1 Be thou my troubled soul at peace,
And let thy sorrows end;
Remember Christ, thy Saviour is:
Thy brother and thy friend.
2 Should Satan, sin and world upbraid
Thy doubts and fears to raise;
Let not their threats make thee afraid,
Or doubt of pard'ning grace.
3 He knows thy wants and thy complaints,
Should he awhile forbear;
Remember that the greatest saints
Had many doubts and fears.
4 Should God appear from thee to hide,
And all thy pray'rs disdain:
Yet shall his love to thee abide,
And shew his face again.
5 The bruised reed will he not break,
The broken heart he heals'
He pities such for Jesus' sake,
Who for their sorrows feels.
6 He will not quench the smoking flax,
But as his promise saith:
The troubled mind will he not vex,
But help the weak in faith.
7 Were all the pow'rs of darkness join'd,
To take thy peace away,
In Christ the feeble saint shall find;
Such faith as gains the day.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CCCIII