1 At the birth of Christ our King,
Angels made the heavens ring,
Singing, with a solemn joy,
“Glory to the Lord on high.”
2 Glory in the highest height,
Blazing with majestic light,
Shines in David’s root and rod,
The incarnate Son of God.
3 Sinners here by faith may view,
What Omnipotence can do;
And in measure sweetly trace
The rich treasures of his grace.
4 Come, ye mourning souls, rejoice;
Look, and, with a cheerful voice,
Sing the honours of your Lord,
Blazing in the incarnate Word.
5 Soon the whole elect shall view
All the glory God can show!
And in bliss immortal sing,
Hallelujah to their King.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #518