fornyelse; Sanctification and Renewal; Sanctification and Renewal; Bønnen; Bønnen; Bønnen; Prayer; Prayer; Prayer; Almindelig Bededag Til Ottesang og Høimesse; Ordinary Prayer Day High Mass; Femte Søndag efter Paaske Til Hoimesse; Fifth Sunday after Easter High Mass Used With Tune: [O Fader vor i Himmerig]

Lord Jesus, in the Days of Old

Author: James A. Noble, 1844-1896 Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals Used With Tune: VATER UNSER
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God of the living, in whose eyes

Author: John Ellerton Meter: Appears in 60 hymnals Topics: For the Departed; Burial Services; Easter IV Evening Prayer General; The Church Expectant Used With Tune: OLD HUNDRED TWELFTH
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Lord God of hosts, whose mighty hand

Author: John Oxenham, 1852 - 1941 Appears in 24 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord God of hosts, whose mighty hand Dominion holds on sea and land, In peace and war thy will we see Shaping the larger liberty; Nations may rise and nations fall, Thy changeless purpose rules them all. 2 For those who weak and broken lie In weariness and agony, Great Healer, to their beds of pain Come, touch, and make them whole again. O hear a people's prayers, and bless Thy servants in their hour of stress. A-men. 3 For those to whom the call shall come, We pray thy tender welcome home; The toil, the bitterness, all past, We trust them to thy love at last. O hear a people's prayers for all Who, nobly striving, nobly fall. 4 For those who minister and heal, And spend themselves, their skill, their zeal; Renew their hearts with Christ-like faith, And guard them from disease and death; And in thine own good time, Lord, send Thy peace on earth till time shall end. Amen. Topics: Church Life and Work City, Nation, World Used With Tune: VATER UNSER
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My God, I Know that I Must die

Author: Benjamin Schmolck, 1672-1737 Meter: Appears in 18 hymnals Lyrics: 1 My God, I know that I must die: My mortal life is passing hence; On earth I neither hope nor try To find a lasting residence. Then teach me by Thy heavenly grace With joy and peace my death to face. 2 My God, I know not when I die; What is the moment or the hour; How soon the clay may broken lie, How quickly pass away the flower: Then may Thy child preparéd be Through time to meet eternity. 3 My God, I know not how I die; For death has many ways to come, In dark mysterious agony, Or gently as a sleep to some. Just as Thou wilt, if but it be To bring me, blesséd Lord, to Thee! 4 My God, I know not where I die, Where is my grace, beneath what strand; Yet from its gloom I do rely To be delivered by Thy hand. Content, I take what spot is mine, Since all the earth, my Lord, is Thine. 5 My gracious God, when I must die, Oh, bear my happy soul above, With Christ, my Lord, eternally To share Thy glory and Thy love: Then comes it right and well to me, When, where, and how my death shall be. Topics: Death and Resurrection Used With Tune: VATER UNSER IM HIMMELREICH
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The Lord's Prayer

Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Our Father, who in Heaven art Lyrics: 1 Our FATHER, who in Heaven art, The Sp'rit of Pray'r to us impart; With childlike Reverence, may we, And Confidence, approach to thee: With more than earthly Father's Care, All needful Things for us prepare. 2 Hallowed by thy Name: - may we The saving Knowledge have of thee, To praise and glorify thy name, Which thou dost in thy works proclaim; May all our thoughts, our Words and Ways, Be still devoted to thy Praise. 3 Thy Kingdom come; - by thy bless'd Word, And HOLY SPIRIT, so rule us LORD, That as thy faithful Subjects, we May more and more submit to thee, Keep and encrease thy Church; destroy Whate'er thy Kingdom would annoy. 4 Thy Will be done in Earth below, As 'tis in Heav'n, - Thy Grace bestow On us and all; may we and they Renounce our Wills, and thine obey. In Constancy, in Zeal and Love May we resemble those above. 5 On us our daily Bread bestow, From thee alone all Blessings flow. External Plenty cannot be A Blessing, but when bless'd by thee. On thee, our FATHER, we rely, That thou wilt all our wants supply. 6 Our Debts forgive us, LORD, as we Forgive our Debtors, - For with thee Forgiveness is, through CHRIST thy Son, Whose Blood did for our Guilt attone. Let mutual Love and Charity Be Proofs of our Sincerity. 7 Into Temptation lead us not, - Though we re weak, and En'mies plot, Though Satan, Would and Flesh combine Against us, and our Hurt design; May we, by thine Almighty Aid, Ev'n more than conquerors be made. 8 LORD from all Evil set us free, And make us more conform'd to thee; And as our Journey's End is Death, when called to resign our Breath, O may thy everlasting Love Receive us to thy Joys above. 9 For thine's the Kingdom, thine the Pow'r, And thine the Glory evermore, Firmly in thee our Souls confide, The Pray'r of Faith was ne'er deny'd. Amen, so let it be, O LORD, According to thy gracious Word. Used With Tune: [Our Father, who in Heaven art]
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LORD, hear my Cry, regard my Pray'r

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 LORD, hear my Cry, regard my Pray'r, Which I, oppress'd with heavy Grief, From Earth's remotest Parts, address To thee, with hope of kind Relief; Save me from persecuting Pow'r, For thou hast often been my Tow'r. 2 So shall I in thy sacred Courts, Secure from ev'ry Danger lie; Beneath the Covert of thy Wings, All future Storms I will defy: My Soul of thy Protection sure, Against her Foes shall ret secure. 3 For thou, O GOD,hast heard my vows, And in thy Goodness didst ordain, That I, with lasting Glories crown'd, Should o'er thy chosen People reign: Vouchsafe, O LORD, thy King to bless, And make his prosp'rous Days encrease. 4 Confirm his Throne, and make his Reign To be accepted in thy Sight; And let thy Truth and Mercy both, Oh GOD, in his Defence unite: So I'll devote my future Days, To pay my Vows, sing thy Praise, Topics: Prayers Of a King or Prince, for God's Grace and Assistance Scripture: Psalm 61 Used With Tune: [Lord, hear my Cry, regard my Pray'r]


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