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Pesnata na rodosta (When you waken in the morning)

Author: Gordana Miteva; Robert Milcev; S T Kimbrough, Jr. Appears in 1 hymnal Text Place Of Origin: Macedonia First Line: V tvojte ochi gledam radost (When you waken in the morning)

Humbly in Your Sight

Author: Tom Colvin Appears in 11 hymnals Text Place Of Origin: Malawi First Line: Humbly in your sight we come together, Lord Text Sources: Malawi

Let the world unite and sing

Author: Mawalera Tembo; Helen Taylor; Tom Colvin Appears in 2 hymnals Text Place Of Origin: Malawi Text Sources: Tumbuka; Malawian hymn; Tunes of Nyasaland

Help us, Christ, to be peace-makers

Author: Tom Colvin Appears in 2 hymnals Text Place Of Origin: Malawi

Zonse zimene n'za Chauta wathu

Appears in 1 hymnal Text Place Of Origin: Malawi

Muchindikani Yesu M'tuwa (Come, let us honor Jesu)

Author: Ben Nhlane Appears in 2 hymnals Text Place Of Origin: Malawi First Line: Muchindikani Yesu M'tuwa Text Sources: Tumbuka hymn, Malawi


Appears in 1 hymnal Text Place Of Origin: Malawi Text Sources: Chichewa folk hymn, as sung by Community of Christ, Malawi

The Rice of Life

Author: J. Andrew Fowler Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Text Place Of Origin: Malaysia First Line: The rice of life from heaven

Ya, Tuhanku (O Lord, our God)

Appears in 3 hymnals Text Place Of Origin: Malaysia Text Sources: Liturgical text

Zhu a! qui

Appears in 1 hymnal Text Place Of Origin: Malaysia First Line: Zhu a! qui ni lian min wo (Lord, have mercy on us) Text Sources: Liturgical text

Your Word Will Be a Lamp to Guide Our Feet

Author: Anonymous; Calvin Chelliah Appears in 2 hymnals Text Place Of Origin: Malaysia

We All Believe in One God of Love (Kasip oko sid kinoringan)

Author: Anonymous; Alison Ng; Maria Ling Appears in 1 hymnal Text Place Of Origin: Malaysia First Line: Kasip oko sid kinoringan (We all believe in one God of love) Refrain First Line: Aso no vokon dot ihimon ku (No other God can we find in this world)

Come One and All, Let's Follow Christ, Our Lord (Kailo ko tinan nu walai Tuhan)

Author: Alison Ng; Anonymous; Maria Ling Appears in 1 hymnal Text Place Of Origin: Malaysia First Line: Kailo ko tinan nu walai Tuhan (Know you not that your body is the Lord's?) Refrain First Line: Kanou kanou tumanud do Tuhan (Come one and all, let's follow Christ, our Lord)

God Has Formed the Church to Be (Ji-du jiao-hui Shen suo li)

Author: Tiing-Chang Ling; James Minchin Appears in 1 hymnal Text Place Of Origin: Malaysia First Line: Ji-du jiao-hui Shen suo li (God has formed the Church to be) Refrain First Line: Jiao-hi gen-hi shi Ji-du (One Lord is our unity)

O Lord, our Lord, In All The Earth

Author: John Barnard Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Text Place Of Origin: Marblehead, Massachusetts First Line: O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth, How excellent's thy name Lyrics: 1. O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth, How excellent's thy name! Who hast the heavens far above, Established thy fame. 2. From mouths of babes and sucklings, thou Ordained hast thy praise; Which puts to silence impious tongues, The self avenger stays. 3. When I survey the vast expanse, Formed by thy finger's might. Or view the moon, and glittering stars, Ordained to rule the night: 4. Lord! What is feeble man! that thou Dost bear him still in mind? And what the son of man, whom thou To visit art so kind ? 5. Thou, him but little lower madst, Than angels round thy throne •, With glory thou didst him adorn, And with high honors crown. 6. Thou gavst him, o'er thy handy works, Dominion's regal seat ; And all things in subjection put, Beneath his royal feet: 7. All flocks, and herds, and beasts of prey; And birds that beat the air; The fish that cleave the briny sea, And all that passeth there. 9. O Lord, our Lord, who may compare With thine unrivaled Fame? Through all the earth, from pole to pole, How excellent's thy name. A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752

Amidst the assemblies of the great

Author: John Barnard Appears in 1 hymnal Text Place Of Origin: Marblehead, Massachusetts Lyrics: 1. Amidst the assemblies of the great, The world's great Ruler takes his seat, And earthly gods doth judge; (and says) 2. "How long will ye pervert the laws, Accept the person, plead the cause, Of such as walk in wicked ways. 3. "Defend the poor, and fatherless; To such as are in deep distress Impartial justice let be done. 4. Loose the oppressed's heavy bands; And, from the wicked's gripping hands, Deliver ye the needy one." 5. They know not, nor will understand, They walk in darkness; through the land, The Earth's Supports are overthrown. 6. "You I have honor'd with my name, And styled you Gods; ye all, in fame, For sons of the Most High have shone. 7. "But ye shall die, like common men, Like other princes fall; and then Account to me, for all your wrongs." 8. Arise, O God, to judge the earth; For every nation from it's birth, To thee by sovereign right belongs. A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752

As pants the chased, thirsty hart

Author: John Barnard Appears in 1 hymnal Text Place Of Origin: Marblehead, Massachusetts Lyrics: 1. As pants the chased, thirsty hart After the cooling brook, So pants my soul for thee, O God, For thee I longing look. 2. My soul for God, the living God, Thirsts, while I'm exiled here; When shall I come, and in thy courts, Before my God appear? 3. My mourning tears, by day, and night, Have been my constant food; While, with continual insult, they Have cried, "Where is thy God?" 4. My soul I pour out when I think How to thy house I went With multitudes; in joy, and praise, Thy sacred day we spent. 5. Why so dejected, O my soul? Why art thou restless grown? Trust God; I yet shall sing his praise, For his salvation shown. 6. Though O my God, my soul's cast down; Remember thee I will, From Jordan's banks, and Hermon's mount, And Misar's lowly hill. Second Part 7. Deep calls to deep; thy thunders roared. And poured the waters down; So o'er me have, with force and noise, Thy waves and billows gone. 8. Thy loving-kindness yet, O Lord, Shall brighten up the day; Each night I'll anthems sing; to thee, God of my life, I'll pray. 9. I'll humbly say to God, my rock, "Why dost forget me so? Why go I mourning, for the great Oppression of the foe?" 10. It pierced my bones, as with a sword, To hear my foes upbraid; While daily they with impious scoffs, "Where is thy God?" have said. 11. Why troubled? why cast down my soul! Trust God: thou yet shall sing Loud songs to him, who is thy God, And health's unfailing spring. A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752

Behold; how charming is the sight

Author: John Barnard Appears in 1 hymnal Text Place Of Origin: Marblehead, Massachusetts Lyrics: 1. Behold; how charming is the sight! How good too doth it prove! When brethren in their hearts unite, And live in peace, and love. 2. It's like the precious ointment, poured On Aaron's sacred head; Which down his locks the perfume showered, And o*er his garments spread. 3. So Hermon's, and Mount Sion's dews Descend, and bless the plains; For there the Lord his blessing shows. And endless life ordains. A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752

Behold how good it proves

Author: John Barnard Appears in 1 hymnal Text Place Of Origin: Marblehead, Massachusetts Lyrics: 1. Behold! how good it proves! How charming is the sight! When brethren, dwell in love In firmest bonds, unite; When all agree To act their part, As with one heart, In charity. 2. It's like the precious oil, That casts a fragrant smell, Which poured on Aaron's head, A down his locks it fell; From thence it shed It's trickling globes, On's priestly robes, And odors spread. 3. So the refreshing dews, From Hermon's top, that flow. Or rowl down Sion's mount, Revive the plains below: Jehovah there His bliss ordains, With life that reigns For ever fair. A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752

Bless, Lord, thine heritage

Author: John Barnard Appears in 1 hymnal Text Place Of Origin: Marblehead, Massachusetts Lyrics: 1. Bless, Lord, thine heritage, In thine abundant grace; Let on thy servants ever shine The brightness of thy face. 2. That so thy righteous ways May through the earth be known; And all the nations of the world May thy salvation, own. 3. In praise to thee, O God, Let thine own people join; And may the gentile world, in songs Of praise, to thee, combine. 4. O let the nations all Be glad, and cheerful sing; For thou art, over all the earth, A just, and gracious King. 5. In praise to thee, O God, Let thine own people join; And may the gentile world, in songs Of praise, to thee, combine. 6. Then the earth shall plenty yield; And God shall bless our store. 7. Our own God shall us bless; the world Shall fear and him adore. A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752


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