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Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus

Author: Sigmund von Birken ; J. A. Rimbach Meter: Appears in 19 hymnals First Line: Let us ever walk with Jesus, Follow His example pure

Sing, My Soul, to God Who Made Thee

Author: Paul Gerhardt; O. E. Wieland Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Refrain First Line: Heaven and earth may not endure Lyrics: 1. Sing, my soul, to God who made thee, Raise to Heav’n thy grateful voice; All His creatures, singing, bid thee In His goodness now rejoice. Pure and holy love unbounded Fills His tender heart and kind; All who truly serve Him find Rest, by God’s strong arm surrounded. Refrain Heaven and earth may not endure, But God’s love is ever sure. 2. E’en the Son He loved so dearly, Died that we through Him might live, Was e’er love like His, who merely Lived His life in love to give? Holy Spirit, teach and guide me, Fill my heart with loving faith; Faith can break the power of death, Naught I fear with Thee beside me. [Refrain] 3. When I sleep His care surrounds me, With new strength and youth imbues; His unbounded grace confounds me, Each new morn His love renews. In sore trial and temptation He, my Savior, still is near, Bids me, Child do thou not fear, Thou shalt yet see My salvation. [Refrain] Used With Tune: CANTATE DOMINO

I Will Sing My Maker's Praises

Author: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals First Line: I will sing my Maker's praise Lyrics: 1 I will sing my Maker's praises And in him most joyful be, For in all things I see traces Of his tender love for me. Nothing else than love could move him With such deep and tender care Evermore to raise and bear All who try to serve and love him. All things else have but their day; God's great love abides for aye. 2 He so cared for and esteemed me That the Son he loved so well He has given to redeem me From the quenchless flames of hell. O my Lord, the Spring of blessing, Could somehow my finite mind Of your love the limit find, Though my efforts were unceasing? All things else have but their day; God's great love abides for aye. 3 All that for my soul is needful He with loving care provides, Nor of that is he unheedful Which my body needs besides. When my strength cannot avail me, When my pow'rs can do no more, Then will God his strength outpour; In my need he will not fail me. All things else have but their day; God's great love abides for aye. 4 Since there's neither change nor coldness In God's love that on me smiled, I now lift my hands in boldness, Coming to you as your child. Grant me grace, O God, I pray you, That I may with all my might, All my lifetime, day and night, Love and trust you and obey you And, when this brief life is o'er, Praise and love you evermore. Topics: Worship and Praise; Worship and Praise Used With Tune: SOLLT ICH MEINEM GOTT NICHT SINGEN Text Sources: Translation composite

Shall I not my God be praising

Author: Paul Gerhardt; J. Kelly Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: Shall I not my God be praising, And in Him not joyful be? For in all His works amazing, See I not His care for me? Is it not pure love that filleth, And His faithful heart o’erflows, When He ever cares for those, Who do only what He willeth? All things run their course below, God’s love doth for ever flow. As its brood the eagle over, Ever more its wings doth spread. So the Highest aye doth cover With His arms of pow’r my head. In the womb e’en of my mother, When to me He being gave, E’en the life that now I have, Was He then my shield and cover. All things run their course below, God’s love doth for ever flow. Not too great a gift He even Deem’d His only Son to be; Him to death hath freely given, Me from fear of hell to free. Oh! Thou spring of boundless blessing, How could e’er my feeble mind Of Thy depth the bottom find, Though my efforts were unceasing? All things run their course below, God’s love doth for ever flow. And the Holy Ghost to guide me, Noble Leader! He hath giv’n, That He through the world may lead me, Onward to the gate of heav’n. That my heart He may be filling With th’ unclouded light of faith, That can break the pow’r of death, And hell’s rage hath pow’r of stilling. All things run their course below, God’s love doth for ever flow. For my soul’s well-being ever Full provision doth He make, And in ev’ry need deliver, For the body care doth take. When my pow’r, my best endeavour Cometh to extremity, Then my God appears to me, With His might comes to deliver. All things run their course below, God’s love doth for ever flow. All the things in earth and heaven, E’en where’er I turn my eye, For my benefit are given, That they may my need supply. All that’s living, all that’s growing, On the hills or in the woods, In the vales or ’neath the floods, God is for my good bestowing. All things run their course below, God’s love doth for ever flow. When I sleep, His eye is waking, When I wake, He strength’neth me, Each new morn fresh courage taking, I new love and goodness see. Had my God existed never, Had His face not guided me, From such ills so frequently, None could have deliver’d ever. All things run their course below, God’s love doth for ever flow. ’Gainst me many is the weapon, Forg’d by Satan’s enmity, But no real hurt can happen, None hath yet befallen me. God’s own angel whom He sendeth, Wardeth off each deadly blow Aim’d by the untiring foe, Who our ruin thus intendeth. All things run their course below, God’s love doth for ever flow. As a father ne’er withdraweth From his child his love away, Though he often evil doeth, And from wisdom’s paths doth stray. So God’s heart towards me moveth, All my sins forgiveth He, Not in vengeance smiteth me, As a Father He reproveth. All things run their course below, God’s love doth for ever flow. Ev’ry blow His hand inflicteth, Though the heart with pain it rend, When my heart aright reflecteth, Is a token that my Friend Thinks on me, and tow’rds me yearneth, Me from this ill world would free, That has so entangled me, By the cross to Him me turneth. All things run their course below, God’s love doth for ever flow. This I know full well, and never Let it from my mind depart, Christ’s cross hath its limit ever, And at length must cease to smart. When the winter snows are over Lovely summer will appear, Who can hope, from ev’ry fear, And from pain, shall they recover. All things run their course below, God’s love doth for ever flow. In God’s love there is no ending, Ne’er a limit find I there, So my hands to Thee extending, As Thy child, I raise my pray’r. Father! deign Thy grace to give me, That I may with all my might Thee embrace both day and night, All my life may never leave thee, And when life is o’er with me, Love and praise eternally. Paul Gerhardt’s Spiritual Songs, 1867

Sollt' Ich Meinem Gott Nicht Singen?

Author: Paul Gerhardt Meter: Appears in 81 hymnals First Line: Sollt’ ich meinem Gott nicht singen? Lyrics: 1 Sollt’ ich meinem Gott nicht singen? Sollt’ ich ihm nicht fröhlich sein? Denn ich seh’ in allen Dingen, Wie so gut er’s mit mir mein’. Ist doch nichts als lauter Lieben, Das sein treues Herze regt, Das ohn’ Ende hebt und trägt, Die in seinem Dienst sich üben. Alles Ding währt seine Zeit, Gottes Lieb’ in Ewigkeit. 2 Sein Sohn ist ihm nicht zu teuer, Nein, er gibt ihn für mich hin, Daß er mich vom ew’gen Feuer Durch sein teures Blut gewinn’. O du unergründ’ter Brunnen, Wie will doch mein schwacher Geist, Ob er sich gleich hoch befleißt, Deine Tief’ ergründen können? Alles Ding währt seine Zeit, Gottes Lieb’ in Ewigkeit. 3 Meiner Seele Wohlergehen Hat er ja recht wohl bedacht. Will dem Leibe Not zustehen, Nimmt er’s gleichfalls wohl in acht. Wenn mein Können, mein Vermögen Nichts vermag, nichts helfen kann, Kommt mein Gott und hebt mir an Sein Vermögen beizulegen. Alles Ding währt seine Zeit, Gottes Lieb’ in Ewigkeit. 4 Wenn ich schlafe, wacht sein Sorgen Und ermuntert mein Gemüt, Daß ich alle lieben Morgen Schaue neue Lieb’ und Güt’. Wäre mein Gott nicht gewesen, Hätte mich sein Angesicht Nicht geleitet, wär’ ich nicht Aus so mancher Angst genesen. Alles Ding währt seine Zeit, Gottes Lieb’ in Ewigkeit. 5 Wie ein Vater seinem Kinde Sein Herz niemals ganz entzeucht, Ob es gleich bisweilen Sünde Tut und aus der Bahne weicht: Also hält auch mein Verbrechen Mir mein frommer Gott zugut, Will mein Fehlen mit der Rut’ Und nicht mit dem Schwerte rächen. Alles Ding währt seine Zeit, Gottes Lieb’ in Ewigkeit. 6 Weil denn weder Ziel noch Ende Sich in Gottes Liebe find’t, Ei, so heb’ ich meine Hände Zu dir, Vater, als dein Kind, Bitte, woll’st mir Gnade geben, Dich aus aller meiner Macht Zu umfangen Tag und Nacht Hier in meinem ganzen Leben, Bis ich dich nach dieser Zeit Lob’ und lieb’ in Ewigkeit. Used With Tune: SOLLT' ICH MENEM GOTT
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Peace be to thy every dwelling

Author: C. A. Pohlman Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Peace be to thy every dwelling, City by Jehovah blest; Who, His grace to thee revealing Thee preserves in peace and rest. May His presence still attend thee; May'st thou sit by day and night In His shadow with delight; His all-powerful arm defend thee; Prize, O prize, thy lot of grace; Live unto thy Savior's praise. 2 Lord, we fervently implore Thee, That, while pilgrims here below, We may walk in truth before Thee, And in all Thy knowledge grow; Showing forth Thy matchless praises; Thou who, out of sin's dark night, Hast to Thine own marvelous light Called Thy people, O Lord Jesus: Keep and seal us ever Thine, Leave with us Thy peace divine. Topics: Close of Service; Worship in General Close of Service; Church of Christ; Close of Service Used With Tune: [Peace be to thy every dwelling]

Lord and Savior, Do You Hear Us

Author: Carol Geisler Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal

Je Veux Exalter La Gloire

Author: Paul Gerhardt; J. D. Claudi Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal

Joyously I'll Praise My Savior

Author: Paul Gerhardt; Michael D. Schultz Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal
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I will sing to my Creator

Author: Rev. Paul Gerhardt, 1607-1676 Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Christians Blessings of; Creation and Providence; Dependence on God; God Goodness of; God Grace of ; God the Father Used With Tune: THANSKGIVING (HAMBURG)

Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus

Author: Sigismund von Birken, 1626-81 Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Baptismal Life Scripture: Matthew 16:24 Used With Tune: LASSET UNS MIT JESU ZIEHEN Text Sources: The Lutheran Book of Worship, 1978, Tr. alt.

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