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Tune Identifier:"^st_kilda_broomfield$"

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On my affliction do thou look

Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: RESH THE TWENTIETH PART 153 On my affliction do thou look, and me in safety set: deliver me, O Lord, for I thy law do not forget. 154 After thy word revive thou me: save me, and plead my cause. 155 Salvation is from sinners far; for they seek not thy laws. 156 O Lord, both great and manifold thy tender mercies be: according to thy judgments just revive and quicken me. 157 My persecutors many are, and foes that do combine; yet from thy testimonies pure my heart doth not decline. 158 I saw transgressors, and was grieved; for they keep not thy word. 159 Behold, thy precepts I have loved, in love me quicken, Lord. 160 The sum of thy most holy word is only truth most pure: thy righteous judgments every one for evermore endure. Scripture: Psalm 119:153-160 Used With Tune: ST KILDA
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Few are thy days, and full of woe

Meter: Appears in 31 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Few are thy days, and full of woe, O man, of woman born! Thy doom is written, ‘Dust thou art, and shalt to dust return.’ 2 Behold the emblem of thy state in flow’rs that bloom and die, or in the shadow’s fleeting form, that mocks the gazer’s eye. 3 Guilty and frail, how shalt thou stand before thy sov’reign Lord? Can troubled and polluted springs a hallow'd stream afford? 4 Determin'd are the days that fly successive o’er thy head; the number'd hour is on the wing that lays thee with the dead. 5 Great God! afflict not in thy wrath the short allotted span that bounds the few and weary days of pilgrimage to man. 6 All nature dies, and lives again: the flow’r that paints the field, the trees that crown the mountain’s brow, and boughs and blossoms yield, 7 Resign the honours of their form at Winter’s stormy blast, and leave the naked leafless plain a desolated waste. 8 Yet soon reviving plants and flow’rs anew shall deck the plain; the woods shall hear the voice of Spring, and flourish green again. 9 But man forsakes this earthly scene, ah! never to return: shall any foll’wing spring revive the ashes of the urn? 10 The mighty flood that rolls along its torrents to the main, can ne’er recall its waters lost from that abyss again. 11 So days, and years, and ages past, descending down to night, can henceforth never more return back to the gates of light; 12 and man, when laid in lonesome grave, shall sleep in Death’s dark gloom, until th’ eternal morning wake the slumbers of the tomb. 13 O may the grave become to me the bed of peaceful rest, Whence I shall gladly rise at length, and mingle with the blest! 14 Cheer'd by this hope, with patient mind, I’ll wait Heav’n’s high decree, till the appointed period come, when death shall set me free. Scripture: Job 14:1-15 Used With Tune: ST KILDA
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O God, into thy heritage

Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 O God, into thy heritage the heathen entrance made; thy holy place they have defiled, on heaps Jerusalem laid. 2 Thy servants' bodies they have cast to fowls of heaven for meat; and of thy saints have thrown the flesh to beasts of earth to eat. 3 Their blood about Jerusalem like water they have shed; and there was none to bury them when they were slain and dead. 4 Unto our neighbours a reproach most base become are we, a scorn and laughing-stock to those that round about us be. 5 How long, Lord, shall thine anger last? Wilt thou still keep the same? And shall thy fervent jealousy burn like unto a flame? 6 Thy fury on the heathen pour that have thee never known, and on those kingdoms which thy name have never called upon. 7 For these are they who have devoured thy servant Jacob's race; and they all waste and desolate have made his dwelling-place. 8 Against us count not former sins, thy tender mercies show; let them prevent us speedily: we are brought very low. 9 For thy name's glory help us, Lord, who hast our Saviour been: deliver us; for thy name's sake O purge away our sin. 10 Why say the heathen, Where's their God? Let him to them be known, when those who shed ty servants' blood are in our sight o'erthrown. 11 O let the prisoner's sighs ascend before thy sight on high; preserve thou in thy mighty power those that are doomed to die. 12 And to our neighbours' bosom let it sevenfold rendered be, even the reproach wherewith they have O Lord, reproached there. 13 So we, thy folk, and pasture-sheep, shall give thee thanks always; and unto generations all we will show forth thy praise. Scripture: Psalm 79 Used With Tune: ST KILDA
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After thy loving-kindness, Lord

Meter: Appears in 24 hymnals Lyrics: 1 After thy loving-kindness, Lord, have mercy upon me: for thy compassions great, blot out all mine iniquity. 2 Me cleanse from sin, and throughly wash from mine iniquity; 3 for my transgressions I confess; my sin I ever see. 4 ’Gainst thee, thee only, have I sinned, in thy sight done this ill; that when thou speak’st thou may’st be just, and clear in judging still. 5 Behold, I in iniquity was formed the womb within; My mother also me conceived in guiltiness and sin. 6 Behold, thou in the inward parts with truth delighted art; and wisdom thou shalt make me know within the hidden part. 7 Do thou with hyssop sprinkle me, I shall be cleansed so; yea, wash thou me, and then I shall be whiter than the snow. 8 Of gladness and of joyfulness make me to hear the voice, that so these very bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. 9 All mine iniquities blot out, thy face hide from my sin. 10 Create a clean heart, Lord, renew a right spirit me within. 11 Cast me not from thy sight, nor take thy Holy Spirit away. 12 restore me thy salvation’s joy; with thy free Spirit me stay. 13 Then will I teach thy ways unto those that transgressors be; and those that sinners are shall then be turned unto thee. 14 O God, of my salvation God, from guilt of blood me free: then of thy righteousness my tongue shall sing aloud to thee. 15 My closed lips, O Lord, by thee let them be opened; then shall thy praises by my mouth abroad be published. 16 Thou sacrifice desirest not, else would I give it thee; nor wilt thou with burnt-offering at all delighted be. 17 A broken spirit is to God a pleasing sacrifice: A broken and a contrite heart, Lord, thou wilt not despise. 18 In thy good pleasure do thou good to Zion, thine own hill: the walls of thy Jerusalem build up of thy good will. 19 Then righteous offerings shall thee please, and offerings burnt which they, with whole burnt-offerings, and with calves, shall on thine altar lay. Scripture: Psalm 51 Used With Tune: ST KILDA

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