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Benjamin Schmolck

1672 - 1737 Person Name: Benjamin Schmolk Hymnal Number: d214 Author of "Sei getreu bis in [an] den Tod, Seele, lass dich" in Psalterlust fuer die Christliche Jugend Schmolck, Benjamin, son of Martin Schmolck, or Schmolcke, Lutheran pastor at Brauchitschdorf (now Chrόstnik) near Liegnitz in Silesia (now Poland) was born at Brauchitschdorf, Dec. 21, 1672. He entered the Gymnasium at Lauban in 1688, and spent five years there. After his return home he preached for his father a sermon which so struck the patron of the living that he made Benjamin an allowance for three years to enable him to study theology. He matriculated, at Michaelmas, 1693, at the University of Leipzig, where he came under the influence of J. Olearius, J. B. Carpzov, and others, and throughout his life retained the character of their teaching, viz. a warm and living practical Christianity, but Churchly in tone and not Pietistic. In the autumn of 1697, after completing his studies at Leipzig (during his last year there he supported himself mainly by the proceeds of occasional poems written for wealthy citizens, for which he was also, crowned as a poet), he returned to Brauchitzchdorf to help his father, and, in 1701, was ordained as his assistant. On Feb. 12, 1702, he married Anna Rosina, daughter of Christoph Rehwald, merchant in Lauban and in the end of the same year was appointed diaconus of the Friedenskirche at Schweidnitz in Silesia. As the result of the Counter-Reformation in Silesia, the churches in the principality of Schweidnitz had been taken from the Lutherans, and for the whole district the Peace of Westphalia (1648) allowed only one church (and that only of timber and clay, without tower or bells), which the Lutherans had to build at Schweidnitz, outside the walls of the town; and the three clergy attached to this church had to minister to a population scattered over some thirty-six villages, and were moreover hampered by many restrictions, e.g. being unable to communicate a sick person without a permit from the local Roman Catholic priest. Here Schmolck remained till the close of his life, becoming in 1708 archidiaconus, in 1712 senior, and in 1714 pastor primarius and inspector. Probably as the result of his exhausting labours he had a stroke of paralysis on Laetare (Mid-Lent) Sunday, 1730, which for a time laid him aside altogether, and after which he never recovered the use of his right hand. For five years more he was still able to officiate, preaching for the last time on a Fastday in 1735. But two more strokes of paralysis followed, and then cataract came on, relieved for a time by a successful operation, but returning again incurably. For the last months of his life he was confined to bed, till the message of release came to him, on the anniversary of his wedding, Feb. 12, 1737. (Koch, v. 463; Bode, p. 144; Goedeke's Grundriss, vol. iii., 1887, p. 306; sketch prefixed to Ledderhose's edition of Schmolck's Geistliche Lieder, Halle, 1857, &c.) Schmolck was well known in his own district as a popular and useful preacher, a diligent pastor, and a man of wonderful tact and discretion. It was however his devotional books, and the original hymns therein contained, that brought him into wider popularity, and carried his name and fame all over Germany. Long lists of his works and of the various editions through which many of them passed are given by Koch, Bode and Goedehe. It is rather difficult to trace the hymns, as they are copied from one book of his into another, &c. Schmolck was the most popular hymnwriter of his time, and was hailed as the "Silesian Rist," as the "second Gerhardt," &c. Nor was he altogether unworthy of such praise. It is true that he did not possess the soaring genius of Gerhardt. Nor had he even Gerhardt's concise, simple style, but instead was too fond of high-sounding expressions, of plays upon words, of far-fetched but often recurring contrasts, and in general of straining after effect, especially in the pieces written in his later years. In fact he wrote a great deal too much, and latterly without proper attention to concentration or to proportion. Besides Cantatas, occasional pieces for weddings, funerals, &c, he is the author of some 900 hymns, properly so called. These were written for all sorts of occasions, and range over the whole field of churchly, family, and individual life. Naturally they are not all alike good; and those in his first three collections are decidedly the best. A deep and genuine personal religion, and a fervent love to the Saviour, inspire his best hymns; and as they are not simply thought out but felt, they come from the heart to the heart. The best of them are also written in a clear, flowing, forcible, natural, popular style, and abound in sententious sayings, easily to be remembered. Even of these many are, however, more suited for family use than for public worship. Nevertheless they very soon came into extensive use, not only in Silesia, but all over Germany. A number of Schmolck's hymns [that] have passed into English are:— i. Der beste Freund ist in dem Himmel. Love of Jesus. First published in his Heilige Flammen (ed. 1709, p. 100), in 6 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "The best Friend." The translation in common use is:— A faithful friend is waiting yonder. This is a good translation, omitting stanza v., as No. 293, in Kennedy, 1863. ii. Die Woche geht zum Ende. Saturday Evening. In his Andächtige Hertze, 1714, p. 116, in 10 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled "Evening Hymn," and appointed for Evening Prayer on Saturday. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 1158. Translated as:— The week draws near its ending. This is a good translation of stanzas i., vi., vii., x., marked as by "A. G.," as No. 81 in the Dalston Hospital Hymn Book 1848. Other trs. are: (1) “Though now the week is ending," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 107. (2) “The week at length is over," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 137. iii. Gott du hist selbst die Liehe. Holy Matrimony. Translated as:— O God, "Who all providest. This is a good translation, omitting stanza iii., by J. M. Sloan, as No. 312 in J. H. Wilson's Service of Praise, 1865. iv. Halleluja! Jesus lebt. Easter. In his Bochim und Elim, 1731, p. 67, in 5 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "Hallelujah! at the grave of Jesus." In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 296. Tr. as:— Hallelujah! Lo, He wakes. By E. Cronenwett, omitting st. iv., as No. 79 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal 1880. Another translation is: "Hallelujah! Jesus lives! Life, immortal life, He gives." This is a full and good translation, by Miss Warner, 1858, p. 486, repeated in the Treasury of Sacred Song, Kirkwall, n.d. v. Heute mir und Morgen dir. Funeral Hymn. In his Schmuck und Asche, 1717, p. 252, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "Daily Dying". The tr. in common use is:— Today mine, tomorrow thine. This is a good and full translation, by Miss Warner, in her Hymns of the Church Militant, 1858, p. 260. vi. Je grösser Kreuz, je näher Himmel. Cross and Consolation. In his Andächtige Hertz, 1714, p. 273, in 9 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "Hymn of Cross and Consolation." By its sententiousness and its manifold illustrations of the power of the Cross it has been a favourite with many. Translated as:— 1. Greater the Cross, the nearer heaven. 2. The more the cross, the nearer heaven. Another translation is: "The heavier the cross, the nearer heaven," by J. D. Burns, in the Family Treasury, 1859, p. 160. vii. Jesus soil die Losung sein. New Year. The translation in common use is:— Jesus shall the watchword he. Another translation is: "Jesu's name shall be our watchword," by J. Kelly, in the Family Treasury, 1868, p. 689. viii. Licht vom Licht, erleuchte mich. Sunday Morning. Translated as:— Light of Light, enlighten me. This is a very good tr. omitting stanza vii., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 66, and thence in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 17. Other translations are: (1) "Light of Light! illumine me," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 6. (2) "O thou blessed Light of Light," by Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 74. ix. Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht, Ach was wollt ich hessres haben. Love to Christ. Translated as:— I'll with Jesus never part. This is a translation of st. i., ii., iv., as stanzas iii.-v. of No. 378 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789. In the ed. of 1886, No. 452 (see p. 614, i.), the part from Schmolck begins, "He is mine and I am His" (the translation of stanza ii.). Another tr. is: "I'll not leave Jesus—-never, never," by Miss Warner, 1858, p. 509. x. Mein Gott, ich weiss wohl dass ich sterbe. For the Dying. Translated as:— My God! I know that I must die, My mortal. Other trs. are: (1) "That I shall die full well 1 know," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 232). (2) "My God! I know full well that I must die," by Miss Warner, 1858, p. 344. (3) "My God, I know that I must die; I know," by G. Moultrie, in his Espousals of S. Dorothea, 1870. xi. Mein Jesus lebt! was soil ich sterben. Easter. Translated as:— My Saviour lives; I shall not perish. xii. 0 wie fröhlich, o wie selig. Eternal Life. Translated as:— Oh how joyous, oh how blessed. Another tr. is: "Oh, how blest beyond our telling." xiii. Schmückt das Fest mit Maien. Whitsuntide. Translated as:— Come, deck our feast today. xiv. Thut mir auf die schöne Pforte. Sunday. Translated as:— 1. Open now thy gates of beauty. This is a good tr., omitting stanza iii., vii., by Miss Winkworth, in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 15. 2. Open wide the gates of beauty. This is a translation of stanzas i., ii., iv., vi.-vii., by H. L. Hastings, dated 1885, as No. 1076, in his Songs of Pilgrimage, 1886. Another tr. is: "Throw the glorious gates wide open," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 146. xv. Weine nicht, Gott lebet noch. Cross and Consolation. Tr. as:— "Weep not,-—Jesus lives on high. Another tr. is: "Weep not, for God, our God, doth live," by Dr. R. Maguire, 1883, p. 59. xvi. Willkommen, Held im Streite. Easter. The translation in common use is:— Welcome Thou victor in the strife. This is a good translation omitting st. ii.—iv., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855, p. 91. Hymns not in English common use:-- xvii. Ach wenn ich dich, mein Gott, nur habe. Love to God. Founded on Ps. lxxiii. 25, 26. Translated as "My God, if I possess but Thee," by G. Moultrie, in his Espousals of S. Dorothea, 1870. xviii. An Gott will ich gedenken. Remembering God's Love and Care. In his Heilige Flammen (ed. 1707, p. 59; ed. 1709, p. 131), in 6 stanzas of 8 lines, and Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746, No. 112. Translated as "My God will I remember," by J. Kelly, in the Family Treasury, 1868. xix. Der Sabbath ist vergangen. Sunday Evening. Tr. as "The Sabbath now is over," by Dr. H. Mills, 1856, p. 226. xx. Du angenehmer Tag. Sunday. In his Lustige Sabbath, 1712, p. 1, in 8 stanzas of 6 lines. Tr. as “Thou ever welcome day," by J. Kelly, in the Family Treasury, 1868, p. 688. xxi. Endlich, endlich, muss es doch. Cross and Consolation. Translated as "Yes, at last, our God shall make," in the Christian Examiner, Boston, U.S., Sept., 1860, p. 251. xxii. Gedenke mein, mein Gott, gedenke mein. For the Dying. Translated as "Remember me, my God! remember me," by Miss Borthwick, in Hymns from the Land of Luther 1854, p. 9. xxiii. Geh, müder Leib, zu deiner Euh. Evening. Translated as "Go, wearied body, to thy rest," by J. Kelly, in the Family Treasury, 1868. In his Lustige Sabbath, 1712, p. 35, in 10 stanzas of 6 lines, and Burg’s Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746, No. 403. Translated as "King, to Jews and Gentiles given," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845. xxiv. Gott der Juden,Gott der Heiden. Epiphany. Translated as “King, to Jews and Gentiles given,” by Dr. H. Mills, 1845. xxv. Gott lebt, wie kann ich traurig sein. Trust in God. Translated as "God lives! Can I despair," by Miss Warner, 1869, p. 44. xxvi. Gott mit uns, Immanuel. New Year. Translated as "God with us! Immanuel, Open with the year before us," by Dr. R. P. Dunn, in Sacred Lyrics from the German, Philadelphia, U.S., 1859, p. 166. xxvii. Hier ist Immanuel! New Year. Translated as "Here is Immanuel!" by Miss Manington, 1864, p. 24. xxviii. Hilf, Heifer, hilf! ich muss verzagen. Cross and Consolation. Translated as "Help, Saviour, help, I sink, I die,” in the Monthly Packet, vol. xviii., 1859, p. 664. xix. Ich habe Lust zu scheiden. For the Dying. Tr. as "Weary, waiting to depart," by Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1855, p 130. xxx. Ich sterbe täglich, und mein Leben. For the Dying. Translated as "Both life and death are kept by Thee" (st. iv.), by J. Kelly, in the Family Treasury, 1868, p. 689. xxxi. Mein Gott, du hast mich eingeladen. Sunday. Translated as "My God, Thou hast the invite given," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 150. xxxii. Mein Gott! du wohnst in einem Lichte. Holy Scripture. Translated as "In glory bright, O God, Thou dwellest," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845. xxxiii. Mein Gott, ich klopf an deine Pforte. Supplication. Tr.Translated as "given as "Mein Gott, mein Erstes und mein Alles." Translated as "My God! the Source of all my blessing," in the British Herald, August, 1866, p. 312; repeated in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. xxxv. Mein Gott, weil ich in meinem Leben. The ChristiaWho, Lord, has any good whatever," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845, p. 91. xxxiv. Mein Gott, mein Alles Uber Alles. Trust in God. Sometimes n Life. Translated as "Most High! with reverence to fear Thee," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845, p. 114.). xxxvi. Nun hab ich überwunden; Zu guter Nacht, o Welt. For the Dying. Translated as "Now soon I shall have conquer'd," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 87. xxxvii. Seht welch ein Mensch ist das. Passiontide. The translations are (1) "See, what a man is this! How tearful is His glance," by J. Kelly, in the British Messenger, Feb., 1S68; repeated in the Family Treasury, 1868, p. 691. (2) "See what a man is this, O glances," by Miss Warner, 1869, p. 32. xxxviii. Sei getreu bis in den Tod. Christian Faithfulness. Translated as "Be thou faithful unto death! Let not troubles nor distresses," by R. Massie, in the Day of Rest, 1878, vol. ix. p. 219. xxxix. Theures Wort aus Gottes Munde. Holy Scripture. Translated as "Word by God the Father spoken," by Miss Manington, 1863. xl. Was Gott thut das ist wohlgethan! Er giebt und nimmt auch wieder. On the Death of a Child. The trs. are (1) "What God does is well done, "Who takes what He gave," by W. Graham, in his The Jordan and the Rhine, London, 1854, p. 251. (2) "Whatever God doth is well done, He gives, &c," by J. Kelly, in the Family Treasury, 1868, p. 688. xli. Wer will mich von der Liebe scheiden. Faith. Translated as "Who can my soul from Jesus sever," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 39. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Karl Johann Philipp Spitta

1801 - 1859 Person Name: Carl Johann Philipp Spitta Hymnal Number: d8 Author of "Ach, welche Marter, welche Pfagen" in Psalterlust fuer die Christliche Jugend Spitta, Carl Johann Philipp, D.D., was born Aug. 1, 1801, at Hannover, where his father, Lebrecht Wilhelm Gottfried Spitta, was then living, as bookkeeper and teacher of the French language. In his eleventh year Spitta fell into a severe illness, which lasted for four years, and so threw him back that his mother (the father died in 1805) abandoned the idea of a professional career, and apprenticed him to a watchmaker. This occupation did not prove at all congenial to him, but he would not confess his dislike, and his family were ignorant of it till an old friend, who was trying to comfort him after the death of a younger brother, discovered his true feelings. The younger brother had been preparing for ordination, and so Carl was now invited by the family to adopt this career. He joyfully accepted the offer, left the workshop in the autumn of 1818, and succeeded, by dint of hard study during the winter, in gaining admission to the highest class in the Gymnasium (Lyceum) at Hannover, which he entered at Easter, 1819. He was thus able, at Easter, 1821, to proceed to the University of Göttingen, where he completed his theological course, under professors of pronounced Rationalistic opinions, at Easter, 1824 (D.D. from Gottingen, 1855). He then became, in the beginning of May, a tutor in the family of Judge (Oberamlmann) Jochnius, at Lüine, near Lüneburg. Here he remained till his ordination on Dec. 10, 1828, as assistant pastor at Sudwalde, near Hoya. In Nov., 1830, he became assistant chaplain to the garrison and to the prison at Hameln on the Weser, and would have succeeded as permanent chaplain there, in the beginning of 1837, had not the military authorities, alarmed by reports which described him as a Pietist and a Mystic, refused to sanction the arrangement. As a compensation, he was appointed pastor at Wechold, near Hoya, in Oct., 1837, and married just before settling there. On his birthday, Aug. 1, 1847, he was instituted as Lutheran superintendent at Wittingen; in Oct., 1853, at Peine; and in July, 1859, at Burgdorf—all his appointments having been in the kingdom of Hannover. A few weeks after removing to Burgdorf he was seized with gastric fever, but had apparently recovered, when, on Sept. 28, 1859, while sitting at his writing table, he was seized with cramp of the heart, and died in a quarter of an hour. Spitta had begun to write in verse when he was eight years old, along with his brother Heinrich. During his university course he continued to write songs and secular poems, and published a collection of songs anonymously as a Sangbüchlein der Liebe für Handwerksleute. At Göttingen he formed a life-long friendship with Adolf Peters. He was also on intimate terms with Heinrich Heine, who was a fellow member with them of the Burschenschaft, or student's patriotic union (see K. Goedeke'sGrundriss, vol. iii., 1881, p. 259); and this friendship continued till Heine, while visiting him at Ltine, so jested at things sacred, even in the presence of Spitta's pupils, that their friendship came to an end. After the spiritual change, which began about the end of his university course, Spitta ceased to write secular pieces. His hymnwriting proper seems to have begun in 1821. In writing to a friend on May 5, 1826, he says, "In the manner in which I formerly sang I sing no more. To the Lord I consecrate my life and my love, and likewise my song. His love is the one great theme of all my songs; to praise and exalt it worthily is the desire of the Christian singer. He gave to me song and melody; I give it back to Him." The most fruitful period of his hymnwriting was at Lüne, where many of his most popular hymns were composed in the quiet evenings, in his own room, often after fasting, and when, sitting at the piano or at his harp, he had tuned his spirit to song. Many others were inspired by the beautiful scenery of the valley of the Weser, and by the intercourse with friends during his residence at Hameln. In his later years his ecclesiastical duties absorbed his attention, and hardly any of his hymns were written after 1847. A number of them were first printed in the Christliche Monatsschrift zur häuslichen Erbauung für alle Stände, which appeared from Jan. to June, 1826, and was edited by Spitta and by Pastor Deichmann, of Lüneburg. Various causes doubtless contributed to the popularity of Spitta's Psalter und Harfe. The hymns therein are, as a rule, of moderate length, are clear and simple in style, refined in diction, sweet, flowing and melodious. Their quiet beauty, their tone of earnest, sincere, and childlike piety, of glowing devotion to the Saviour, and of calm resting on, what to Spitta were, the eternal verities, endeared them to all ranks and classes. They form a faithful mirror of his inner life and Chritian experience. They at once met and ministered to the revival of Evangelical religion in Germany, and thus enjoyed somewhat of the same good fortune and popularity which the renewed churchly life in England brought to Keble's Christian Year. As the title adopted shows Spitta meant them for family and private use, and for this they are best fitted, being, for the most part, subjective and individnal. They speedily, however, passed into the German hymnbooks for church use, both at home and abroad, and translations of them are found in almost all recent English and American collections. Another element of Spitta's popularity in Germany has been contributed by the very numerous musical settings which have appeared to his hymns. Koch, vii., 246, gives a list of the more important of the collective editions, but, besides these, many of the separate pieces have been set to music by various composers, the "Angel of Patience" being one of the greatest favourites. A number of Spitta's hymns are annotated under their original first lines. Of the rest we may note here the following:— I. From his Psalter und Harfe. 1st Series, Pirna, 1833, and the 2nd ed. Leipzig, 1834; 2nd Series, Leipzig, 1843. i. Allen ist ein Heil beschieden. Communion of Saints. First published at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 27, in 5 stanzas of 7 lines, entitled "Unity in spirit." Another translation is:—“Salvation is a boon." By Miss Fry, 1859, p. 75. ii. Es wird mein Herz mit Freuden wach. Sunday Morning. First published at Leipzig, 1843, p. 61, in 7 st. of 4 1., entitled "Sunday Morning." Translated as:— My heart wakes with a joyful lay. This is a good and full tr. by Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 4th Ser. 1862, p. 82. Repeated, abridged and beginning "Awake! all hearts and joyful say," in G. S. Jellicoe's Collection, 1867, No. 26. Other trs. are: (1) "My heart awakes with holy glee." By Miss Manington, 1863, p. 143. (2) "Awake, my heart, this day of rest." By R. Massie, 1864, p. 51. (3) "My heart is bright with joy." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 25. iii. Gottes Stadt steht festgegründet. Christian Church. First published at Leipzig, 1843, p. 97, in 6 stanzas of 12 lines, entitled "The City of God," and founded on Ps. lxxxvii. Tr. as:— By the holy hills surrounded, In full, by R.. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1864, p. 82, repeated in the Wesleyan Hymn Book1875, No. 595. iv. Hochgesegnet seid ihr Boten. Foreign Missions. First pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 24, in 6 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled "The Missionaries to the Heathen." Tr. as:— Blest are ye, ye chosen bearers. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 95. Other trs. are: (1) "Ye messengers of Christ, By Him commissioned forth." By Miss Fry, 1859, p. 147. (2) "0 blessed are ye messengers, sent forth." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 52. v. Ich glaube, darum rede ich. Faith. First published at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 56, in 5 st. of 8 1., entitled " I believe." Tr. as:— I believe, and so have spoken. By R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 55. vi. Ich höre deine Stimme. Ps. xxiii. First pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 44, in 7 st. of 8 1., entitled "The Lord is my Shepherd." Tr. as:— 1. I hear my Shepherd calling. This is a good and full tr. by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestic, 1860, p. 44 2. Jesu, my Lord, my Shepherd. This is a very good translation, omitting st. vi., in the Catholic Apostolic Hymns for the Use of the Churches, n.d. [1868], marked as tr. by "M. E. A. 1867." Other trs. are: (1) "Shepherd of souls. Thy voice I hear, As stage." By Dr. R. Maguire, 1872, p. 166. (2) “I know Thy voice, my Shepherd.” By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 11. vii. Ich und mein Haus, wir sind bereit. Family Use. A fine hymn, founded on Joshua xxiv., 15. First pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 110, in 6 st. of 10 1., entitled “I and my house will serve the Lord." Tr. as:— I and my house are ready, Lord. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 103. viii. Im Osten flammt empor der gol'dne Morgen. Morning. First published at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 91, in 7 st. of 6 1., entitled "At Morning." Tr. as:— The golden morn flames up the Eastern sky. This is a good and full tr. by Miss Winkworth, in the Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 74. Other trs. are: (1) “The golden morn is in the East arisen." By the Hon. S. R. Maxwell in his Sacred Poems, 1857, p. 114. (2) "On the far East now flames the golden Morning." By S. A. Storrs, in her Thoughts and Sketches, 1857, p. 74. (3) "Lo! in the East the golden morn appearing." By Miss Fry, 1859, p. 1. (4) “The purple morning gilds the Eastern skies." By R. Massie, 1860, p. 6. (5) "Out from the East, the golden morn is riding." By Miss Manington. 