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Scripture:Psalm 37

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Borning Cry

Author: John C. Ylvisaker, 1937- Meter: Irregular Appears in 13 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 37:25 First Line: I was there to hear your borning cry Topics: Marriage Used With Tune: WATERLIFE
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Thy Way and All Thy Sorrows

Author: P. Gerhardt, 1607-76; A. T. Russell, 1806-74 Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 37 Lyrics: 1 Thy way and all thy sorrows, Give thou into His hand, His gracious care unfailing, Who doth the heav’ns command; Their course and path He giveth To clouds and air and wind; A way thy feet may follow, He too for thee will find. 2 On Him be Thy reliance, As thou would'st prosper well; To make thy work enduring Thy mind on His must dwell. God yieldeth naught to sorrow And self tormenting care; Naught, naught with him availeth; No power save that of pray'r. 3 Thy truth and grace, O Father, Behold and surely know, Both what is good and evil, For mortal man below: And whatso'e'er Thou choosest Thou dost, great God, fulfill, And into being bringest Whate'er is in Thy will. 4 Thy way is ever open; Thou dost on naught depend; Thine act is only blessing, Thy path light without end. Thy work can no man hinder; Thy purpose none can stay, Since Thou to bless Thy children Through all dost make a way. 5 In vain the pow'rs of darkness Thy will, O God, oppose; High over all undoubting, Thy pleasure onward goes. Whate'er Thy will resolveth, Whate'er Thou dost intend, Its destined work performeth True to its aim and end. 6 Then hope, my feeble spirit, And be thou undismayed; God helps in ev'ry trial, And makes thee unafraid. Await God's time with pleasure, Then shall thine eyes behold The sun of joy and gladness His brightest beams unfold. 7 Arise, arise! thy sadness, Thy cares send far away; Away each thought afflicting That on the heart doth prey. Not in thy hands the guidance Of all events doth dwell; God on His throne o'erruleth, He guideth all things well. 8 Leave all to His direction; In wisdom He doth reign; Thy wonder far exceeding, He will His course maintain; So He as Him beseemeth, With wonder-working skill, Shall put away the sorrows That now thy spirit fill. 9 Awhile His consolation He will to thee deny, And seem as though in spirit He far from thee would fly; Awhile distress and anguish Shall compass thee around, Nor to thy supplication An answ'ring voice be found. 10 But if thou ne'er forsake Him, Thou shalt deliv'rance find; Behold all unexpected, He will thy soul unbind. He from thy heavy burden Will soon thy heart set free; Yea, from that weight no evil Hath yet befallen thee. 11 Thou child of truth, how blessed! A conqu'ror soon shalt be, With songs of glad thanksgiving A crown awaiteth thee. To thee the palm triumphal By god's own hand is giv'n, Thine, to His name who saved thee, To sing the songs of heav'n. 12 Give, Lord, this consummation To all our hearts’ distress, Our hands, our feet, O strengthen, In death our spirits bless. Thy truth and Thy protection For evermore we pray; With these in heav’nly glory Shall end our certain way. Topics: Epiphany 4 Used With Tune: BEFIEHL DU DEINE WEGE
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The River of Pleasure

Author: B. E. Warren Appears in 6 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 37:8 First Line: Oh, drink of the river of pleasure Refrain First Line: Oh, drink of the river of pleasure and love Used With Tune: [Oh, drink of the river of pleasure]

Contemplando Tu Amor

Author: Robert Grant; H. G. Jackson Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 37:5 Refrain First Line: Sólo en ti vencer podré Used With Tune: REDHEAD 76

Fret not thyself

Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 37 First Line: Fret not thyself because of evildoers Topics: Prose Psalms Used With Tune: [Fret not thyself]

When Evil People Sin

Author: Bert Polman Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 37 Topics: Doubt; Trust in God; Afflictions; Doubt; Providence; Trust in God; Wisdom Used With Tune: DINBYCH Text Sources: Christopher Idle, based on a text by
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Noli æmulari

