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Scripture:1 Corinthians 15

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Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus

540 - 600 Person Name: Venantius H. C. Fortunatus, ca. 530-609 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20-22 Author of "Welcome, Happy Morning!" in Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.) Venantius Honorius Clematianus Fortunatus (b. Cenada, near Treviso, Italy, c. 530; d. Poitiers, France, 609) was educated at Ravenna and Milan and was converted to the Christian faith at an early age. Legend has it that while a student at Ravenna he contracted a disease of the eye and became nearly blind. But he was miraculously healed after anointing his eyes with oil from a lamp burning before the altar of St. Martin of Tours. In gratitude Fortunatus made a pilgrimage to that saint's shrine in Tours and spent the rest of his life in Gaul (France), at first traveling and composing love songs. He developed a platonic affection for Queen Rhadegonda, joined her Abbey of St. Croix in Poitiers, and became its bishop in 599. His Hymns far all the Festivals of the Christian Year is lost, but some of his best hymns on his favorite topic, the cross of Jesus, are still respected today, in part because of their erotic mysticism. Bert Polman ================== Fortunatus, Venantius Honorius Clementianus, was born at Ceneda, near Treviso, about 530. At an early age he was converted to Christianity at Aquileia. Whilst a student at Ravenna he became almost blind, and recovered his sight, as he believed miraculously, by anointing his eyes with some oil taken from a lamp that burned before the altar of St. Martin of Tours, in a church in that town. His recovery induced him to make a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Martin, at Tours, in 565, and that pilgrimage resulted in his spending the rest of his life in Gaul. At Poitiers he formed a romantic, though purely platonic, attachment for Queen Rhadegunda, the daughter of Bertharius, king of the Thuringians, and the wife, though separated from him, of Lothair I., or Clotaire, king of Neustria. The reader is referred for further particulars of this part of the life of Fortunatus to Smith and Wace's Dictionary of Christian Biography, vol. ii. p. 552. It is sufficient to say here that under the influence of Rhadegunda, who at that time lived at Poitiers, where she had founded the convent of St. Croix, Fortunatus was ordained, and ultimately, after the death of Rhadegunda in 597, became bishop of Poitiers shortly before his own death in 609. The writings, chiefly poetical, of Fortunatus, which are still extant, are very numerous and various in kind; including the liveliest Vers de Societé and the grandest hymns; while much that he is known to have written, including a volume of Hymns for all the Festivals of the Christian Year, is lost. Of what remains may be mentioned, The Life of St. Martin of Tours, his Patron Saint, in four books, containing 2245 hexameter lines. A complete list of his works will be found in the article mentioned above. His contributions to hymnology must have been very considerable, as the name of his lost volume implies, but what remains to us of that character, as being certainly his work, does not comprise at most more than nine or ten compositions, and of some of these even his authorship is more than doubtful. His best known hymn is the famous "Vexilla Regis prodeunt," so familiar to us in our Church Hymnals in some English form or other, especially, perhaps, in Dr. Neale's translation, "The Royal Banners forward go." The next most important composition claimed for him is "Pange, lingua, gloriosi praelium certaminis," but there would seem to be little doubt according to Sirmond (Notis ad Epist. Sidon. Apollin. Lib. iii., Ep. 4), that it was more probably written by Claudianus Mamertus. Besides these, which are on the Passion, there are four hymns by Fortunatus for Christmas, one of which is given by Daniel, "Agnoscat omne saeculum," one for Lent, and one for Easter. Of "Lustra sex qui jam peregit," of which an imitation in English by Bishop. Mant, "See the destined day arise," is well-known, the authorship is by some attributed to Fortunatus, and by some to St. Ambrose. The general character of the poetry of Venantius Fortunatus is by no means high, being distinguished neither for its classical, nor, with very rare exceptions, for its moral correctness. He represents the "last expiring effort of the Latin muse in Gaul," to retain something of the "old classical culture amid the advancing tide of barbarism." Whether we look at his style, or even his grammar and quantities, we find but too much that is open to criticism, whilst he often offends against good taste in the sentiments he enunciates. Occasionally, as we see in the "Vexilla Regis," he rises to a rugged grandeur in which he has few rivals, and some of his poems are by no means devoid of simplicity and pathos. But these are the exceptions and not the rule in his writings, and we know not how far he may have owed even these to the womanly instincts and gentler, purer influence of Rhadegunda. Thierry, in his Récits des Temps Mérovingiens, Récit 5, gives a lively sketch of Fortunatus, as in Archbishop Trench's words (Sacred Latin Poetry, 1874,p. 132), "A clever, frivolous, self-indulgent and vain character," an exaggerated character, probably, because one can hardly identify the author of "Vexilla Regis," in such a mere man of the world, or look at the writer of "Crux benedicta nitet, Dominus qua carne pependit" q.v., as being wholly devoid of the highest aspirations after things divine. A quarto edition of his Works was published in Rome in 1786. [Rev. Digby S. Wrangham, M.A.] - John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ==================== Fortunatus, V. H. C., p. 384, i. The best edition of his poems is F. Leo's edition of his Opera Poetica, Berlin, 1881 (Monumenta Germaniae, vol. iv.). --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Donald Fishel

b. 1950 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15 Author of "Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks" in Psalter Hymnal (Gray)

Alfred V. Fedak

b. 1953 Person Name: Alfred Victor Fedak (b. 1953) Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:55-57 Composer of "ECCE, DEUS" in Church Hymnary (4th ed.) Alfred Fedak (b. 1953), is a well-known organist, composer, and Minister of Music at Westminster Presbyterian Church on Capitol Hill in Albany, New York. He graduated from Hope College in 1975 with degrees in organ performance and music history. He obtained a Master’s degree in organ performance from Montclair State University, and has also studied at Westminster Choir College, Eastman School of Music, the Institute for European Studies in Vienna, and at the first Cambridge Choral Studies Seminar at Clare College, Cambridge. As a composer, he has over 200 choral and organ works in print, and has three published anthologies of his work (Selah Publishing). In 1995, he was named a Visiting Fellow in Church Music at Episcopal Seminary of the Soutwest in Austin, Texas. He is also a Fellow of the American Guild of Organists, and was awarded the AGO’s prestigious S. Lewis Elmer Award. Fedak is a Life Member of the Hymn Society, and writes for The American Organist, The Hymn, Reformed Worship, and Music and Worship. He was a member of the Presbyterian Committee on Congregational Song that prepared Glory to God, the 2013 hymnal of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Laura de Jong

Felipe Blycker-J

Person Name: F. B. J. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-10 Arranger of "MICHAEL'S BOAT" in Celebremos Su Gloria Spanish name used by Phillip W. Blycker. See also

Harry Emerson Fosdick

1878 - 1969 Person Name: Harry E. Fosdick, 1878-1969 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 Author of "God of Grace and God of Glory" in Community of Christ Sings Born: May 24, 1878, Buf­fa­lo, New York. Died: Oc­to­ber 5, 1969, Bronx­ville, New York. Fosdick at­tend­ed Col­gate Un­i­ver­si­ty, Un­ion The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­a­ry, and Co­lum­bia Un­i­ver­si­ty. Or­dained in 1903, he pas­tored at the First Bap­tist Church in Mont­clair, New Jer­sey, from 1904 to 1915. At Un­ion The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­a­ry, he lec­tured on Bap­tist prin­ci­ples and hom­i­le­tics (1908-1915) and was pro­fess­or of prac­ti­cal the­ol­o­gy (1915-1946). He al­so found time to serve as as­so­ci­ate min­is­ter at the First Pres­by­ter­i­an Church in Man­hat­tan, New York (1919-1925), and pas­tor of Park Av­e­nue Bap­tist Church (1929-1946). His pic­ture was on the co­ver of Time magazine, Sep­tem­ber 21, 1925. His works in­clude: A Guide to Understanding the Bi­ble, 1938 The Living of These Days (an autobiography), 1956 A Book of Pub­lic Pray­ers, 1960 © The Cyber Hymnal™ (

Rick Founds

b. 1954 Person Name: Rick Founds, b. 1954 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 Author of "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High (Tu nombre levantaré)" in Santo, Santo, Santo

Martin H. Franzmann

1907 - 1976 Person Name: Martin H. Franzmann, 1907-1976 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 Translator of "With High Delight Let Us Unite" in Christian Worship Born: January 29, 1907, Lake City, Minnesota. Died: March 28, 1976, Cambridge, England.

Henry Elliott Fox

1841 - 1926 Person Name: Henry E. Fox (1841-1926) Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-5 Author of "Send out the gospel! Let it sound" in Church Hymnary (4th ed.) Fox, Henry Elliott, M.A., son of Henry Watson Fox, born at Masulipatam, S. India, on Oct. 21, 1841, and educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge; B.A. (3rd class Cl. Trip.) 1864; M.A. 1869. Ordained in 1869, he was Curate of St. Ebbe, Oxford, 1869-73; Vicar of Christ Ch., Westminster, 1873-82, and of St. Nicholas, Durham, 1882-1895. From 1895 he has been Hon. Sec. of the C.M.S. He is also Commiss. for Uganda (1890), and Mombasa (1900). His deep interest in Foreign Missions is well known. He became a Preb. of St. Paul's in 1901. His hymns in common use include the following:— 1. 0 King of glory, God of grace. [Foreign Missions.] Written in 1899 for the centenary of the C.M.S., and included in the Church Missionary Society Hymn Book of the same year. 2. Send forth the Gospel! Let it run. [Foreign Missions.] Contributed to the C. M. H. Book, 1899, and repeated in Hymns of Consecration and Faith, 1902. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Michael Forster

b. 1946 Person Name: Michael Forster, b. 1946 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20-23 Author of "Going home, moving on" in Singing the Faith