1863, p. 113. (6) “See from the East the golden morn." By Dr. R. Maguire, 1883, p. 27. ix. Kehre wieder, kehre wieder. Lent. Founded on Jer. iii. 12, 13. First pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 29, in 5 st. of 10 l., entitled " Turn again." Translated as:— 1. Return, return! Poor long-lost wanderer, home. This is a free tr. by Miss Borthwick in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 2nd Ser., 1855, p. 25. 2. Turn, poor wanderer, ere the sentence. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestic, 1860, p. 69. Other trs. are: (1) "Turn, O turn, no more delaying." By the Hon. S. R. Maxwell, in his Sacred Poems, 1857, p. 101. (2) "Return, return, thou lost one." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 59. (3) "Return again! return again." By J. Kelly, in his Hymns of the Present Century, 1885, p. 60. x. Meine Stund' ist noch nicht kommen. Cross and Consolation. First published at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 37, in 7 st. of 6 1., entitled "The Lord's Hour.” Tr. as:— Jesus' hour is not yet come. This is a free tr., omitting st. v., by Miss Borthwick, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 2nd ser. 1855, p.43. Other trs. are:—(1) "'Tis not yet the time appointed." By R. Massie, 1860, p. 47, and in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. (2) " My times, O Lord, are in Thy hand." By Dr. R. Maguire, 1883, p. 99. xi. Kimm hin, was dein ist, Gott, nimms hin. Surrender to God. This beautiful hymn was first pub. at Leipzig, 1843, as above, p. 58, in 5 st. of 10 1., entitled "Resignation." Translated as:— I give Thee back Thine own again. A good and full tr. by R. Massie, in hisLyra Domestica, 1864, p. 49. xii. 0 du, der uns begegnet. Christian Service. First pub. at Leipzig, 1843, as above, p. 92, in 4 st. of 4 1., entitled "The Blessing of the Blest." Tr. as:— 0 Thou Whose grace first found us, Whose love. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1864. xiii. O komm, du Geist der Wahrheit. Whitsuntide. First pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 12, in 7 st. of 8 1., entitled "Whitsunday." Tr. as:— 1. Draw, Holy Spirit, nearer. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 27. 2. 0 come, Eternal Spirit, Of truth, diffuse Thou light. xiv. 0 Vaterhand, die mich so treu geführet. Holy Trinity. A fine hymn, first pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 128, in 3 st. of 8 1., entitled "Father, Son, and Spirit.” Tr. as:— 1. O Father-Eye, that hath so truly watch'd. By Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 63. 2. Father whose hand hath led me so securely. xv. 0 welche fromme schöne Sitte. Spiritual Conversation. First pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 101, in 6 st. of 8 1., entitled "The Blessing of Christian fellowship." Tr. as:— It is a practice greatly blest. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 89. xvi. 0 wie freun wir uns der Stunde. Fellowship with Christ. First pub. at Leipzig, 1843, as above, p. 3, in 6 st. of 8 1., entitled "Thou hast the words of Eternal Life". Tr. as:— Oh J how blest the hour, Lord Jesus. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1864, p. 5. Another tr. is: "How great the joy, how blest the hour." By Dr. R. Maguire, 1872, p. 182. xvii. 0 wie manche schone Stunde. Cross and Consolation. First published at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 130, in 10 st. of 4 1., entitled "Comfort." Tr. as:— 1. O how many hours of gladness, Hath the Lord. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 126, repeated, abridged, in the Book of Common Praise, 1863. 2. O how many hours of beauty. This is a good and full tr., by Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 4th Ser., 1862, p. 11. Another tr. is: "O how many an hour of gladness." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 16. xviii. Sehet, sehet, welche Liebe. The Love of the Holy Trinity. First pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 19, in 3 st. of 8 1., entitled " See what Love." Tr. as:— See, O see, what love the Father. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 50. Other trs. are : (1) "Behold the Father's love." By Miss Fry, 1859, p. 9. (2) "See! what wondrous love, how matchless." By Miss Manington, 1863, p. 33. (3) “Behold what love the Father hath—how great." By Dr. R. Maguire, 1872, p. 68. xix. Unser Wandel ist im Himmel! Wie ein Mensch in sich versenkt. The Christian Life. First pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 75, in 7 st. of 8 1., entitled "Our Conversation is in Heaven," and suggested by Philipp. iii. 20. Tr. as:— As a traveller returning. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 73. This is found in two centos :— 1. Jesus, like the magnet, raises (st. iii., v., vi.) in the Methodist New Congregational Hymn Book 1863. 2. Can we have our hearts in heaven (st. v., vii.) in Adams's Church Pastorals, Boston, U.S., 1864. Another tr. is: "We are citizens of heaven." In the British Herald, January, 1866, p. 205. xx. Wandle leuchtender und schöner. Easter. First published at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 8, in 9 st. of 8 1., entitled "Easter Festival." Tr. as:— Sun, shine forth in all thy splendour. This is a full and good tr. by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 24. Another tr. is: "With brighter glory, Easter Sun." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 4. xxi. Wir sind des Herrn, wir leben, oder sterben. Life in Christ. A fine hymn founded on Rom. xiv. 8. Tr. as:— 1. We are the Lord's; His all-sufficient merit. This is a good and full tr. by C. T. Astley, in his Songs in the Night, 1860, p. 32. 2. We are the Lord's, whether we live or die. Also a good and full tr. by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1864, p. 81. Hymns not in English common use:— xxii. Ach, welche Marter, welche Flagen. Christ's Mercy. Tr. as "O Lord, what sorrows past expression." xxiii. Das Leben wird oft trübe. Spiritual Dryness. The trs. are: (1) "How weary and how worthless this life at times appears." (2) “Our life is often dark." (3) "This life is ofttimes gloomy." (4) "Life often seems so dreary.” xxiv. Der du in der Nacht des Todes. Epiphany. The trs. are: (1) "Thou Who in the night of death." (2) "Christ whose first appearance lighted." (3) "Thou who in death's night of terror." (4) "Christ, who in Death's night of darkness." xxv. Des Christen Schmuck und Ordensband. Rejoicing in Tribulation. The trs. are: (1) "The Christian's badge of honour here." (2) "The badge the Christian wears on earth." (3) "The Christian's star of honour here." (4) "The sign of faith, and love's true token xxvi. Du schöne Lilie auf dem Feld. Trust in God. The trs. are: (1) "Thou beauteous lily of the field, Who robed." (2) "Thou beauteous lily of the field! Who hath." (3) "Thou beauteous lily of the field, Thou child to Nature dear." (4) "Sweet lily of the field, declare." (5) "Thou pretty lily of the field." (6) "Thou lovely lily of the field." xxvii. Ein lieblich Loos ist uns gefallen. The Christian's Portion. xxviii. Ein Pilger schickt sich an zur Fahrt. For the Dying. Tr. as (1) "A pilgrim stands on Jordan's brink." (2) "A pilgrim for his new abode." xxix. Erhalt' in mir den Lebenstrieb, das Sehnen. The Plant of Grace. The trs. are (1) "Maintain in me the sap of life, the yearning." (2) "Excite in me, 0 Lord, an ardent thirst.” (3) "Uphold in me a living wish and longing." xxx. Es giebt ein Lied der Lieder. The Lord's Song. The trs. are: (1) "A Song of songs there is." (2) "There is a song so thrilling." (3) "There is a song now singing." (4) "One song of songs —the sweetest." (5) "A blessed Song of songs there is." xxxi. Freuet euch der schonen Erde. Joy in the Beauties of Nature. The trs. are: (1) "0 rejoice in Nature's beauties." (2) "In the beauteous earth rejoice ye." (3) "Rejoice in the beautiful earth! For well may." (4) "Rejoice in the beautiful earth For well she," &c. (5) "Joy ye o'er this earth so lovely." (6) "Rejoice in Earth's fair beauty." xxxii. Gehe hin in Gottes Namen. Before Work. The trs. are: (1) "Cheerfully to work proceed.” (2) "In the name of God advancing." (3) "In the Name of God go forward." xxxiii. Ich nehme, was du mir bestimmst. Submission to God's Will. The trs. are: (1) "What Thou appointest I receive." (2) "Give what Thou wilt oh Lord! my grateful heart." (3) "Thy will I cheerfully obey.” xxxiv. Ich steh' in xneines Herren Hand. Trust in God. Tr. as "I place myself in Jesus' hands." xxxv. In der Angst der Welt will ich nicht klagen. Christian Life. The trs. are: (1) "Amid the world's vexations." (2) "Uncomplaining, though with care grown hoary." (3) "In this earth—life's bitter anguish.” xxxvi. 0 du, den meine Seele liebt. Holy Communion. The trs. are: (1) "0 Thou, Who holdest in my heart." (2) "Oh Thou, my loving thoughts employ.” xxxvii. Still an deinem liebevollen Herzen. The Love of Christ. The trs. are: (1) "Safe on thy paternal breast." (2) "With calm repose, Oh let me lie." (3) "Still on Thy loving heart let me repose." xxxviii. Stimm' an das Lied vom Sterben. For the Dying. Sung at hisown funeral on Sunday, Oct. 1, 1859. The trs. are: (1) "I sing of death and dying." (2) "Sing now the Song of Dying." xxxix. Vom Oelberg' wogt es nieder. Christ weeping over Jerusalem. The trs. are: (1) "Hark! for loud notes of joy." (2) "Where yonder mount, with olives clad." (3) “From Olivet the surging crowd." xl. Was macht ihr dass ihr weinet. Communion of Saints. Founded on Acts xxi. 13. The trs. are: (1) "What mean ye by this wailing." (2) "What mean ye, dearly loved ones." (3) " What mean ye thus those tears to weep." (4) "How mean ye thus by weeping." (5) "Why is it that ye're weeping." xli. Weint nicht uber Jesu Schmerzen. Repentance. The trs. are: (1) "For Jesu's agony and death." (2) "Wherefore weep we over Jesus." (3) "Weep not over Jesu's sorrow." xlii. Wie wird uns sein, wenn endlich nach dent schweren. Eternal Life. The trs. are: (1) "How shall it be with us, when we, frail mortals." (2) "O what will be the day, when won at last." (3) "What shall we be, and whither shall we go?" (4) "How will it be? when past the conflict heavy.” (5) "O what shall we be, when the conflict o'er." xliii. Winter ist es. In dem weiten Reich. Winter. The trs. are: (1) "Winter is here, and none may dare intrude." (2) "It is winter. All seems dead or dying." (3) "Winter it is! o'er the mighty kingdom." (4) "It is Winter. The wide realm of Nature.” (5) "Winter is here. In Nature's wide domain." (6) "It is winter; and the wide domain.” xliv. Wohl uns, der Vater hat uns lieb. The Love of God. Founded on Rom. viii. 32. This was, according to Koch vii. 243, one of the hymns which Spitta wrote between Easter and July, 1824, while studying the Epistle to the Romans, and which on July 7, 1824, he sent to his brother Heinrich Spitta, professor of medicine at Rostock, but Ludwig Spitta dates it "Autumn, 1833." It is tr. as "How blest are we! that God of us." xlv. Wo ist göttliches Erbarmen. The Grace of Christ. The trs. are:— (1) "Oh where doth mercy dwell." (2) "Where is mercy and compassion." (3) "Where is Divine compassion, that." xlvi. Wort des Lebens, lautre Quelle. Holy Scripture. The trs. are: (1) "Word of Life! unsullied fountain." (2) "Thou word of Life, unsullied spring!" (3) "Word of Life, eternal Fountain." (4) "Word of Life, thou fountain bright.” II. From his Nachgelassene geistliche Lieder. Leipzig, 1861. Hardly any of these have come into use in Germany; and they have either remained unknown to or have been almost entirely ignored by translators into English. We need only note two, viz.:— xlvii. Die erste Ruhestatte die die Welt. Christmas. It is tr. as "The cradle which the world has drest." xlviii. 0 Herbst, du Abendstunde. Autumn. It is tr. as “0 autumn, fair pensive evening." By Miss Borthwick, in the Family Treasury, 1864, p. 191, dated September 1864, and included Thoughtful Hour, 1867, p. 181. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) =================== Spitta, C. J. P. , p. 1076, ii. A new edition of the Psalter und Harfe (both parts), with biographical Introduction, was published at Gotha in 1890. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Paulus Speratus

1484 - 1554 Person Name: Paul Speratus Hymnal Number: d57 Author of "Es ist das Heil uns kommen her" in Psalterlust fuer die Christliche Jugend Speratus, Paulus, D.D., was born in Swabia, Dec. 13, 1484. In a poem, written circa 1516, on Dr. J. Eck, he calls himself Elephangius, i.e. of Ellwangen; and in his correspondence, preserved at Königsberg, he often styles himself "a Rutilis" or "von Rötlen." These facts would seem to indicate that he was born at the castle of Röthlen, near Ellwangen. This property belonged to the Probst of the ecclesiastical corporation at Ellwangen, and Speratus's father was probably their bailiff or agent. The family name seems to have been Hoffer or Offer, and to have been in later years, following a practice common in the 16th cent., Latinized by himself into Speratus. He is probably the "Paul Offer de Ellwangen," who matri¬culated at the University of Freiburg (Baden) in l503. He is also said to have studied at Paris, and at some of the Italian universities. In 1518 we find him settled as a preacher at Dinkelsbühl, in Bavaria. In the end of that year he was invited to become preacher in the cathedral at Würzburg. He went to Würzburg in Feb. 1519, but his preaching was much too evangelical for the new bishop, and he had to leave, apparently in the beginning of 1520. Proceeding to Salzburg he preached for sometime in the cathedral, until the archbishop there also would not tolerate his pronounced opinions. He left Salzburg in the autumn of 1520, and went to Vienna, where he appears to have graduated D.D. at the University. He was already married (probably as early as 1519), and was one of the first priests who had dared to take this step. After a violent sermon against marriage, delivered by a monk in St. Peter's church, at Vienna, the governor of Lower Austria (Count Leonhard von Zech) asked Speratus to make a reply. With the consent of the bishop he did so, and preached, on Jan. 12, 1522, a sermon in the cathedral (St. Stephen's), founded on the Epistle for the 1st Sunday after the Epiphany, in which he expressed his opinions very freely regarding the monastic life and enforced celibacy, and also clearly set forth the doctrine of Justification by Faith. This sermon (published at Königsberg in 1524) made a great impression, and was condemned by the Theological Faculty at Vienna, who also prevented Speratus from accepting an invitation to become preacher at Ofen, near Vienna. On his way from Vienna to the north he stayed at Iglau in Moravia, where the abbot of the Dominican monastery appointed him as preacher. Here the people became greatly enamoured of him and of the Reformation doctrines,and stood firmly by him, notwithstanding the remonstrances and threats of the king, and of the bishop of Olmütz. In the summer of 1523 king Ludwig came to Olmütz and summoned Speratus to him. Without even the form of a trial he put him in prison, but after three months he released him, probably through the influence of his queen (Maria of Hungary), and of his cousin, the Margrave Albrecht of Brandenburg, but on the condition of his leaving Iglau and Moravia. In the end of 1523 Speratus came to Wittenberg, where he worked with Luther, and assisted him in the preparation of the first Lutheran hymn book (the Etlich cristlich lider. It contained 4 German hymns by Luther, 3 by Speratus, and 1 anonymous German hymn). Luther then recommended him to the Margrave Albrecht, and about May 1524 the Margrave appointed him as court preacher at Königsberg. Here he had also charge of the Altstadt church till Graumann came into residence, in Oct. 1525. He seems to have had the principal share in drawing up the Liturgy and Canons (Kirchenordnung or "Book of Church Order") for the Prussian church, which was presented to the Diet in December 1525, and printed in 1526. On March 31, 1526, he was chosen as the clerical commissioner to visit the parishes of Prussia and see that the new arrangements were carried out; and in the end of 1529 he was appointed Lutheran bishop of Pomesania, with his residence at Marienwerder. Here he remained until his death on Aug. 12, 1551. Speratus was the author of various works, hut was best known as the Reformer of Prussia. Feeling that for the working of ordinary parishes it was necessary to have pastors who had been brought up in Prussia, and could preach, if need be, in Polish or Lettish, he gladly welcomed the foundation at Königsberg (1544) of the first Prussian university. Among other important events affecting his administration may be mentioned the Visitations of 1528, of 1538, and especially that which lasted from Dec. 15, 1542, to the middle of February 1543; the Synods of 1529 (the Synodical Constitutions were pub. in 1530), of 1530, and of 1531; the new Kirchenordnung of 1544; and the welcome he extended, in 1548, to the exiled Bohemian Brethren who settled iu Prussia. As a hymn writer Speratus is principally known by the three hymns published in the Etlich cristlich lider, 1524. He also published (no place or date but Königsberg, 1527), in 1527, a version of Ps. xxvii., beginning, " Erzurn dich nicht, sei nicht neidisch;" and a Hymn of Thanksgiving, to be used after the sermon, beginning, "Gelobet sei Gott, unser Gott." These five are all that can be confidently ascribed to him. Of the five hymns mentioned above two have passed into English, viz.:— i. Es ist das Heil uns kommen her. Law and Gospel. This, his most famous hymn, is founded on Rom. iii. 28. It was probably written in the autumn of 1523, either during his imprisonment at Olmütz, or else during his stay at Wittenberg. Included as one of the 8 hymns in the Etlich cristlich lider1524, dated 1523, and entitled, “A hymn of Law and Faith, powerfully furnished with God's Word. Doctor Paul Speratus." Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 236, calls it "the true confessional hymn of the Reformation, or, as Albert Knapp puts it, 'the poetical counterpart of Luther's preface to the Epistle to the Romans.'" He relates many instances of the effects it produced. It is a Scriptural ballad, setting forth, in what was, for the time, excellent verse, the characteristic teachings of the German Reformers; and is indeed of considerable historical importance. But for present day use it is too long, somewhat harsh in style, and too much a compend of doctrinal theology. The only version we have found in English common use is:— To us salvation now is come. In full by Dr. H. Mills, in his Horae Germanicae, 1845, p. 44. Other translations are:— (1) "Now is our health come from above." By Bishop Coverdale, 1539 (Remains. (2) "Our whole Salvation doth depend." By J. C. Jacobi, 1725, p. 23. (3) "Now comes salvation from above." By Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 79. (4) "Salva¬tion hath come down to us." By Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 123. ii. In Gott gelaub ich, dass er hat aus nich.The Apostles' Creed. This is a free version, in 9 stanzas of 19 lines. First published in the Etlich cristlich lider, 1524. It was included in V. Babst's Gesang-Buch, 1545, and many others, but on account of its length and its unusual metre it has not found a place in recent hymnals. It is translated as "In God I trust, for so I must." By Bishop Coverdale, 1539. (Remain, 1846, p. 547.) [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Johann C. Schwedler

1672 - 1730 Hymnal Number: d271 Author of "Wollt ihr wissen was mein Preis" in Psalterlust fuer die Christliche Jugend Schwedler, Johann Christoph, son of Anton Schwedler, farmer and rural magistrate at Krobsdorf, near Lowenberg, in Silesia, was born at Krobsdorf, Dec. 21, 1672, and matriculated at the University of Leipzig, in 1695 (M.A. 1697). In 1698 he was appointed assistant minister at Niederwiese, near Greiffenberg, and began his duties there on the 18th Sunday after Trinity. On the death of the diaconus, Christoph Adolph, he succeeded him as diaconus, in December, 1698; and, finally, in 1701, he became pastor there. He died at Niederwiese, suddenly, during the night of Jan. 12, 1730. Schwedler was a powerful and popular preacher, and peculiarly gifted in prayer. It is said that sometimes, beginning service at 5 or 6 a.m., he would continue the service to relays who in succession filled the church, till 2 or 3 p.m. He also founded an orphanage at Niederwiese. He was a near neighbour and great friend of Johann Mentzer and N. L. von Zinzendorf. As a hymnwriter he was useful and popular. The principal theme of his hymns was the Grace of God through Christ, and the joyful confidence imparted to the soul that experienced it. Of his hymns, 462 appeared in his Die Lieder Mose und des Lammes, oder neu eingerichtetes Gesang-Buch, Budissin, 1720, Nos. 345-806. Others are in his Wöchentliche Hauss-Andacht, 1112, in his various devotional works, and in the hymn-books of the period. The only hymn by Schwedler translated into English is:— Wollt ihr wissen was mein Preis? Jesus the Crucified, or Love to Christ. Founded on 1 Cor. ii. 2, and Gal. vi. 14. The trs. in common use are:— 1. Ask ye what great thing I know. By Dr. Kennedy, in his Hymnologia Christiana, 1863, No. 620, being a good tr. of st. i.-v., with a sixth stanza suggested by st. vi. of the German. 2. Do you ask what most I prize? This is a fairly close version, omitting st. vi., as No. 98, in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1886. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Cyriacus Schneegass

1546 - 1597 Hymnal Number: d34 Author of "Das neugegorne Kindelein, Das herzeliebe Jesulein" in Psalterlust fuer die Christliche Jugend Sehneegass, Cyriacus, was born Oct. 5, 1546, at Buffleben, near Gotha. He studied and graduated M.A. at the University of Jena. In 1573 he became pastor of the St. Blasius church at Friedrichroda, near Gotha. He was also adjunct to the Superindendent of Weimar, and in this capacity signed the Formula of Concord in 1579. He died at Friedrichroda, Oct. 23, 1597 (Koch, ii. 252, &c). Schneegass was a diligent pastor, a man mighty in the Scriptures, and firm and rejoicing in his faith. He was also an excellent musician and fostered the love of music among his people. His hymns reflect his character, and are good and simple, setting forth in clear and intelligible style the leading ideas of the festivals of the Christian year, &c.; and his Psalm versions are also of considerable merit. They appeared principally in his (l) xv. Psalmi graduum, &c, Erfurt, 1595 [Gotha Library], This contains the Psalms of Degrees (120-134) also Ps. 82 and 85, and three hymns. (2) Weihenacht und New Jahrs-Gesäng, Erfurt, 1595. Koch speaks of this as containing 9 hymns. The present writer has been unable to trace a copy of the book. (3) Geistliche Lieder und Psalmen. Für Einfeltigefrome Herzen zugerichtet, Erfurt, 1597 [Berlin Library]. This is the complete edition of his psalms and hymns, containing 72 in all. Of his hymns those which have passed into English are:— i. Das neugeborne Kindelein. Christmas. Probably first published in No. 2 above. Included in 1597 as above, No. 1, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines, entitled "A beautiful little Christmas hymn on the dear little Jesus." Repeated in Wackernagel, v. p. 138, and as No. 65 in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen1851. The translations in common use are:— 1. The holy Son, the new-born Child, A good and full tr. by A. T. Russell, as No. 60 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. 2. The new-born Child this early morn. In full as No. 46 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal 1880. Another tr. is (3) "The new-born Babe, whom Mary bore," as No. 439 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book , 1754. ii. Herr Gott Vater, wir preisen dich. New Year. Probably first published in No. 2 above. Included in 1597 as above, No. 7, in 4 stanzas of 7 lines, entitled "A New Year's Hymn." Repeated in Wackernagel, v. p. 139, in the Pfalz Gesang-Buch 1859, No. 129, and the Ohio Gesang-Buch, 1870, No. 54. The translation in common use is:— O Lord our Father, thanks to Thee. In full, by A. Crull, in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Ludämiliä Elisabeth Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt

1640 - 1672 Person Name: Ludaemilie Elisabeth Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt Hymnal Number: d266 Author of "Wo ist Jesus, mein verlangen" in Psalterlust fuer die Christliche Jugend Ludämilia Elisabeth, second daughter of Count Ludwig Gunther I. of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, was born April 7, 1640, at the castle of Heidecksburg, near Rudolstadt, and was educated there along with her cousin Emilie Juliane (q.v.). In 1665 she went with her mother to the dowager castle of Friedensburg near Leutenberg; but after her mother's death, in 1670, she returned to Rudolstadt, where, on Dec. 20, 1671, she was formally betrothed to Count Christian Wilhelm of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. At this time measles was raging in the district, and her eldest sister, Sophie Juliane, was seized, and died Feb. 14, 1672. By attending on her, Ludämilia and the youngest sister, Christiane Magdalene, caught the infection, and both died at Rudolstadt on March 12,1672. (Koch, iv. 50-56; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie xix. 365-367, &c.) She received a careful and pious training, was a good Latin scholar, and well read in divinity and other branches of learning. Her hymns show her to have been of a deeply pious nature, and of intense love to Jesus. They were composed rather for her own edification than for use in public worship. Ten of them were included in the Budolstadt Gesang-Buch, 1682. They, were collected, to the number of 206, and edited by her cousin Emilie (probably assisted by A. Fritsch) as Die Stimme der Freundin, das ist: Geistliche Lieder welche, aus brünstiger und biss ans Ende beharrter Jesus Liebe verfertiget und gebraucht, &c. Rudolstadt, 1687. This was reprinted, with an introduction by W. Thilo, at Stuttgart, 1856. Three of those hymns have been translated viz.:— i. Jesus, Jesus, nichts als Jesus. [Love to Christ] 1687, No. 104, p. 312, in 5 st. of 6 1., entitled “Resignation to the Will of God." The initials of the stanzas form the word Jesus, and each stanza ends, "Herr, wie du willt." It seems to have appeared in the 2nd edition of A. Fritsch's Jesus Lieder (not in the first edition of 1668. No copy of the 2nd edition is now known), and in the 3rd edition, Jena, 1675, is No. 43, Rambach, iii. 188, gives it from the Vermehrtes Gesang-Büchlein, Halberstadt, 1673. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. The translation in common use is :__ Jesus, Jesus, Jesus only. In full, by A. Crull, as No. 282 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Other translations are :—(1) "Jesus, Jesus, nought but Jesus, Shall my wish and," in the Supplement to German Psal., ed. 1765, p. 11. (2) "Jesus, 'tis my aim divine," by Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 107. (3) “ 'Tis Jesus that's my sole desire," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 92. (4) "Jesus, Jesus, naught but Jesus, Can my," by R. Massie, in the British Herald, July, 1865, p. 103, and in Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 393. (5) "Jesus, Jesus, nought but Jesus, Shall my wish be," in Cantica Sanctorum, 1880, No. 97. ii. Jesu Blut komm über mich. [Holy Communion.] A Passiontide Hymn on the Blood of Jesus. 1687, p. 45, No. 14, in 8 st. In the Blätter für Hymnologie, 1886, p. 180, it is cited as in the 2nd ed., 1679, of A. Fritsch's Himmels-Lust (1st ed., 1670, does not contain it); and as there marked "S. J. G. Z. S. V. H.," the initials of the elder sister, Sophie Juliane. Translated as:-—"Jesus' Blood come over me," as No. 448, in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. iii. Sorge, Vater! sorge du. [Morning.] 1687, No. 168, in 7 st., entitled "On Resignation to the Care of God," and founded on 1 Peter v. 7. Previously in the Rudolstadt Gesang-Buch,1682, p. 692. Translated as:—"Care, O Father, care for me," in the Monthly Packet, xiv., 1872, p. 211. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Nicolaus Selneccer

1530 - 1592 Person Name: Nicolaus Selnecker Hymnal Number: d3 Author of "Ach bleib' bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ, Weil es nun" in Psalterlust fuer die Christliche Jugend Selnecker, Nicolaus, D.D., son of Georg Selnecker (Selneccer, Schellenecker, who was protonotarius to the Nürnberg magistracy, but lived at Hersbruck near Nürnberg) was born at Hersbruck Dec. 5, 1532. In 1536 he was removed to Nürnberg, and became during his school time, when only twelve years old, organist at the chapel in the Kaiserburg there. He went to the university of Wittenberg in 1550 (where he became a favourite pupil of Melanchthon), graduated M.A. on July 31, 1554, and subsequently lectured as a privat-docent, sometimes to 200 students. In the end of 1557 he was appointed second court preacher at Dresden, and tutor to the heir apparent Prince Alexander, having also to supervise the education of the choirboys of the royal chapel. He was ordained at Wittenberg Jan. 6, 1558. The principal theologians at the Saxon court at that time were inclined to follow Melanchthon's lead and to approximate to Calvin's teachings regarding Consubstantiation. When therefore Selnecker thought it his duty openly to declare his adhesion to strict Lutheranism, he found his position almost untenable. When Martin Hoffmann of the Neustadt church in Dresden preached against the Elector August's passion for game preserving, Selnecker took Hoffmann's part. His enemies took advantage of this, and managed so that after Hoffmann had been expelled from Dresden, in August, 1564, Selnecker was requested to seek work elsewhere. He preached his farewell sermon at Dresden on March 15, 1565, and on the 26th he entered on his new office of Professor of Theology at Jena. After the siege of Gotha, Duke Johann Wilhelm of Saxony recalled Wigand and other professors of Theology who had been expelled from Jena, in 1561, as adherents of Flaeius; and Selnecker, not being so extreme a Lutheran as they, had to leave Jena. Thereupon the Elector August again received him into favour, appointed him professor of Theology at Leipzig, and also pastor of St. Thomas's church and Superintendent of Leipzig. He entered on his duties at Leipzig in August 1568, and for some time worked quietly and successfully. In July 1570 the Elector acceded to the request of Duke Julius of Brunswick for Selnecker's services, and gave Selnecker leave of absence to go to Wolfenbüttel as court preacher and general superintendent. Here he succeeded in inducing the clergy to receive the so-called Saxon Confession, and persevered in zealous visitations of churches, schools, &c. After 1572 he resided at Gandersheim, took an interest in the Gymnasium there, &c. In 1573 he also visited, and drew up a book of Church Order and Discipline for the district of Oldenburg-Jever. But in Brunswick, what with Martin Chemnitz the Superintendent of Brunswick, who was a High Lutheran, the Duke who wished for peace, and the other General Superintendent at Wolfenbüttel, Selnecker found it a difficult matter to work comfortably, and was himself accused of Crypto-Calvinism. He therefore gladly accepted the Elector August's recall to Leipzig, and began to lecture there again in Feb. 1574. In 1576 he was once more appointed pastor of St. Thomas's Church, and Superintendent. At Leipzig the sacramental controversy broke out afresh, and Selnecker became deeply involved therein, lie was then engaged in drawing up the Formula of Concord (meant to unite the Lutherans, but to exclude the Romanists on one hand, and the Calvinists on the other), which was finally revised on May 29, and published on July 22, 1577. The Formula of Concord was so far a success that it was very largely subscribed, but at the same time its authors, and specially Selnecker, were subjected to the most violent abuse both from the High Lutherans and from the Galvinists, so much so that he called 1579 his "year of patience and silence." For a few years immediately thereafter his life was a more peaceful one, and he found time to devote to poetry and music. At this time he assisted greatly in the building up of the famous Motett Choir of St. Thomas's Church, which J. S. Bach afterwards conducted. But on the death of the Elector August in 1586 the real direction of affairs passed into the hands of Dr. Nicolaus Crell, Chancellor to the Elector Christian I., and under his rule the Lutheran clergy were gradually displaced by Melanchthonians and Crypto-Calvinists. When the new court preacher Salmuth began to issue a German Bible with notes in which he clearly taught Calvinism and impugned the Formula of Concord, Selnecker published a pamphlet in opposition, and was in consequence deprived of his offices on May 17, 1589. For a time he stayed on in his own house in Leipzig, and used his pen in controversy. But after haying received, on Oct. 22, notice to cease writing, he thought it prudent to leave Leipzig, He found many sympathisers, and after a short time spent in Halle and then in Magdeburg, he accepted the