Appears in 31 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 71 Lyrics: 1 In Thee I put my stedfast Trust,
defend me, Lord, from Shame:
Incline thine Ear, and save my Soul;
for righteous is thy Name.
2 Be Thou my strong Abiding-place,
to which I may resort:
'Tis thy Decree that keeps me safe;
Thou art my Rock and Fort.
4,5 From cruel and ungodly Men
protect and set me free;
For thou my earliest Youth till now,
my Hope has been in Thee.
6 Thy constant Care did safely guard
my tender infant Days;
Thou took'st me from my Mother's Womb,
to sing thy constant Praise.
7.8 While some on me with Wonder gaze
thy Hand supports me still:
Thy Honour therefore, and thy Praise,
my Mouth shall always fill.
9 Reject not then thy Servant, Lord,
when I with Age decay:
Forsake me not, when, worn with Years,
my Vigour fades away.
10 My Foes, against my Fame and me,
with crafty malice speak;
Against my Soul they lay their Snares,
and mutual Counsel take.
11 "His God, say they, forsakes him now,
"on whom he did rely:
"Pursue and take him, whilst no Hope
"of timely Aid is nigh."
12 But Thou, my God, withdraw not far:
For speedy Help I call;
13 To Shame and Ruin bring my Foes,
that seek to work my Fall.
14 But as for me, my steadfast Hope
shall on thy Pow'r depend;
And I in grateful Songs of Praise
my Time to come will spend.
Part II
15 Thy righteous Acts, and saving Health,
my Mouth shall still declare;
Unable yet to count them all,
tho' summ'd with utmost Care.
16 While God vouchsafes me His Support,
I'll in His Strength go on;
All other Righteousness disclaim,
and mention His alone.
17 Thou, Lord, hast taught me, from my Youth,
to praise thy glorious Name:
And ever since thy wondrous Works
have been my constant Theme.
18 Then now forsake me not, when I
am grey and feeble grown;
'till I to these, and future Times,
thy Strength and Pow'r have shown.
19 How high thy Justice soars, O God!
how great and wond'rous are
The mighty Works which Thou hast done!
who may with Thee compare!
20 Me, whom thy Hand has sorely press'd,
thy Grace shall yet relieve;
And from the lowest Depth of Woe
with tender Care retrieve.
21 Through Thee, my Time to come shall be
with Pow'r and Greatness crown'd;
And me, who dismal Years have pass'd,
thy comforts shall surround.
22 Therefore, with Psaltery and Harp,
thy truth, O Lord, I'll praise;
To Thee, the God of Jacob's Race,
My Voice in Anthems raise.
23 Then Joy shall fill my Mouth, and Songs
employ my chearful Voice;
My grateful Soul, by Thee redeem'd,
shall in thy Strength rejoice.
24 My tongue thy just and righteous Acts
shall all the Day proclaim;
Because Thou didst confound thy Foes,
and brought'st them all to Shame.
In Thee I put my stedfast Trust