Author: W. W. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 37 First Line: Grudge not to see the wicked men Lyrics: 1 Grudge not to see the wicked men, in wealth to flourish still: Nor yet envy such as to ill, have bent and set their will. 2 For as the greene grasse and flourishing herbes, are cut and wither away: So shall their great prosperity soone passe, fade and decay. 3 Trust thou therefore in God alone, to do well give thy mind: So shalt thou have the land as thine, and there sure food shalt find. 4 In God set all thy heart's delight, and look what thou wouldst have, Or else canst wish in all the world, thou needst it not to crave. 5 Cast both thy selfe and thine affaires. on God with perfect trust: And thou shalt see with patience, the effect both sure and just. 6 Thy perfect life and godly name, he will cleare as the light: So that the Sun, even at noone daies, shall not shine halfe so bright. 7 Be still therefore, and steadfastly on God see thou wait then: Not shrinking for the prosperous state of lewd and wicked men. 8 Shake off despight, envy and hate, at least in any wise: Their wicked works avoid and flie and follow not their guise. 9 For every wicked man will God destroy both more and lesse: But such as trust in him are sure the land for to possesse. 10 Watch but a while, and thou shalt see no more the wicked traine: No not so much as house or place where once he did remaine. The second Part 11 But mercifull and humble men enjoy shall sea and land: In rest and peace they shall rejoyce, for nought shall them withstand. 12 The lewd men and malicious, against the just conspire: They gnash their teeth at him as men who do his bane desire. 13 But while the lewd men thus do think, the Lord laughs them to scorne: For why, he sees the terme approach, when they shall sigh and mourne. 14 The wicked have their sword out-drawn, their bow eke have they bent: To overthrow and kill the poore, as they the right way went. 15 But the same sword shall pierce their heart, which was to kill the just: Likewise the bow shall break to shivers wherein they put their trust. 16 Doubtlesse the just man's poore estate is better a greate deale more: Than all these lewd and wicked mens rich pompe and heaped store. 17 For be their power never so strong, God will it overthrow: Where contrary he doth preserve the humble man and low. 18 He sees by his great providence, the good mens trade and way: And will give them inheritance, which never shall decay. 19 They shall not be discouraged, when some are hard bestead: When others shall be hunger-bit, they shall be clad and fed. 20 For whosoever wicked is, and enemy to the Lord: Shall auaile, yea melt even as lambs grease or smoke that flies abroad. The third Part: 21 Behold, the wicked borrowes much, and mever paies againe: Whereas the just by liberall gifts, makes many glad and faine. 22 For they whom God doth blesse shall have the land for heritage. And they whom he doth curse likewise shall perish in his rage. 23 The Lord the just mans waies doth guide, and gives him good successe: To every thing he takes in hand he sendeth good addresse. 24 Though he doth fall yet he is sure not utterly to guaile: Because the Lord puts out his hand, at need and doth not faile. 25 I have been young, but now am old yet did I never see: The just man left nor yet his seed, go beg for misery. 26 He gives alwaies most liberally, and lends whereas is need: His children and posterity receive of God their meed. 27 Flie vice therefore and wickednessw, and vertue do embrace: So shall God grant thee long to have on earth a dwelling place. 28 For God so loveth equity, and shewes to his such grace: That he preserveth them alway: but stroyes the wicked race. 29 Whereas the good and godly men inherit shall the land: Having as Lords all things therein in their own power and hand. 30 The just mans mouth doth ever speake of matters wise and hie: His tongue doth talke to edifie, with truth and equity. 31 For in his heart the law of God his Lord doth still abode: So that wherever he goes or walks, his foot can never slide. 32 The wicked like a ravening wolfe, the just man doth beset: By all means seeking him to kill, if he fall in his net. The fourth Part 33 Though he should fall into his hands, yet God would succour send: Though men against him sentence give, God would him yet defend. 34 Wait thou on God and keep his way, he shall preserve thee then The earth to rule, and thou shalt see destroid these wicked men. 35 The wicked have I seen most strong, and plac'd in high degree: Flourishing in all wealth and store, as doth the Lawrell tree. 36 But suddenly he past away, and lo he quite was gone: Then I him sought, but could not find the place where dwelt such one. 37 Mark and behold the perfect man, how God doth him increase: For the just man shall have at length great joy with rest and peace. 38 As for transgressors, wo to them, Destroid they all shall be: God will cut off their budding race and rich posterity. 39 But the salvation of the just doth come from God above: Who in their trouble sends them aid of his meere grace and love. 40 God doth them help, save and deliver from lewd men and unjust: And still will save them whilst that they in him do put their trust.

Hast thou heard it, O my brother

Author: Roy A. Cheville Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 37:3-4 Topics: Revelation; Holy Spirit; Youth; Zion; Living the Saintly Life Loyalty and Courage Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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Do Not Fret on Account of the Wicked

Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 37 Topics: Anxiety; Contentment; Patience; Rewards; Riches Vanity of; Punishment of Wicked Used With Tune: WIELAND Text Sources: OPC/URCNA 2016

Cuando vienen a la vida, sombras

Author: Shirley Erena Murray; Raquel Gutiérrez-Achón; George Lockwood Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 37 First Line: Cuando vienen a la vida Topics: Consuelo y Seguridad; Trust; Hogar Cristiano; Christian Home; Sanidad; Health; Confianza Used With Tune: RODNEY


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