1 Awake, Thou Spirit bold and daring,
Bear witness as in days of long ago.
The watchmen on the walls of Zion
Embolden Thou to move against the foe.
May they go forth to lands beyond the sea
And bring the Gentile nations, Lord, to Thee.
2 O that Thy fire might soon be kindled,
O that its flames to ev'ry land might leap!
O Lord, send may faithful servants
Thy harvest fields thro'out the world to reap.
A harvest great presents itself to view,
But they who reap the harvest are so few!
3 The prayer Thy Son Himself has taught us,
We offer it to Thee at His command;
Behold how ev'rywhere Thy children
As suppliants, O Lord, before Thee stand,
With yearning hearts to make this ardent plea;
So hear us, Lord, and say, Thus shall it be!
4 Send hosts of men to preach the Gospel,
In spirit strong, in perils unafraid;
Make haste to help us in our weakness,
And Satan's dark domain with might invade.
The kingdoms of the earth for Thee reclaim,
That ev'ry tongue may bless Thy holy name.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #112