1 Before all worlds, the glorious plan,
The blest eternal deed,
Was settled by the eternal Three,
That Christ for man should bleed.
2 Astonished angels stand amazed,
That Christ should die for man;
This proves the eternal love of God,
Who gloried in his plan.
3 But what can poor lost sinners say,
When once they get a view;
And hear the blessed Spirit say,
“All this was done for you”?
4 “Why me, why me, O blessed God,
Why such a wretch as me?
Who must for ever lie in hell,
Were not salvation free.”
5 All those that God had foreordained,
These shall and must believe;
Not all the craft of earth or hell
Shall one of these deceive.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #680