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I ungdomsår, i såningstid

Hymnal: Lutherförbundets Sångbok #S48 (1913) Meter: Lyrics: 1 I ungdomsår, i såningstid Är hjärtats jordmån varm. Plöj upp den då med håg och id Och med en kraftig arm, Att Gud må så sitt säde in, Som renar tanke, själ och sinn; Och gör, att lifvet spirar fram I kärlek till Guds Lamm1 2 I ungdomsår, i röjningstid Ryck upp hvart ogräs kart! Det tör väl kosta kamp och strid, Men det är mödan värdt, Låt icke lustan, vild och stark, Få rum på hjärtats åkermark! Det minsta frö, som rotas får, Blir snart ett farligt snår. 3 Din ungdomstid är arbetsår, Och fältet det är vidt. Bed Gud, att nåd och kraft du får Att tjäna honom fritt! Hur glad, hur lycklig är ej den, Som står bland Herrens vingårdsmän, Och som med lust i ungdomsår Sin Herres tjäna får! Topics: Verksamhet Languages: Swedish Tune Title: I UNGDOMSÅR
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Om någon mig åtspörja vill

Hymnal: Lutherförbundets Sångbok #S49 (1913) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Om någon mig åtspörja vill Min grund til salighet, Om icke mer behöfs därtill, Som man bör hafva med Förutom Jesu blod och sår, Som man så ofta höra får, Jag svarar då: Min grund år god, Den heter Jesu blod. 2 Det är den fasta klippegrund, Som evigt skall bestå. Ja, och uti min sista stund Jag hvilar tryggt därpå. Och når jag hän från världen går, Så sjunger jag om Jesu sår, Och lammets blod är nyckelen Till själfva himmelen. Topics: Sinnesändring och Tro; Conversion and Faith Languages: Swedish Tune Title: I UNGDOMSÅR
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Sing Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!

Author: John Swertner Hymnal: The Celebration Hymnal #13 (1997) Meter: First Line: Sing hallelujah, praise the Lord! Lyrics: 1 Sing hallelujah, praise the Lord! Sing with a cheerful voice; Exalt our God with one accord, And in His Name rejoice. Ne'er cease to sing, O ransomed host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Until in realms of endless light Your praises shall unite. 2 There we for all eternity Shall join th'angelic praise; And songs in perfect harmony To God, our Savior, raise. He has redeemed us by His blood, And made us kings and priests to God; For us, for us the Lamb was slain! Praise ye the Lord! Amen. Topics: Praise the Lord; Adoration and Praise God Our Father; Adoration and Praise Jesus Our Savior Languages: English Tune Title: BECHLER
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Sing Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!

Author: John Swertner Hymnal: Hymns to the Living God #21 (2017) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Sing hallelujah, praise the Lord! Sing with a cheerful voice; exalt our God with one accord, and in His Name rejoice. Ne’er cease to sing, O ransomed host, praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost, until in realms of endless light your praises shall unite. 2 There we to all eternity shall join th'angelic lays and sing in perfect harmony to God our Savior’s praise; He has redeemed us by His blood, and made us kings and priests to God; for us, for us, the Lamb was slain! Praise ye the Lord! Amen. Topics: Revelation and Adoration Languages: English Tune Title: BECHLER
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How Blessed Is The Little Flock

Author: N. J. Holm Hymnal: Hymnal for Church and Home #35 (1927) Meter: Lyrics: 1 How blessed is the little flock, Whom Jesus calls His own! He is their Savior and their Rock, They trust in Him alone; They walk by faith and hope and love, But they shall dwell with Him above, When hope and faith shall pass away, And love shall last for aye. 2 My Jesus, am I in that band, And wilt Thou call me Thine? Do I among the chosen stand Whose lamps so brightly shine? Oh, let me not lie down to rest Till this I know, my Savior blest, Till I can say, by grace restored: Thou know'st I love Thee, Lord. 3 And even if with tears it be, That this to Thee I say, Yet Thou in grace wilt look on me And wipe my tears away; Yea, when but Thou who all dost know In me canst find Thy love below And own me Thine, then well is me, My all I have in Thee. Topics: Closing Hymns Languages: English Tune Title: [How blessed is the little flock]
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How Blessed Is The Little Flock

Author: N. J. Holm Hymnal: Hymnal for Church and Home (2nd ed.) #35 (1928) Meter: Lyrics: 1 How blessed is the little flock, Whom Jesus calls His own! He is their Savior and their Rock, They trust in Him alone; They walk by faith and hope and love, But they shall dwell with Him above, When hope and faith shall pass away, And love shall last for aye. 2 My Jesus, am I in that band, And wilt Thou call me Thine? Do I among the chosen stand Whose lamps so brightly shine? Oh, let me not lie down to rest Till this I know, my Savior blest, Till I can say, by grace restored: Thou know'st I love Thee, Lord. 3 And even if with tears it be, That this to Thee I say, Yet Thou in grace wilt look on me And wipe my tears away; Yea, when but Thou who all dost know In me canst find Thy love below And own me Thine, then well is me,-- My all I have in Thee. Topics: Closing Hymns Languages: English

