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Hymnal, Number:jw1878

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The Church

Appears in 1,333 hymnals First Line: I love thy kingdom, Lord Lyrics: 1 I love thy king, Lord, The house of thine abode-- The Church our blest Redeemer saved With his own precious blood. 2 I love thy Church, O God! Her walls before thee stand Dear as the apple of thine eye, And graven on thy hand. 3 For her my tears shall fall; For her my prayers ascend; To her my cares and toils be given, Till toils and cares shall end. 4 Sure as thy truth shall last, To Zion shall be given The brightest glories earth can yield, And brighter bliss of heaven. Used With Tune: ST. THOMAS
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Beautiful Day

Author: E. M. Bruce Appears in 18 hymnals First Line: Beautiful day, lovely thy light Refrain First Line: Beautiful, beautiful day Lyrics: 1 Beautiful day, lovely thy light; Holy each ray, nothing like night: Cloudless thy sky; peaceful my stay Here in the sunlight of beautiful day. Chorus: Beautiful, beautiful day, Evermore shine on my way, Savior, I pray, keep me alway, Safe in this beautiful day. 2 Beautiful day, calm was thy dawn; Joyous the lay, blessed the morn, When in my heart, over my way, First shone the noontide of beautiful day. [Chorus] 3 Beautiful day, perfectly bright; Jesus alway, boundless delight. Bliss all around, heav'n by the way. Shining in fullness, oh, beautiful day. [Chorus] 4 Beautiful day, haven of rest; Every one may come and be blest; Glory to God, naught can dismay; Christ is the light of this beautiful day. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [Beautiful day, lovely thy light]
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Appears in 21 hymnals First Line: Toil on, teachers! toil on, boldly Lyrics: 1 Toil on, teachers! toil on, boldly, Labor on, and watch and pray; Men may scoff and treat you coldly; Heed them not, go on your way. Jesus is a loving master; Cease not, then, this work to do; Cleave to him still closer, faster, He will own and honor you. 2 Toil on, teachers! earnest, steady, Sowing well the seeds of truth; Always willing, cheerful, ready, Watching, praying, for your youth. Patient, firm, and persevering, Leaning on the promise sure; Prayer will surely gain a hearing, Faithful to the end endure. Used With Tune: MEMORY
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All Tears

Author: Flora B. Harris Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Above earth's grief and sighing Refrain First Line: All tears, all tears Lyrics: 1 Above earth's grief and sighing, Its want and pain and dying, Look up, and see the glory Prepared for you and me. Chorus: All tears, all tears, God shall wipe away In the full and perfect day; Once forever, Once forever, God shall wipe all tears away. 2 The Lamb himself shall feed us The Lamb himself shall lead us To drink from living fountains, That flow for you and me. [Chorus] 3 No burning sun shall smite us; His glorious face shall light us, The beauty of his presence, It shines for you and me. [Chorus] 4 Though countless hosts before him With rapture-strains adore him, Yet in the mighty choral Are songs for you and me. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [Above earth's grief and sighing]
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My Goal is Christ

Appears in 13 hymnals First Line: Ah, tell me not of gold or treasure Lyrics: 1 Ah, tell me not of gold or treasure, Of pomp and beauty here on earth! There's not a thing that gives me pleasure Of all the world displays for worth. Each heart will seek and love its own; My goal is Christ, and Christ alone, My goal is Christ, and Christ alone. 2 The world and her pursuits will perish, Her beauty's fading like a flower; The brightest schemes the earth can cherish Are but the pastime of an hour. Each heart will seek and love its own; My goal is Christ, and Christ alone, My goal is Christ, and Christ alone. 3 Against this tower there's no prevailing; His kingdom passes not away; His throne abides, despite assailing, From henceforth unto endless day. Each heart will seek and love its own; My goal is Christ, and Christ alone, My goal is Christ, and Christ alone. 4 And though a pilgrim I must wander, Still absent from the One I love; He soon will have me with him yonder In his own glory realms above. Triumphantly I therefore own; My goal is Christ, and Christ alone, My goal is Christ, and Christ alone. Used With Tune: [Ah, tell me not of gold or treasure]
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Jesus' Blood

Author: Fanny Crosby Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: The blood of Jesus' precious gift Lyrics: 1 The blood of Jesus' precious gift, More dear than aught beside; The blood within the sacred fount, That opened when he died. Chorus: The blood of Jesus, praise his name, 'Tis, flowing, flowing still; O come, and prove its healing power, Come whosoever will. 2 The blood of Jesus, this alone, Can cleanse the soul from sin Can wash away its darkest stain, And make it white and clean. [Chorus] 3 The blood of Jesus glorious theme, Proclaim it o'er and o'er; The blood of Jesus saves us now, And saves us evermore. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [The blood of Jesus' precious gift]
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Send Me

Appears in 507 hymnals First Line: Hark! the voice of Jesus crying Lyrics: 1 Hark! the voice of Jesus crying: "Who will go and work to-day? Fields are white and harvest waiting; Who will bear the sheaves away?" Loud and strong the Master calleth; Rich reward he offers thee; Who will answer, gladly saying, "Here am I; send me, send me!" 2 Let none hear you idly saying, "There is nothing I can do." While the souls of men are dying, And the Master calls for you. Take the task he gives you gladly; Let his work your pleasure be; Answer quickly when he calleth, "Here am I; send me, send me!" Used With Tune: MEMORY
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Appears in 685 hymnals First Line: Holy Spirit, faithful Guide Lyrics: 1 Holy Spirit, faithful Guide, Ever near the Christian's side, Gently lead us by the hand, Pilgrims in a desert land. Weary souls fore'er rejoice, While they hear that sweetest voice, Whisp'ring softly, wanderer, come! Follow me, I'll guide thee home. 2 Ever present, truest friend, Ever near, thine aid to lend. Leave us not to doubt and fear, Groping on in darkness drear. When the storms are raging sore, Hearts grow faint and hopes give o'er, Whisper softly, wanderer, come! Follow me, I'll guide thee home. 3 When our days of toil shall cease, Waiting still for sweet release, Nothing left but heaven and prayer, Wond'ring if our names are there; Wading deep the dismal flood, Pleading naught but Jesus' blood; Whisper softly, wanderer, come! Follow me I'll guide thee home. Used With Tune: [Holy Spirit, faithful Guide]
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The Savior's Kingdom

Appears in 1,805 hymnals First Line: Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Lyrics: 1 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Doth his successive journeys run; His kingdom spread from shore to shore, Till moon shall wax and wane no more. 2 From north to south the princes meet To pay their homage at his feet; While western empires own their Lord, And savage tribes attend his word. 3 People and realms of every tongue Dwell on his love with sweetest song, And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on His Name. Used With Tune: DUKE STREET
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Light Breaking

Appears in 1,172 hymnals First Line: The morning light is breaking Lyrics: 1 The morning light is breaking; The darkness disappears; The sons of earth are waking To penitential tears: Each breeze that sweeps the ocean Brings tidings from afar Of nations in commotion, Prepared for Zion's war. 2 Blest river of salvation, Pursue thy onward way; Flow thou to every nation, Nor in thy richness stay: Stay not till all the lowly Triumphant reach their home; Stay not till all the holy Proclaim, "The Lord is come!" Used With Tune: MISSIONARY HYMN
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The Heavenly Canaan

Appears in 1,405 hymnals First Line: There is a land of pure delight Lyrics: 1 There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign; Infinite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. There everlasting spring abides, And never-with'ring flowers; Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heavenly land from ours. 2 Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dressed in living green; So to the Jews old Canaan stood, While Jordan roll'd between. Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er, Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold flood Should fright us from the shore. Used With Tune: VARINA
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Close to Thee

Author: Fanny Crosby Appears in 423 hymnals First Line: Thou my everlasting portion Refrain First Line: Close to Thee, close to Thee Lyrics: 1 Thou my everlasting portion, More than friend or life to me; All along my pilgrim journey, Saviour, let me walk with Thee. Refrain: Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee; All along my pilgrim journey, Savior, let me walk with Thee. 2 Not for ease or worldly pleasure, Nor for fame my pray'r shall be; Gladly will I toil and suffer, Only let me walk with Thee. Refrain: Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to thee, close to Thee; Gladly will I toil and suffer, Only let me walk with Thee. 3 Lead me thro' the vale of shadows, Lead me o'er life's fitful sea; Then the gate of life eternal, May I enter, Lord, with Thee. Refrain: Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee; Then the gate of life eternal, May I enter, Lord, with Thee. Used With Tune: [Thou my everlasting portion]
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Appears in 807 hymnals First Line: Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings Lyrics: 1 Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings; Thy better portion trace; Rise from transitory things, Tow'rd heaven, thy native place. Sun, and moon, and stars decay; Time shall soon this earth remove; Rise, my soul, and haste away To seats prepared above. 2 Rivers to the ocean run, Nor stay in all their course; Fire, ascending, seeks the sun; Both speed them to their source: So a soul that's born of God, Pants to view his glorious face; Upward tends to his abode, To rest in his embrace. 3 Cease, ye pilgrims, cease to mourn; Press onward to the prize; Soon our Savior will return, Triumphant in the skies: There we'll join the heavenly train, Welcomed to partake the bliss; Fly from sorrow, care, and pain, To realms of endless peace. Used With Tune: [Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings]
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Lord of All

Appears in 3,448 hymnals First Line: All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name! Lyrics: 1 All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him Lord of all. Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Ye ransomed form the fall, Hail him who saves you by his grace, And crown him Lord of all. Hail him who saves you by his grace, And crown him Lord of all. 2 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall, Go, spread your trophies at his feet, And crown him Lord of all. Let ev'ry kindred, ev'ry tribe, On this terrestrial ball, To him all majesty ascribe, And crown him Lord of all. To him all majesty ascribe, And crown him Lord of all. 3 Oh, that with yonder sacred throng We at his feet may fall! We'll join the everlasting song, And crown him Lord of all. Him Lord of lords, and King of kings, Let ev'ry nation call; From heav'n to earth the chorus rings, "Yea, crown him Lord of all." From heav'n to earth the chorus rings, "Yea, crown him Lord of all." Used With Tune: [All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!]
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Appears in 1,359 hymnals First Line: A charge to keep I have Lyrics: 1 A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify; A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky. 2 To serve the present age, My calling to fulfill, Oh, may it all my powers engage, To do my Master's will. 3 Arm me with jealous care, As in thy sight to live; And, oh, thy servant, Lord, prepare A strict account to give. 4 Help me to watch and pray, And on thyself rely, Assured, if I my trust betray, I shall forever die. Used With Tune: THATCHER
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Our Advocate

Appears in 888 hymnals First Line: Arise, my soul, arise Lyrics: 1 Arise, my soul, arise; Shake off thy guilty fears; The bleeding sacrifice In my behalf appears: Before the throne my surety stands, My name is written on his hands. 2 He ever lives above For me to intercede, His all-redeeming love, His precious blood to plead; His blood atoned for all our race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace. 3 The Father hears him pray, His dear anointed one; He can not turn away The presence of his Son: His Spirit answers to the blood, And tells me I am born of God. 4 My God is reconciled; His pard'ning voice I hear: He owns me for his child; I can no longer fear: With confidence I now draw nigh, And Father, Abba, Father, cry. Used With Tune: LENOX
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What of the Night

Appears in 866 hymnals First Line: Watchman, tell us of the night Lyrics: 1 Watchman, tell us of the night What its signs of promise are; Trav'ler, o'er yon mountain's height, See that glory-beaming star. Watchman, does it beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy foretell? Trav'ler, yes, it brings the day Promised day of Israel. 2 Watchman, tell us of the night; Higher yet that star ascends, Trav'ler, blessedness and light, Peace and truth its course portends, Watchman, will its beams, alone, Gild the spot that gave them birth? Trav'ler, ages are its own; See, it bursts o'er all the earth. 3 Watchman, tell us of the night, For the morning seems to dawn. Trav'ler, darkness takes its flight; Doubt and terror are withdrawn. Watchman, let thy wand'ring cease; Hie thee to thy quiet home. Trav'ler, lo! the Prince of Peace, Lo! the Son of God is come. Used With Tune: [Watchman, tell us of the night]
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Final Triumph

Appears in 1,949 hymnals First Line: Am I a soldier of the cross Lyrics: 1 Am I a soldier of the cross,- A foll'wer of the Lamb, And shall I fear to own his cause, Or blush to speak his name? 2 Since I must fight if I would reign, Increase my courage, Lord; I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by thy word. 3 Thy saints in all this glorious war Shall conquer, though they die: They see the triumph from afar,-- By faith they bring it nigh. 4 When that illustrious day shall rise, And all thy armies shine In robes of vict'ry through the skies, The glory shall be thine.
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And can it Be?

Author: Rev. Chas. Wesley Appears in 291 hymnals First Line: And can it be that I should gain Lyrics: 1 And can it be that I should gain An int'rest in the Savior's blood? Died he for me, who caus'd his pain? For me, who him to death pursued? Amazing love! how can it be That thou, my Lord, shouldst die for me? 2 'Tis myst'ry all, th' Immortal dies! Who can explore his strange design? In vain the first-born seraph tries To sound the depths of love divine; 'Tis mercy all! let earth adore: Let angel minds inquire no more. 3 He left his Father's throne above; (So free, so infinite his grace!) Emptied himself of all but love, And bled for Adam's helpless race; 'Tis mercy all, immense and free, For oh, my God, it found out me! 4 No condemnation now I dread; Jesus, with all in him, is mine; Alive in him, my living head, And clothed in righteousness divine, Bold I approach th' eternal throne And claim the crown thro' Christ my own. Used With Tune: [And can it be that I should gain]
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Beulah Land

Author: Edgar Page Appears in 315 hymnals First Line: I've reached the land of corn and wine Refrain First Line: Oh, Beulah land, sweet Beulah Land Lyrics: 1 I've reached the land of corn and wine, And all its riches freely mine; Here shines undimm'd one blissful day, For all my night has pass'd away. Chorus: Oh, Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land, As on thy highest mount I stand, I look away across the sea, Where mansions are prepared for me. And view the shining glory shore, My heav'n, my home, for evermore! 2 My Saviour comes and walks with me, And sweet communion here have we, He gently leads me by his hand, For this is heaven's borderland. [Chorus] 3 A sweet perfume upon the breeze Is borne from ever-vernal trees, And flowers that never fading grow Where streams of life forever flow. [Chorus] 4 The zephyrs seem to float to me Sweet sounds of heaven's melody, As angels with the white-robed throng Join in the sweet redemption song. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [I've reached the land of corn and wine]


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