Author: Alan Gaunt (b. 1935) Hymnal: Hymns of Glory, Songs of Praise #609 (2008) Meter: Hymnal Title: Hymns of Glory, Songs of Praise Lyrics: 1 Come, living God, when least expected,
when minds are dull and hearts are cold,
through sharpening word and warm affection
revealing truths as yet untold.
2 Break from the tomb in which we hide you
to speak again in startling ways;
break through the words in which we bind you
to resurrect our lifeless praise.
3 Come now, as once you came to Moses
within the bush alive with flame,
or to Elijah on the mountain,
by silence pressing home your claim.
4 So, let our minds be sharp to read you
in sight or sound or printed page,
and let us greet you in our neighbours,
in ardent youth or mellow age.
5 Then, through our gloom, your Son will meet us
as vivid truth and living Lord,
exploding doubt and disillusion
to scatter hope and joy abroad.
6 Then we will share his radiant brightness
and, blazing through the dread of night,
illuminate by love and reason,
for those in darkness, faith's delight. Topics: The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit in the Church - Enlivening and Renewing the Church; God Presence of Scripture: 1 Kings 19:11-13 Languages: English Tune Title: SUNSET
Come, living God, when least expected