Come to Thy temple here on earth

Author: Paul Gerhardt; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: Lyra Germanica #49 (1861) Meter: Lyrics: Come to Thy temple here on earth, Be Thou my spirit's guest, Who givest us of mortal birth A second birth more blest; Spirit beloved, Thou mighty Lord, Who with the Father and the Son Reignest upon an equal throne, Art equally adored! Oh enter, let me feel and know Thy mighty power within, That can alone our help bestow, And rescue us from sin. Oh cleanse my soul and make it white, That I with heart unstained and true, May daily render service due, And honour Thee aright. I was a wild unfruitful vine Which Thou shouldst prune and train; Death pierced through all this life of min, But Thou my foe hast slain. Thy holy baptism is his grave, He perishes beneath the flood Of His most precious death and blood, Who died our life to save. Thou art the Spirit who dost teach To pray aright, for all Our prayers are heard if Thou beseech, Thy songs have sweetest fall. They soar on tireless wings to heaven, They fail not from before God's throne, Till all His goodness we have known By whom all help is given. Thou art the Spirit of all joy, Sadness Thou lovest not; Thy comfort beaming from on high, Lights up the darkest lot. Ah yes, how many a time of old Thy voice hath rapt my soul away, To yon bright halls of endless day, And oped the gates of gold! Thou art the Spirit of all love, The Friend of all kindly life, Thou wouldst not that our hearts should prove The pangs of wrath and strife. Thou hatest hatred's withering reign, In souls that discord maketh dark Dost Thou rekindle love's bright spark, And make them one again. On Thee is all this world upstaid, And in Thy hands doth rest; And Thou canst wayward hearts persuade To turn as seems Thee best: Oh therefore give Thy love and peace, That they may join in strongest bands Long parted foes, and through our lands These sad divisions cease. Thou art the true, the only Source Whence concord comes to men; Oh that Thy power might have free course And bring us peace again! Oh hear, and stem this mighty flood That o'er us death and sorrow spreads; Alas! each day afresh it sheds Like water human blood. And let our nation learn to know What, and how deep, our sin; Nay, let God's judgments come, if so A fire be lit within The hearts that loved themselves to please; In bitter shame now let them burn, And loving Thee, repentant spurn Their selfish worldly ease. Grace for the contrite heart abounds, Joy to the sad is given; To serve God's truth will heal our wounds, And bring us help from heaven; Lord, for Thine honour's sake, make known Thy power, convert the wicked now, And teach the hard to weep, for Thou Canst soften steel and stone! Arise and make an end of all Our heartache, and our pain; Thy wandering flock at last recall And grant them joy again; To peace and wealth the land restore, Wasted with fire or plague or sword; Come to Thy ruined churches, Lord, And bid them bloom once more! The rulers of our land defend, Our sovereign's throne uphold; That he and we may prosper, send True wisdom to the old; With piety the young men bless, And through the nation shed abroad True virtue and the fear of God, A nation's happiness. Fill every heart with holy zeal To keep the faith unstained; Let house and land Thy blessing feel, Whence all true wealth is gained. Him who resists Thy inward powers, The Evil Spirit, make Thou flee; Whate'er delights Thy heart, would he Fain root from out of ours. Give strong and cheerful hearts to stand Undaunted in the wars That Satan's fierce and mighty band Is waging with Thy cause. Help us to fight as warriors brave, That we may conquer in the field, And not one Christian man may yield His soul to sin a slave. Order according to Thy mind Our life from day to day, And when this life must be resigned, And death has seized his prey, When all our days have fleeted by, Help us to die with fearless spirit, And let us after death inherit Eternal life on high. Languages: English
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How blessed is the little flock

Author: N. J. Holm Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #50 (1913) Meter: Lyrics: 1 How blessed is the little flock, Whom Jesus calls His own! He is their Savior and their rock, They trust in Him alone; They walk by faith and hope and love, But they shall dwell with Him above, When hope and faith shall pass away, And love shall last for aye. 2 Lord Jesus, am I in that band, And wilt Thou call me Thine? Do I among the chosen stand Whose lamps so brightly shine? O let me not lie down to rest, Till this I know, my Savior blest, Till I can say, by grace restored: "Thou know'st I love Thee, Lord!" 3 And even if with tears it be, That this to Thee I say, Yet Thou in grace wilt look on me And wipe my tears away; Yea, when but Thou who all dost know In me canst find Thy love below And own me Thine, then well is me,-- My all I have in Thee. Topics: Close of Service; Worship in General Close of Service; Close of Service; Love to God and the Savior Tune Title: [How blessed is the little flock]

Come, let us all unite and sing

Author: Howard Kingsbury Hymnal: The Book of Praise #82 (1972) Meter: Topics: God: His Being, Word and Works God the Father Almighty: The Divine Attributes Languages: English Tune Title: O SO BRIGHT
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How Blessed Is The Little Flock

Author: C. Doving; N. J. Holm Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #86 (1930) Meter: Lyrics: 1 How blessed is the little flock, Whom Jesus calls His own! He is their Savior and their rock, They trust in Him alone; They walk by faith and hope and love, But they shall dwell with Him above, When hope and faith shall pass away, And love shall last for aye. 2 My Jesus, am I in that band, And wilt Thou call me Thine? Do I among the chosen stand Whose lamps so brightly shine? O let me not lie down to rest Till this I know, my Savior blest, Till I can say, by grace restored: Thou know'st I love Thee, Lord! 3 And even if with tears it be, That this to Thee I say, Yet Thou in grace wilt look on me And wipe my tears away; Yea, when but Thou who all dost know, In me canst find Thy love below And own me Thine, then well is me,-- My all I have in Thee. Topics: The Means of Grace The Christian Church; Processionals and Recessionals General Languages: English Tune Title: LUDWIG


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