1 Beyond this vale of sorrow,
Beyond the silent river,
Shall dawn a brighter morrow,
When joy shall reign forever.
Christ ascended to prepare
Dwelling places there,
In His Father’s house on high;
He is coming to receive
All who faithful live,
And will bear them to the ski.
2 He who the word hath spoken,
“Ye shall have tribulation,”
Hath given us a token
Of final consolation. [Refrain]
3 When death’s dark shades encroaching
Shall end life’s day of sadness,
Eternal morn approaching
Will thrill the soul with gladness. [Refrain]
4 Be brave, my soul, till morning
Breaks on thy raptured vision;
Light shall be thine adorning
In yonder realms elysian. [Refrain]
Source: The Glad Refrain for the Sunday School: a new collection of songs for worship #12