Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: Appears in 48 hymnals Lyrics: 1 All hail! happy day,
When enrobed in our clay,
The Redeemer appeared upon earth:
How can we refrain
For to join the glad strain,
And to hail our Immanuel’s birth?
2 How boundless that love,
First begotten above,
And through Jesus to sinners made known?
Lift, lift up the voice,
And exulting rejoice,
For Jehovah to earth is come down.
3 Ye angels of God,
Sound His praises abroad,
And acknowledge Him Jah, the I Am:
We also will join
In a hymn so divine,
Giving glory to God and the Lamb.
4 To Christ we will sing,
As our high priest and king,
And our prophet to teach us the road:
But more than all this,
For almighty He is,
And we own Him our crucified God!
5 To Jesus’ praise
Let us spend all our days,
For ’tis He our surety has stood:
He sojourned below,
That His mercy might flow,
And He purchased our pardon with blood!
6 O may the return
Of this once blessèd morn,
Be for ever remembered with joy
Sweet accents of praise,
All our voices shall raise,
Hallelujahs shall be our employ.
7 Let echo prolong,
The harmonious song,
Hallelujahs again and again:
He kindles the fire,
Whom the nations desire;
And to Him we devote the glad strain.
8 Blest Jesus, while we
Pay our tribute to Thee,
Let us worship, admire, and adore,
Accept as Thy crown,
What before was Thy own,
Hallelujahs and praise evermore. Used With Tune: SANTA CLARITA Text Sources: A Pocket Hymn Book (Philadelphia: Pirchard & Hall, 1788)
All Hail! Happy Day