Hymnal: The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre #PXXXIX (1758) Hymnal Title: The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre First Line: I said, I to my ways will look Lyrics: 1 I Said, I to my ways will look,
lest I sin with my tongue;
With curb I'll keep my mouth while I
the wicked am among
2 With silence I as dumb abode,
my mouth did I refrain
From speaking good; but then the more
excited was my pain.
3 My heart within me waxed hot,
while I was musing long,
Until the fire enkindled was,
then spake I with my tongue.
4 O LORD, teach me to know my end,
and measure of my days;
How short it is, how frail I am,
how swift my time decays.
5 Lo, Thou my days hast made a span,
mine age is nought to Thee:
At his best state sure ev'ry man
Us wholly vanity. (Selah.)
6 Sure man walks in an empty show,
and stirs himself in vain;
Who heaps up wealth, but knows not who
shall gather all his gain.
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7 And now, O Lord, what wait I for?
my hope is set on Thee:
8 Free me from all my trespasses;
the fool’s scoff make not me.
9 I silent was, and shut my mouth,
this done because Thou hast:
10 Remove thy stroke away from me'
by thy hands blow I waste.
11 When with rebukes Thou chastnest man
for his iniquity,
His beauty, like a moth consumes;
sure each man’s vanity. (Selah.)
12 LORD hear my pray'r, regard my tears,
give ear to my loud cry:
For as my fathers all, with Thee,
a sojourner am I.
13 O spare me for a little space,
and strength to me restore,
Before, by death, from hence I go,
and shall be here no more. Scripture: Psalm 39 Languages: English
A Psalm of David