1 Behold the Man of sorrows,
Who walked in Israel’s land,
With word of mighty power,
And ready helping hand.
He’s full of great compassion,
He’ll do the same for thee
As for the lost and suff’ring
Who dwelt in Galilee.
2 The blind men by the wayside,
“Have mercy on us,” cried,
And Jesus heard and healed them;
Their plea was not denied. [Refrain]
3 They bro’t a palsied sinner,
“Arise, take up thy bed,
Thy sins are all forgiven,”
To him the Savior said. [Refrain]
4 The suff’ring thronged about him,
He healed them ev’ry one;
As soon as he had spoken,
The mighty work was done. [Refrain]
5 Although to heav’n ascended,
He lives for us today;
And if we ask, believing,
He’ll answer when we pray. [Refrain]
Source: Truth in Song: for General Gospel Work #143