John Fawcett

1740 - 1817 Person Name: John Fawcett, 1740-1817 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 Author of "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" in Common Praise (1998) An orphan at the age of twelve, John Fawcett (b. Lidget Green, Yorkshire, England, 1740; d. Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire, 1817) became apprenticed to a tailor and was largely self-educated. He was converted by the preaching of George Whitefield at the age of sixteen and began preaching soon thereafter. In 1765 Fawcett was called to a small, poor, Baptist country church in Wainsgate, Yorkshire. Seven years later he received a call from the large and influential Carter's Lane Church in London, England. Fawcett accepted the call and preached his farewell sermon. The day of departure came, and his family's belongings were loaded on carts, but the distraught congregation begged him to stay. In Singers and Songs of the Church (1869), Josiah Miller tells the story associated with this text: This favorite hymn is said to have been written in 1772, to commemorate the determination of its author to remain with his attached people at Wainsgate. The farewell sermon was preached, the wagons were loaded, when love and tears prevailed, and Dr. Fawcett sacrificed the attraction of a London pulpit to the affection of his poor but devoted flock. Fawcett continued to serve in Wainsgate and in the nearby village of Hebden Bridge for the remainder of his active ministry. Bert Polman =============== Fawcett, John, D.D., was born Jan. 6, 1739 or 1740, at Lidget Green, near Bradford, Yorks. Converted at the age of sixteen under the ministry of G. Whitefield, he at first joined the Methodists, but three years later united with the Baptist Church at Bradford. Having begun to preach he was, in 1765, ordained Baptist minister at Wainsgate, near Hebden Bridge, Yorks. In 1772 he was invited to London, to succeed the celebrated Dr. J. Gill, as pastor of Carter's Lane; the invitation had been formally accepted, the farewell sermon at Wainsgate had been preached and the wagons loaded with his goods for removal, when the love and tears of his attached people prevailed and he decided to remain. In 1777 a new chapel was built for him at Hebden Bridge, and about the same time he opened a school at Brearley Hall, his place of residence. In 1793 he was invited to become President of the Baptist Academy at Bristol, but declined. In 1811 he received from America the degree of D.D., and died in 1817, at the age of 78. Dr. Fawcett was the author of a number of prose works on Practical Religion, several of which attained a large circulation. His poetical publications are:— (1) Poetic Essays, 1767; (2) The Christian's Humble Plea, a Poem, in answer to Dr. Priestley against the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1772; (3) Three hymns, in the Gospel Magazine, 1777; (4) The Death of Eumenio, a Divine Poem, 1779; (5) Another poem, suggested by the decease of a friend, The Reign of Death, 1780; and (6) Hymns adapted to the circumstances of Public Worship and Private Devotion, Leeds, G. Wright & Son. 1782. They are 166 in number, and were mostly composed to be sung after sermons by the author. Whilst not attaining a high degree of excellence as poetry, they are "eminently spiritual and practical," and a number of them are found in all the Baptist and Congregational hymn-books that have appeared during the last 100 years. The best known of these are, “Infinite excellence is Thine;" "How precious is the Book divine;" "Thus far my God hath led me on;" "Religion is the chief concern;" "Blest be the tie that binds;" “I my Ebenezer raise;" and "Praise to Thee, Thou great Creator." These hymns, together with others by Fawcett, are annotated under their respective first lines. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] In addition the following hymns, also by Fawcett, but of less importance, are in common use: 1. Behold the sin-atoning Lamb. Passiontide. No. 60 of his Hymns, 1782, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. In several hymnals in Great Britain and America. 2. I my Ebenezer raise. Birthday. No. 102 of his Hymns, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines. Usually given in an abbreviated form. 3. Infinite excellence is Thine. Jesus the Desire of Nations. No. 42 of his Hymns, in 12 stanzas of 4 lines. In several hymn-books in Great Britain and America in an abridged form. 4. Jesus, the heavenly Lover, gave. Redemption in Christ. No. 10 of his Hymns, &c., 1782, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines, and headed, "The marriage between Christ and the Soul." In Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872, it reads, “Jesus, the heavenly Bridegroom, gave," and stanza v. is omitted. 5. Lord, hast Thou made me know Thy ways? Perseverance. No. 122 of his Hymns, &c., 1782, in 8 stanza of 4 lines. In the Baptist Hymnal, 1879, No. 451, stanzas iv.-vii. are omitted. 6. 0 God, my Helper, ever near. New Year. No. 108 of his Hymns, &c., 1782, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. The New Congregational Hymn Book, 1859-69 omits st. vi. 7. 0, my soul, what means this sadness? Sorrow turned to Joy. No. 111 of his Hymns, &c., 1782, in 5 stanzas of 6 lines, and based upon the words, "Why art Thou cast down, O my soul?" &c. It is in common use in America, and usually with the omission of stanza ii. as in Dr. Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, 1872. 8. Sinners, the voice of God regard. Invitation to Repentance. No. 63 of his Hymns, &c., 1782, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines on Isaiah lv. 7, "Let the wicked forsake his way," &c. It is in common use in America, but usually in an abbreviated form. 9. Thy presence, gracious God, afford. Before Sermon. No 165 in his Hymns, &c., in 4 stanzas of 4 lines, and a chorus of two lines. In Dr. Hatfield's Church Hymnbook, 1872, No. 126, the chorus is omitted. Fawcett has another hymn on the same subject (No. 79) and beginning, "Thy blessing, gracious God, afford," but this is not in common use. 10. Thy way, 0 God, is in the sea. Imperfect Knowledge of God. No. 66 in his Hymns, &c., 1782, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines on 1 Corinthians xiii. 9, "We know in part," &c. It is in several American collections, usually abbreviated, and sometimes as, "Thy way, O Lord, is in the sea." In this form it is in The Sabbath Hymn Book, 1858, &c. 11. With humble heart and tongue. Prayer for Guidance in Youth. No. 86 in his Hymns, &c., 1782, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines on Psalms cxix. 9. "Wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way." It is No. 954 in the Baptist Psalms and Hymns, 1858-80. About 20 of Fawcett's hymns are thus still in common use. Two hymns which have been ascribed to him from time to time, but concerning which there are some doubts, are fully annotated under their respective first lines. These are," Humble souls that seek salvation," and "Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing." -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Farmer

1836 - 1901 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15 Composer of "FARMER" in Psalter Hymnal (Gray) Born: Au­gust 16, 1835, Not­ting­ham, Eng­land. Died: Ju­ly 17, 1901, at his home in Ox­ford, Eng­land. Buried: St. Se­pul­chre’s Cem­e­tery, Jer­­icho, Ox­ford, Eng­land. Eldest child of butch­er John Far­mer and mill­in­er Ma­ry Black­shaw Far­mer, John learned to play the pi­a­no, vi­o­lin, and harp when young. He was ap­pren­ticed to his un­cle Hen­ry Far­mer, an or­gan­ist, com­pos­er, and mu­sic teacher with a mu­sic and mu­sic­al in­stru­ment bus­i­ness in Not­ting­ham. At age 14, John went to st­udy at the Leip­zig Con­ser­va­to­ry, then three years lat­er un­der An­dre­as Spaeth in Co­burg for a year. He re­turned to Eng­land in 1853, and en­tered his father’s lace bus­i­ness. Af­ter his mo­ther’s death in 1856, he went to Zür­ich, Switz­er­land, where he taught mu­sic. He re­turned to Eng­land again in 1861, and be­came mu­sic master of Har­row School in 1864, staying there un­til 1885. He then ac­cept­ed an in­vi­ta­tion to be­come or­gan­ist at at Bal­li­ol Coll­ege, Ox­ford, where he found­ed the Ball­i­ol Con­certs. During his ca­reer, Farmer com­posed or­a­tor­i­os, can­ta­tas, church mu­sic, cham­ber mu­sic and nu­mer­ous school songs, es­pe­cial­ly for Harrow School. One of his best known com­po­si­tions was "For­ty Years On," which he wrote at Har­row in 1872. While at Bal­li­ol, he com­posed War­wick School’s first school song, "Here’s a Song For All", in 1892. His other works in­clude: Cinderella The or­a­tor­io Christ and His Sol­diers The crick­et­ing song "Wil­low the King" Music: FARMER © The Cyber Hymnal™ (

W. G. Fischer

1835 - 1912 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:57 Composer of "WONDROUS LOVE" in The Presbyterian Book of Praise William Gustavus Fischer In his youth, William G. Fischer (b. Baltimore, MD, 1835; d. Philadelphia, PA, 1912) developed an interest in music while attending singing schools. His career included working in the book bindery of J. B. Lippencott Publishing Company, teaching music at Girard College, and co-owning a piano business and music store–all in Philadelphia. Fischer eventually became a popular director of music at revival meetings and choral festivals. In 1876 he conducted a thousand-voice choir at the Dwight L. Moody/Ira D. Sankey revival meeting in Philadelphia. Fischer composed some two hundred tunes for Sunday school hymns and gospel songs. Bert Polman

Richard Farrant

1525 - 1580 Person Name: Farrant Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20 Composer of "[Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us]" in The Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged, as adopted by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in the year of our Lord 1892 Like many composers of his day, the early years of Richard Farrant’s (c.1525- November 30, 1580) life are not well documented. The first acknowledgment of him is in a list of the Gentleman of the Chapel Royal in 1552. It is assumed from that list that his birth was around 1525. Although, that cannot be accurately determined. During his life he was able to establish himself as a successful composer, develop the English drama considerably, founded the first Blackfriar Theatre, and be the first to write verse-anthems. He married Anne Bower, daughter of Richard Bower who was Master of the Chapel Royal choristers at the time. With Anne he conceived ten children, one of whom was also named, Richard. As a member of the Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, Farrant was active in ceremonies surrounding the royal family. He began his work with the Chapel Royal around 1550 under the reign of Edward VI. Fortunately, for Farrant, this is a time that saw huge developments in Latin Church Music. Composers like William Byrd and Christopher Tye were busy expanding and elaborating on the Church Music of the day. In Farrant's twelve years with the Chapel Royal, he was able to participate in funerals for Edward VI and Mary I, and coronations for Mary I and Elizabeth I. After his work there, he took up a post as organist at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor. For Farrant, the post at at Windsor became a permanent one that he retained for the rest of his life. Along with this, he also acquired the position of Master of the Chapel Royal choristers in November of 1569. Having the choirs of both of these institutions at his disposal gave him an outlet to showcase all of his compositions and plays. In fact, every winter he was able to produce a play for the Queen herself. These positions also allowed him to move back to London in 1576 and begin a public theater of sorts where he rehearsed some of his choir music openly. It was soon after, in 1580, that he passed away, having left his house to his wife. Unlike many composers of his day that stuck to only music composition, Farrant also wrote many plays. One of his most important contributions to drama in England is of course the creation of the first Blackfriars Theatre. This eventually became one of the most important places in London for drama to develop during the Renaissance. Farrant is also one of the earliest and most well known composers that began to mix the two mediums of music and drama. It was this uncommon mixture that allowed him to begin to develop the composition style of 'verse.' This becomes prominent in a lot of his pieces including the anthems "When as we sat in Babylon" and "Call to remembrance" and "Hide not thou thy face."

Frederick William Faber

1814 - 1863 Person Name: Faber Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:10 Author of "Oh, gift of gifts! oh, grace of faith!" in The Voice of Praise Raised in the Church of England, Frederick W. Faber (b. Calverly, Yorkshire, England, 1814; d. Kensington, London, England, 1863) came from a Huguenot and strict Calvinistic family background. He was educated at Balliol College, Oxford, and ordained in the Church of England in 1839. Influenced by the teaching of John Henry Newman, Faber followed Newman into the Roman Catholic Church in 1845 and served under Newman's supervision in the Oratory of St. Philip Neri. Because he believed that Roman Catholics should sing hymns like those written by John Newton, Charles Wesley, and William Cowpe, Faber wrote 150 hymns himself. One of his best known, "Faith of Our Fathers," originally had these words in its third stanza: "Faith of Our Fathers! Mary's prayers/Shall win our country back to thee." He published his hymns in various volumes and finally collected all of them in Hymns (1862). Bert Polman ================= Faber, Frederick William, D.D., son of Mr. T. H. Faber, was born at Calverley Vicarage, Yorkshire, June 28, 1814, and educated at Balliol College, Oxford, graduating B.A. in 1836. He was for some time a Fellow of University College, in the same University. Taking Holy Orders in 1837, he became Rector of Elton, Huntingdonshire, in 1843, but in 1846 he seceded to the Church of Rome. After residing for some time at St. Wilfrid's, Staffordshire, he went to London in 1849, and established the London "Oratorians," or, "Priests of the Congregation of St. Philip Neri," in King William Street, Strand. In 1854 the Oratory was removed to Brompton. Dr. Faber died Sept. 26, 1863. Before his secession he published several prose works, some of which were in defence of the Church of England; and afterwards several followed as Spiritual Conferences, All for Jesus, &c. Although he published his Cherwell Waterlily and Other Poems, 1840; The Styrian Lake, and Other Poems, 1842; Sir Lancelot, 1844; and The Rosary and Other Poems, 1845; and his Lives of the Saints, in verse, before he joined the Church of Rome, all his hymns were published after he joined that communion. They were included in his:— (1) A small book of eleven Hymns1849, for the School at St. Wilfrid's, Staffordshire. (2) Jesus and Mary: or, Catholic Hymns for Singing and Reading, London 1849. In 1852 the 2nd edition was published with an addition of 20 new hymns. (3) Oratory Hymns, 1854; and (4) Hymns, 1862, being a collected edition of what he had written and published from time to time. Dr. Faber's account of the origin of his hymn-writing is given in his Preface to Jesus & Mary. After dwelling on the influence, respectively, of St. Theresa, of St. Ignatius, and of St. Philip Neri, on Catholicism; and of the last that "sanctity in the world, perfection at home, high attainments in common earthly callings…was the principal end of his apostolate," he says:— “It was natural then that an English son of St. Philip should feel the want of a collection of English Catholic hymns fitted for singing. The few in the Garden of the Soul were all that were at hand, and of course they were not numerous enough to furnish the requisite variety. As to translations they do not express Saxon thought and feelings, and consequently the poor do not seem to take to them. The domestic wants of the Oratory, too, keep alive the feeling that something of the sort was needed: though at the same time the author's ignorance of music appeared in some measure to disqualify him for the work of supplying the defect. Eleven, however, of the hymns were written, most of them, for particular tunes and on particular occasions, and became very popular with a country congregation. They were afterwards printed for the Schools at St. Wilfrid's, and the very numerous applications to the printer for them seemed to show that, in spite of very glaring literary defects, such as careless grammar and slipshod metre, people were anxious to have Catholic hymns of any sort. The manuscript of the present volume was submitted to a musical friend, who replied that certain verses of all or nearly all of the hymns would do for singing; and this encouragement has led to the publication of the volume." In the same Preface he clearly points to the Olney Hymns and those of the Wesleys as being the models which for simplicity and intense fervour he would endeavour to emulate. From the small book of eleven hymns printed for the schools at St. Wilfrid's, his hymn-writing resulted in a total of 150 pieces, all of which are in his Hymns, 1862, and many of them in various Roman Catholic collections for missions and schools. Few hymns are more popular than his "My God, how wonderful Thou art," "O come and mourn with me awhile," and "Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go." They excel in directness, simplicity, and pathos. "Hark, hark, my soul, angelic songs are swelling," and "O Paradise, O Paradise," are also widely known. These possess, however, an element of unreality which is against their permanent popularity. Many of Faber's hymns are annotated under their respective first lines; the rest in common use include:— i. From his Jesus and Mary, 1849 and 1852. 1. Fountain of love, Thyself true God. The Holy Ghost. 2. How shalt thou bear the Cross, that now. The Eternal Years. 3. I come to Thee, once more, O God. Returning to God. 4. Joy, joy, the Mother comes. The Purification. 5. My soul, what hast thou done for God? Self-Examination 6. O how the thought of God attract. Holiness Desired. 7. O soul of Jesus, sick to death. Passiontide. Sometimes this is divided into two parts, Pt. ii. beginning, “My God, my God, and can it be." ii. From his Oratory Hymns, 1854. 8. Christians, to the war! Gather from afar. The Christian Warfare. 9. O come to the merciful Saviour that calls you. Divine Invitation. In many collections. 10. O God, Thy power is wonderful. Power and Eternity of God. 11. O it is sweet to think, Of those that are departed. Memory of the Dead. 12. O what are the wages of sin? The Wages of Sin. 13. O what is this splendour that beams on me now? Heaven. 14. Saint of the Sacred Heart. St. John the Evangelist. iii. From his Hymns, 1862. 15. Father, the sweetest, dearest Name. The Eternal Father. 16. Full of glory, full of wonders, Majesty Divine. Holy Trinity. 17. Hark ! the sound of the fight. Processions. 18. How pleasant are thy paths, 0 death. Death Contemplated. 19. O God, Whose thoughts are brightest light. Thinking no Evil. 20. O why art thou sorrowful, servant of God? Trust in God. 21. Souls of men, why will ye scatter? The Divine Call. 22. The land beyond the sea. Heaven Contemplated. 23. The thought of God, the thought of thee. Thoughts of God. 24. We come to Thee, sweet Saviour. Jesus, our Rest. In addition to these there are also several hymns in common use in Roman Catholic hymn-books which are confined to those collections. In the Hymns for the Year, by Dr. Rawes, Nos. 77, 110, 112, 117, 120, 121, 122, 125, 127, 128, 131, 140, 152, 154,169, 170, 174, 179, 180, 192, 222, 226, 230, 271, 272, are also by Faber, and relate principally to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Several of these are repeated in other Roman Catholic collections. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907 ================== Faber, Frederick William, p. 361, i. To this article the following additions have to be made:— 1. Blood is the price of heaven. Good Friday. (1862.) 2. Exceeding sorrowful to death. Gethsemane. This in the Scottish Ibrox Hymnal, 1871, is a cento from "O soul of Jesus, sick to death," p. 362, i., 7. 3. From pain to pain, from woe to woe. Good Friday. (1854.) 4. I wish to have no wishes left. Wishes about death. (1862.) 5. Why is thy face so lit with smiles? Ascension. (1849.) The dates here given are those of Faber's works in which the hymns appeared. In addition to these hymns there are also the following in common use:— 6. Dear God of orphans, hear our prayer. On behalf of Orphans. This appeared in a miscellaneous collection entitled A May Garland, John Philip, n.d. [1863], No. 1, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Roman Catholic Parochial Hymn Book, 1880, it begins, "O God of orphans, hear our prayer." 7. Sleep, sleep my beautiful babe. Christmas Carol. This carol we have failed to trace. 8. By the Archangel's word of love. Pt. i. Life of our Lord. This, and Pt. ii., “By the blood that flowed from Thee"; Pt. iii., "By the first bright Easter day"; also, "By the word to Mary given"; "By the name which Thou didst take"; in The Crown Hymn Book and other Roman Catholic collections, we have seen ascribed to Dr. Faber, but in the Rev. H. Formby's Catholic Hymns, 1853, they are all signed "C. M. C," i.e. Cecilia M. Caddell (p. 200, i.). --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ====================== Faber, F. W., pp. 361, i.; 1562, ii. We are informed by members of Dr. Faber's family that his father was Mr. Thomas Henry Faber, sometime Lay Secretary of the Bishop of Durham. In addition to his hymns already noted in this Dictionary, the following are found in various Roman Catholic collections, viz.:— i. From St. Wilfrid's Hymns, 1849:— 1. Dear Father Philip, holy Sire. S. Philip Neri. 2. Hail, holy Joseph, hail. S. Joseph. 3. Mother of Mercy, day by day. Blessed Virgin Mary. ii. Jesus and Mary, 1849:— 4. Ah ! dearest Lord! I cannot pray. Prayer. 5. Dear Husband of Mary. S. Joseph. 6. Dear Little One, how sweet Thou art. Christmas. 7. Father and God! my endless doom. Predestination. 8. Hail, holy Wilfrid, hail. S. Wilfrid. 9. O Jesus, if in days gone by. Love of the World. 10. O turn to Jesus, Mother, turn. B. V. M. 11. Sing, sing, ye angel bands. Assum. B. V. M. iii. Jesus and Mary, 1852:— 12. All ye who love the ways of sin. S. Philip Neri. 13. Day set on Rome! its golden morn. S. Philip Neri. 14. Hail, bright Archangel! Prince of heaven. S. Michael. 15. Hail, Gabriel, hail. S. Gabriel. 16. O Flower of Grace, divinest Flower. B. V. M. 17. Saint Philip! 1 have never known. S. Philip Neri. 18. Sweet Saint Philip, thou hast won us. S. Philip Neri. Previously in the Rambler, May, 1850, p. 425. iv. Oratory Hymns, 1854:— 19. Day breaks on temple roofs and towers. Expect. of B. V. M. 20. How gently flow the silent years. S. Martin and S. Philip. 21. How the light of Heaven is stealing. Grace. 22. Like the dawning of the morning. Expect. of B. V. M. 23. Mother Mary ! at thine altar. For Orphans. 24. My God! Who art nothing but mercy and kindness. Repentance. 25. O blessed Father! sent by God. S. Vincent of Paul. 26. O do you hear that voice from heaven? Forgiveness. 27. The chains that have bound me. Absolution. 28. The day, the happy day, is dawning. B. V. M. 29. The moon is in the heavens above. B. V. M. 30. Why art thou sorrowful, servant of God? Mercy. v. Hymns, 1862:— 31. At last Thou art come, little Saviour. Christmas. 32. By the spring of God's compassions. S. Raphael. 33. Fair are the portals of the day. B. V. M. 34. Father of many children. S. Benedict. 35. From the highest heights of glory. S. Mary Magdalene. 36. Like the voiceless starlight falling. B. V. M. 37. Mary! dearest mother. B. V. M. 38. Mother of God, we hail thy heart. B. V. M. 39. O Anne! thou hadst lived through those long dreary years. S. Anne. Previously in Holy Family Hymns, 1860. 40. O balmy and bright as moonlit night. B. V. M. 41. O Blessed Trinity! Thy children. Holy Trinity. 42. O dear Saint Martha, busy saint. S. Martha 43. O Mother, will it always be. B. V. M. 44. O vision bright. B. V. M. 45. Summer suns for ever shining. B. V. M. 46. There are many saints above. S. Joseph. Previously in Holy Family Hymns, 1860. vi. Centos and altered forms:— 47. Confraternity men to the fight. From "Hark the sound of the fight," p. 362, i. 48. Hail, sainted Mungo, hail. From No. 8. 49. I bow to Thee, sweet will of God. From "I worship Thee," p. 559, ii. 50. They whom we loved on earth. From "0 it is sweet to think," p. 362, i. 51. Vincent! like Mother Mary, thou. From No. 25. When Dr. Faber's hymns which are in common use are enumerated, the total falls little short of one hundred. In this respect he outnumbers most of his contemporaries. [Rev. James Mearns] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) -------------- See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

Fulbert of Chartres

960 - 1028 Person Name: Fulbert of Chartres, early 11th cent. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15 Author of "Sing, Choirs of New Jerusalem" in Psalter Hymnal (Gray) Fulbert of Chartres, Saint and Bishop (St. Fulbertus Carnotensis), flourished in the 11th century, having been consecrated Bishop of Chartres (probably) in 1007, and dying on April 10th, 1028. His collected works were published at Paris in 1608, but with the exception of one hymn, "Chorus novae Hierusalem" (q.v.), are very little known. That hymn in its original Latin form was included in the Sarum Breviary, and, in one English form or another, finds a place in most of our English Hymnals as "Ye choirs of New Jerusalem." [Rev. Digby S. Wrangham, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology

John Allen Ferguson

b. 1941 Person Name: John Ferguson, b. 1941 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20 Arranger of "PROMISED ONE" in Christian Worship John Ferguson’s name is immediately associated with hymnody and the words “hymn festival.” Every year he is invited to design and lead such events, both in local congregations and at gatherings of organists, choral conductors, and church musicians. In 1995 he designed and led a hymn festival in the Washington National Cathedral for the American Choral Directors Association national convention and in 1998 did the same at the national convention of the American Guild of Organists in Denver. He has presented such events abroad as well as in Asia (July, 1996 in Seoul, Korea) and Europe (August, 1997) in the National Cathedral of Norway, Nidaros Dom, Trondheim, as a part of the celebration of the millennium of the birth of St. Olaf. Although he is a Lutheran, his festivals are ecumenical experiences drawing upon the greatest treasures of Christian song from many centuries, traditions, and styles. Ferguson is the Elliot and Klara Stockdal Johnson Professor of Organ and Church Music and Cantor to the Student Congregation at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. St. Olaf’s great choral tradition began with F. Meluis Christiansen and has influenced many generations of fine church musicians. Christiansen’s lifelong interest in hymns is evidenced by the many hymns included in his choral compositions as well as his contributions to hymnals of his day. Ferguson’s creative hymn arrangements continue this tradition with a renewed emphasis upon congregational participation. A native of Cleveland, Ferguson’s degrees are from Oberlin College, Kent State University and the Eastman School of Music. He is respected as a fine teacher and performer and his unique skill as improviser and leader of congregational song has won national acclaim. When someone attends one of his festivals, the experience is never dull. With Ferguson at the organ and the creative use of instrumental and choral sound, the assembly is enveloped and whisked away into an experience of song that will never again happen in just that way.

Ben Fielding

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 Author of "Mighty to Save" in Lift Up Your Hearts

Tom Fettke

b. 1941 Person Name: Thomas E. Fettke Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 Arranger of "[The sky shall unfold preparing His entrance]" in Praise for the Lord (Expanded Edition) Thomas E. Fettke (b. Bronx, New York City, 1941) Educated at Oakland City College and California State University, in Hayward, CA, Fettke has taught in several public and Christian high schools and served as minister of music in various churches, all in California. He has published over eight hundred composi­tions and arrangements (some under the pseudonyms Robert F. Douglas and David J. Allen) and produced a number of recordings. Fettke was the senior editor of The Hymnal for Worship and Celebration (1986). Bert Polman

Ian Fraser

b. 1917 Person Name: Ian Masson Fraser (b. 1917) Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:55-58 Author of "Lord, bring the day to pass" in Ancient and Modern

J. A. Fuller-Maitland

1856 - 1936 Person Name: John Alexander Fuller Maitland (1856-1936) Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 Collector of "KINGSFOLD" in Ancient and Modern

Theodore R. Frye

1899 - 1963 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:57 Author of "He's Done So Much for Me" in One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism Frye, Theodore R.; b. Sept. 10, 1899, Fayette, MS, d. Aug. 26, 1963, Chicago, IL; gospel pianist, composer, and publisher)

Billy James Foote

Person Name: Billy Foote Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:24-25 Author of "Sing to the King" in Lift Up Your Hearts Billy Foote started leading worship in 1990, right after graduating from East Texas Baptist University. At first it was just him and his guitar, but after a few years he added a bass player and a drummer, and his wife Cindy joined on vocals. In the late 90s, he began to write music. Around 2000, Foote developed a neurological condition called hyper-dysphonia, which greatly affected his vocals. Cindy took over singing the lead vocals when touring or recording, but Foote continued to write. Some of his more well-known songs are "Amazing Love (You are My King)," "Sing to the King," and "You are God Alone." Laura de Jong

Evan A. Fry

1902 - 1959 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-3 Composer of "SALU" in The Hymnal

Donald R. Frederick

Person Name: Don Frederick Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:54-56 Harmonizer of "ENGLE" in Voices Together

Nils Frykman

1842 - 1911 Person Name: Nils Frykman, 1842-1911 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:55 Author of "God, My God, in Heaven Above" in The Covenant Hymnal Born: October 20, 1842, Sunne, Värmland, Sweden (birth name: Nils Larsson). Died: March 30, 1911, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Buried: Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Nils took the name Frykman after the region where he grew up, Fryksdalen. In 1868, he graduated from teachers’ college in Karlstad, and went on to teach in Grums, Norrköping, and Sunne. He preached in the church in Sunne, and around that time began to write hymns. Eventually, his texts were printed in the magazine Sanningsvittnet. However, Frykman’s work was not sanctioned by Sweden’s state church, and almost led to the loss of his job as a teacher. Eventually he did resign his position over a controversy about his children’s baptism by an independent preacher. In 1888, he was called to serve as pastor in the Tabernacle Church in Chicago, Illinois, and later in Salem, Minnesota. After 18 years, he retired to Minneapolis. He also served in the Northwest Mission Association of the Covenant Church, as denominational vice-chairman, Ministerial Board chairman, the Northwest Ministerial Association chairman, and as chairman of the committee to publish the Swedish-American Covenant church’s first hymnal in 1906. His works include: The History of My Songs

João Wilson Faustini

1931 - 2023 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:52 Translator of "What Will Make Our Lives Worth Living?" in When Breaks the Dawn b. 1931, Bariri, São Paulo, Brazil. Presbyterian pastor, choir director, organist, singer, composer, translator, arranger and publisher of largest collection of Sacred Music in the Portuguese language. From 1982 to 1996 - Pastor at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) Newark, NJ St. Paul's Presbyterian Church in Newark is the oldest Brazilian Presbyterian Church in the USA. Retired on December 31, 1996. After Rev. Faustini was a Minister of Music at Second Presbyterian Church of Elizabeth.

Ian Forrester

Person Name: Ian Forrester, 1956- Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20-23 Composer (Verses) of "EASTER ANTHEM" in Together in Song

María Pilar de la Figuera

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15 Tr. al esp. of "Señor, Tú Has Vencido a la Muerte" in Cantos del Pueblo de Dios = Songs of the People of God (2nd ed.)

Mia Fieldes

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:54-58 Author of "Christ Is Risen" in Voices Together Mia Fieldes is a songwriter from Sydney, Australia. She was involved with the worship team at Hillsong Church and recorded with Hillsong United and Hillsong Live. She now lives in Nashville and is worship leader at The Belonging Co. Dianne Shapiro, from, accessed 3/10/2017

Allie R. Fisher

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:57 Composer of "[With the blessed promise of our Father]" in Anthems from the Throne

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