Author: Alice J. Nichols Hymnal: Great Revival Hymns No. 2 #143 (1913) Hymnal Title: Great Revival Hymns No. 2 First Line: Listen to the wondrous music Refrain First Line: He shall not fail! He shall not fail Lyrics: 1 Listen to the wondrous music
Ringing down the ages long,
‘Tis the voice of great Jehovah
Breaking forth in mighty song;
Singing of His Christ our King,
Who should come in lowly birth,
And with truth and righteousness
Reign and rule in all the earth.
He shall not fail! He shall not fail!
Till in the earth His truth shall reign;
He shall not fail! He shall not fail!
Sing, angels, men, God’s great refrain.
2 Persecution met His prophets,
Sword and dungeon, pain and stress;
Prisoned, slain was His forerunner
Preaching truth and righteousness;
Mocked and scourged and crucified
Was His promised Christ, our King,
Yet thro’ all the rage and scorn
Hear the song of triumph ring. [Refrain]
3 Onward, onward, His dominion
Swept the earth with mighty flood,
Naught could hinder its sure triumph,
Nero’s fires nor martyrs’ blood;
Ever gleamed the Cross more bright,
Still more glorious grew the King.
As from age to age glad souls
Heard the song of triumph ring. [Refrain]
4 Unto every tribe and nation
Speed the heralds of the cross,
Finding joy in tribulation,
Counting all for Him but loss;
Heathen hearts a Savior find,
All the Isles proclaim Him King,
Yea, in every land and race
Hear the song of triumph ring. [Refrain]
5 Mighty God, Thy voice clear ringing
Reaches to earth’s farthest shore,
Dare hearts still deny Thee welcome?
Dare they fail Christ to adore?
God eternal, let Thy song
Still in heav’nly cadence ring,
Till each heart the Christ confess,
And, adoring, crown Him King. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Listen to the wondrous music]
God’s Great Refrain