appointment of Superintendent at Hildesheim. Here he had many anxious and weighty matters to settle, and was finally called on, in 1591, to arbitrate in matters of dispute at Augsburg. Returning from Augsburg in stormy December weather, and being worn out and seriously ill, he reached Hildesheim half dead, and was confined to his room till April. Meantime the Elector Christian I. had suddenly died, and his widow, after deposing the Chancellor Crell, proceeded to recall those whom Crell had banished. Selnecker, spite of his weakness, welcomed the idea of returning to Leipzig, left Hildesheim on May 9, and reached Leipzig on May 19; but only to die. He died at Leipzig, May 24, 1592. Seluecker, as we have seen, was a prominent figure in the ecclesiastical history of Germany in the latter half of the sixteenth century, and a good illustration of the extremes to which theological controversies were then carried. He was the author of some 175 theological and controversial works, in German and Latin, perhaps the most important being his Institutio Religionis Christianae, Frankfurt, 1572-73. He also ranks, with Helmbold and Ringwaldt, among the most important hymnwriters of the period. Amid the manifold changes and chances of his life he found inspiration and consolation in the study of and recourse to the Psalter, and in his love of music. In Latin verse he published a Scriptural play on the Fall of our First Parents, entitled Theophiania, &c, Wittenberg, 1560 [Brit. Mus.], and a version of the Psalms as Paraphrasis Psalterii, Heinrichstadt, 1573…His German hymns partake for the most part of the objective churchly character of the hymns of the Reformation period, and indeed contain many reminiscences of them. Of the rest, many only too faithfully mirror the misfortunes and changes and conflicts of his life, and are full of personal matter and careless in style. Still there remain not a few worthy of note, in which a genuine piety, a deep and fervent love to the Saviour, and a zeal for the best interests of His Church on earth, are expressed in clear, flowing and musical style. The hymns by Selnecker which have passed into English are:— i. Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ. Peace and Orthodoxy. It has sometimes been said of this hymn that st. i., ii. are by Selnecker, and that the rest are a later addition. The opposite however is the case. The full form appeared in theGeistliche Psalmen, &c, Nürnberg, 1611, p. 597, in 9 stanzas, viz.:— 1. Ach bleib bey uns, Herr Jesu Christ. 2. In diser schweren betrübten Zeit. 3. Herr Jesu, hilff, dein Kirch erhalt. 4. Erhalt unns nun bey deinem Wort. 5. Ach Gott es geht gar libel zu. 6. Den stoltzen Geistern wehre doch. 7. Die Sach und Ehr, Herr Jesu Christ. 8. Dein Wort ist unsers Hertzens Trutz. 9. Gib dass wir leben in deim Wort. The text of 1611 is in H. Thiele's ed. of Selnecker's Geistliche Lieder, 1855, p. 31, and in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 408. The translations in common use from this text:— 1. Lord Jesus with Thy children stay. This is a tr. of st. 1, 2, 8, 6, 9, 3 by J. Swertner in the Moravian Hymn Book 1789, No. 6 (1886, No. 6). 2. Ah Jesu Christ, with us abide. This is a good tr. of st. 1-5, 9, by Dr. Kennedy as No. 41 in his Hymnologia Christiana 1863, repeated in Holy Song, 1869. 3. Lord Jesu Christ, with us abide, For round us fall, &c. By Miss Winkworth, of st. 1, 2, in her Chorale Book for England. 4. Forsake us not, 0 Lord be near. Other trs. are-—(1) Abide with us, O Jesu dear," as No. 336, in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. (2) "Lord Jesu Christ, with us abide, 'Tis now." By H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 69. (3) "With us, Lord Jesus Christ, abide." By Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 61. ii. Christus der wahre Gottes Sohn. Holy Baptism. Translated as:— Now Christ, the very Son of God. iii. Hilf, Herr, mein Gott, in dieser Noth. Cross and Consolatio. In hisChristliche Psalmen, 1587, in 15 lines entitled "Anno 1565. God knows why." It was probably written during his last months at Dresden. It has indeed been said to have been written to comfort Martin Hoffmann, diaconus of the Holy Cross Church at Dresden, on his expulsion after preaching about the Elector August's passion for hunting and game preserving; but the hymn is dated 1565, and Hoffmann left Dresden in August, 1564. The form translated into English is:— Hilf, Helffer, hilf in Angst und Noth. The translations are:— 1. My Helper, aid: Thy mercy show. By A. T. Russell, in full, as No. 223 in his Psalms and Hymns. 1851. 2. Help, Saviour! help, in fear and need By E. Cronenwett, in full, as No. 410 in the OhioLutheran Hymnal 1880. 3. Help, Jesus, help! in woe, in need. By Miss Manington in her Footprints of the Holy Dead, &c, 1863, p. 8. iv. Lass mich dein sein und bleiben. Close of Service. This is a beautiful stanza of 8 lines which is very frequently used in Germany at the close of Divine service. It was written as his daily prayer . The translations are:— 1. Let me be Thine for ever, My gracious. This is a tr. of st. i.-iii. by Dr. M. Loy as No. 230 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. 2. Make me Thine own and keep me Thine. By Miss Winkworth in her Christian Singers of Germany, 1869, p. 152. v. 0 Herre Gott, in meiner Noth. For the Dying. Founded on Ps. cxvi. 9. Translated as:—- 0 Lord my God, I cry to Thee. This is a good and full tr. by Miss Winkworth in her Lyra Germanica 2nd Ser. 1858, p. 212, and her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 192. vi. Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ, Dass du gen Himmel gefahren bist. Ascension. The translation in common use is:— We thank Thee, Jesus! dearest Friend, that Thou didst. Other trs. are—- (1) “Lord Jesus Christ! we thank Thee now." This is No. 334, in pt. i., of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. (2) "To Thee, our Lord, all praise be given." vii. Wir danken dir, o treuer Gott. Absolution. Translated as:— O Faithful God, thanks be to Thee. By C. H. L. Schnette, in full, as No. 246 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal 1880. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

O. E. Schott

Person Name: D. G. Schott Hymnal Number: d26 Author of "Bei Jesu ist Ruh'" in Psalterlust fuer die Christliche Jugend

C. H. Schwabe

Hymnal Number: d41 Author of "Dort sinket die Sonne im Westen" in Psalterlust fuer die Christliche Jugend

Christoph von Schmid

1768 - 1854 Person Name: J. C. von Schmid Hymnal Number: d123 Author of "Ihr Kinderlein, kommet, o kommet doch all!" in Psalterlust fuer die Christliche Jugend Johann Christoph von Schmidt DT Germany 1768-1854. Born at Dinkelsbuhl, Bavaria, Germany, the oldest of nine children and son of a civil servant who worked for the Teutonic Order, he received private lessons in the monastery and attended Catholic Latin school for two years, then attended the Dillingen high school, afterward tutoring for a wealthy family. He enrolled in the Episcopal University in Dillingen and studied philosphy for two years, then theology for four years. He was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1791. He served as parish vicar in Nassenbeuren, then chaplain at Seeg. In 1796, when he was placed as the head of a large school in Thannhausen, where he taught for many years. From 1816-1826 he was parish priest at Oberstadion in Wurttemberg. In 1826 he was appointed Canon of the Augsburg Cathedral. In 1832 he was administrator for the school system for Swabia and Neuburg. In 1837 he was raised by Bavarian King Ludwig I to personal nobility, a knight of the Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown. In old age he received numerous honors, and his 80th birthday was a public holiday in Augsburg. The University of Prague awarded him the title of Doctor of Theology. In addition to being an educator, he was also a prolific author and writer of children’s stories. He would often read his stories to the school children after classes. His stories became very popular and were translated into 24 languages. His general theme in story writing was to awaken a practical piety in children. Wrote 40 story books for children. He also wrote poetry. His most famous work: “A basket of flowers”. He died of cholera at Augsburg, Germany. In 1857 his autobiography was published. John Perry


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