1 Awaken from your idle dreaming
Ye lukewarm Christians now awake!
The Lord with light, from heaven beaming,
The conscience of the world doth shake.
Throw off that sinful sleep before
To you is closed he open door.
2 Awaken that the lurking danger
By heaven's light may disappear!
His gracious light shines from the manger,
And at the cross it quells your fear.
We must arise to spread its fame
And find our joy in Jesus' name.
3 Awaken now ere death is calling
You at an unexpected hour!
Soon old men in its grip are falling,
And also youth may feel its power.
Ye do not know the time, nor place,
Do therefore wake and seek God's grace.
4 Awake, be for God's summons ready
When He to judgment calleth you!
In faith and love be ever steady,
His gracious will with ardor do!
Oh, take the strait and narrow way,
For quickly cometh judgment day.
5 Awake, awake, 'tis Jesus crying,
Arise, throw off that sinful sleep!
It is too late when ye are dying
And sinking into darkness deep.
Ye here in Christ must now believe,
Awake, arise, and Him receive.
Source: Hymnal for Church and Home (2nd ed.) #182