1 Awake! let songs of joy and gladness ring
Unto Him, unto Him,
Let men with angels join His praise to sing,
Hallelujah to His name!
He suffered for me,
He bled and died on the tree,
Forever His shall the praise and glory be!
We’ll love, magnify, adore
And praise Him forevermore,
Hallelujah to the King!
Praise Him, we will praise Him,
We’ll laud and magnify, exalt and glorify!
His goodness, love and mercy,
O tell again, and yet again!
We’ll praise Him, we will praise Him,
We’ll laud and magnify, exalt and glorify!
He is the mighty Prince of Peace;
His reign of love shall never cease,
O glory, hallelujah to His name!
Amen, Amen.
2 Awake, and render more than songs of praise
Unto Him, unto Him,
For, lo! we’re in the midst of harvest day,
And the Master calls for you;
Look out o’er the plain;
Go forth and gather the grain,
For, doubters, love shorn of works will be in vain.
Go out to the fields of sin
And gather the wand’rers in,
Call them from the broad highways. [Refrain]
Source: The King of Kings: a choice collection of gospel songs, standard hymns, choruses, children's songs, solos, duets, and quartets together with responsive readings for use in evangelistic meetings... #158